taken | My game for Ludum Dare
kandi X-RAY | taken Summary
kandi X-RAY | taken Summary
My game for Ludum Dare 20
Top functions reviewed by kandi - BETA
- Display the button
- Creates a new robot
- Process a world file
- Invoked when an entity is removed from the physics world
- Remove a contact with the specified body
- Display the UI
- Load the resources
- Updates target component
- Returns true if this member is in contact
- Update the game button
- Disposes resources
- Update the game
- Updates walking
- Updates the body constraints
- Removes the power up from the entity
- Trigger collision detection
- Render the sprites
- Updates the target
- Process the entity
- Processes the image
- Create the screen
- Process the physics component
- Render the sprite
- Process an entity
- Select a character
- Apply the force to the component
taken Key Features
taken Examples and Code Snippets
function unableToUpdateDepVersion(
pkgName: string,
depName: string,
version: string
): Message {
return `Unable to update package ${normalPkg(pkgName)} dependency ${normalPkg(
)} to version ${goodVer(version)}`;
Community Discussions
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I'm trying to understand how parallelization works in Durable Function. I have a durable function with the following code:
Answered 2021-Jun-10 at 08:44There are two approaches that are possible. The first is to use a suborchestrator for each job so that each suborchestrator handles just a specific job. Here is the docs for this approach https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/azure-functions/durable/durable-functions-sub-orchestrations?tabs=csharp Example from docs seem to be alike to yours.
The other is to use ContinueWith so that each job has its own "chain"
I have a list (dput() below) that has 4 datasets.I also have a variable called 'u' with 4 characters. I have made a video here which explains what I want and a spreadsheet is here.
The spreadsheet is not exactly how my data looks like but i am using it just as an example. My original list has 4 datasets but the spreadsheet has 3 datasets.
Essentially i have some characters(A,B,C,D) and i want to find the proportions of times each character occurs in each column of 3 groups of datasets.(Check video, its hard to explain by typing it out)
Answered 2021-Jun-09 at 19:00We can loop over the list
'l' with lapply
, then get the table
for each of the columns by looping over the columns with sapply
after converting the column to factor
with levels
specified as 'u', get the proportions
, t
ranspose, convert to data.frame
), split by row (asplit
- MARGIN = 1), then use transpose
from purrr
to change the structure so that each column from all the list
elements will be blocked as a single unit, bind them with bind_rows
When a divide-and-conquer recursive function doesn't yield runtimes low enough, which other improvements could be done?
Let's say, for example, this power
function taken from here:
Answered 2021-Jun-15 at 17:36The primary optimization you should use here is common subexpression elimination. Consider your first piece of code:
The below code is a method for my constructor for the class Word which is part of a word-search app I am building.
Answered 2021-Jun-15 at 15:12What is happening in your code:
You have an object coord
. You are pushing its reference to the array, in each iteration. All your array elements point to coord
. You are changing the properties of the object coord
again in turn changing your array elements.
Hey to all in the forum
I use JSF Mojarra implementation, version JSF 2.2
I need desperately a help on this.
- I have a snippet of my page.
- I have a custom component "example_result.xhtml" used in the page.
- I have my BackingBean.java Be aware please that this code is not the real code I made. If you run it, it will be very ugly maybe because I deleted all the css classes and I kept only the hot stuff I need to show you my problem.
Everything is inside 1 form.
The 5 "h:selectManyCheckbox" (in my code I have 8 or 9)
In the form I have 5 "h:selectManyCheckbox" which are using values in the "value" attribute for different cases (javaFrameworks2Values, javaFrameworks3Values,...), and the "f:selectItems" use arrays of "SelectItem" (javaFrameworksSelectItems2, javaFrameworksSelectItems3...) created for these different cases, just to make some examples for me to understand how all the selectOne and selectMany components work. The ideas for this, about different cases were taken from these links: "https://stackoverflow.com/tags/selectonemenu/info" and "https://mkyong.com/jsf2/jsf-2-checkboxes-example".
After I have 2 commandButtons
1 for submit, and 1 for reset the values.
Display the values
After I display the results of the values of the "h:selectManyCheckbox" via the "example_result.xhtml".
You can see the 4th "h:selectManyCheckbox" that is the only one different, because it has the attribute "required" with the attribute "requiredMessage". With it there is a "h:message" to display the validation error.
In the BackingBean (which is Spring Bean, but it works perfectly good - sorry I don't want ejbs 3.x), I have initialized:
- The values of the SelectItems and
- The values of the "value" attribute, where the values of the "h:selectManyCheckbox" will be stored to be displayed later. [The code is completely castrated, to make it readable snippet].
