How to use despine() method in seaborn

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by gayathrimohan dot icon Updated: Aug 17, 2023

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The seaborn.despine() method is part of the Seaborn library in Python. It removes the default spines (the borders) of a plot or a specific axis in a plot, such as the top and right spines. This helps in enhancing the visual clarity of the plot. It will eliminate unnecessary distractions. You can also customize the appearance of the remaining spines. You can customize this using parameters like left, right, top, bottom, and trim. In Python, you can use the seaborn.despine() method to remove or change the spines of a Seaborn plot. You can also use the method with arguments like left=True or top=False to specify which spines to remove or keep.  

There are a few variations of this method:  

  • seaborn.despine(): This method will remove the top and right spines of the plot by default.  
  • seaborn.despine(trim=True): This method removes the spines. It also trims the whitespace around the plot area.  
  • seaborn.despine(left, right, top, bottom): You can specify which spines to remove. It will set the corresponding arguments to True or False.  
  • seaborn.despine(ax=None, **kwargs): This method allows you to specify the axes object. You should apply the operation to this specified object. To customize the despine behavior, pass more parameters as keyword arguments. These parameters control the offset of the spines from the data area.  

Several techniques you can use with despine():  

  • Default Despining: sns.despine() will remove the top and right spines by default.  
  • Specify Which Spines to Remove: You can pass arguments like left, right, top, and bottom to sns.despine(). You need to specify which spines you want to remove. For example, sns.despine(left=True) will remove the left spine.  
  • Offsetting Spines: You can use the offset parameter to move the spines away from the data area. This is useful when creating space between the data and the plot edges.  
  • Trim the range of spines further by adjusting them. It takes a tuple of two values representing the