When the page is rendered, I select checkBoxes (e.g. the 2 last, because the 2 first are initials) from all the "h:selectManyCheckbox". When I say that select from all, I mean it. And from the 4th with the "required" attribute. I try in the buttons (see in the code) the "Effort 1", or "Effort 2", or "Effort 3" (in the "f:ajax" in the buttons) and the result outputs in the last part are displayed and updated like a candy. Without any problem. To achive this with the composite component I googled and tried a lot. But I made it.
Then it comes the time to try the 4th to see the validation error of the "required" attribute.
I select again from all as before, but not from all. NOT from the 4th "h:selectManyCheckbox" this time. I select nothing from the 4th "h:selectManyCheckbox" to ckeck the validator error message ("requiredMessage"). The result is: It displays the message of error (GOOD until now), BUT this time it does not update anything from the others "h:selectManyCheckbox" to the output results at the end, and it does not reset the values as well as it was doing before (when I selected from all and from the 4th as well).
I understand that it says: as long as in the form the 4th failed with validation error, all the other "h:selectManyCheckbox" will not update the output results (something like wanting to fail all the others too).
But what really happes here?
- It does not give the values to the "h:selectManyCheckbox", to be updated to the output?
- It gives the vales to the "h:selectManyCheckbox" normally, BUT it just not updates the output?
The other efforts in the "f:ajax" in the buttons, are just efforts maybe to solve the problem but in these cases they don't even display the error message in the 4th case and of cource they don't update the other output results as well (again). But no message error as well.
I don't know if the problem is clear to you. I can explain in the discussion better so I can clarify the situation better. [To be honnet it took me 1 and half hour to write all this thing]
Thanks a lot in advance
========== Snippet from my page ==========
Answered 2021-Jun-15 at 14:11After a lot of discussing with the only person who wanted to help to my issue here (and I thank him @WoAiNii for this a lot), I decided to post my solution:
I will make 5 different forms with 5 set of buttons (submit/reset), to make escalate this problem, for 5 so much related components in the form.
But my question is open: Why this is happening, what rule in JSF in this case is taking place and makes this situation. Anyone, comes with an explanation:
- Thomas: this is a rule in JSF, or
- is a JSF bug, or
- this happens in these cases, or... whatever...,
I will be glad to read it here so I will learn better, and others to will learn from these ideas of yours. Thanks a lot
I made a node JS application using Hapi on Windows 10. After testing it locally, the script start
would run without any problem. here is the start script inside the package.json
Answered 2021-Jun-15 at 10:13You need to quote the *
: nodemon -e "*" src/server.js
Unlike Windows' cmd, Linux shells expand wildcards (as you can see in the command actually run, above the error). In Windows it's up to the program you are calling to expand wildcards. Since that is what you want in case of nodemon, it worked "by chance" on Windows without escaping the asterisk because it doesn't have any special meaning to cmd, but in Linux it will get expanded and that's not what you want.
I have some collections and I am trying to transform a log object into its details (using populate
(company with its users):
Answered 2021-Jun-15 at 09:43Convert the below Aggregation Pipeline code to Mongoose Equivalent to get the output you desire.
This while loop is in server program and read call is linked to client via connfd which passes buff as name of file taken fom user via gets and passed through write call. if i paste "filename.txt" in fopen 1st argument it works but this buff as an argument causes fopen to report error as "No such file or directory". :( any help appriciated
Answered 2021-Jun-14 at 22:52read(connfd, buff, sizeof(buff))
I'm trying to make a small simulation of traveling salesman in Unity C# and I can't get through this, my code looks right but start and nxtCity vectors always result in the same position, I really can't understand why, could any of you help?
cities is the number of total cities
positions is the array of cities taken from cities generator these two values are right in unity editor
Here the code:
Answered 2021-Jun-11 at 00:22Unity's Random.Range with (int, int) overload (NOT float, float) generates random number in range [min; max), max is exclusive, so if you call var randomInt = Random.Range(0, 1)
result will be always 0. var randomInt = Random.Range(0, 2)
would be 0 or 1, e.t.c
The situation:
I am using React in the front-end and a Flask api server. I am wanting to send the data from React to the api and once I have done this I would like to use WTForms to run validations on the data before handling it. The question may seem similar to CSRF Protection with Flask/WTForms and React , but this does not answer the question, please take a look through I have put a lot of effort in writing a good question.
What I have
Currently the data is being sent successfully as a json object, where the keys match the names within the wtform structure, the aim is to get wtforms to take that json data and insert it into the object and and handle from there as normal
The JSON object being sent
Answered 2021-Feb-01 at 14:53I found the answer too this.
In order to do this I ended up using the wtforms_json from json methodas below:
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You can use taken like any standard Java library. Please include the the jar files in your classpath. You can also use any IDE and you can run and debug the taken component as you would do with any other Java program. Best practice is to use a build tool that supports dependency management such as Maven or Gradle. For Maven installation, please refer maven.apache.org. For Gradle installation, please refer gradle.org .
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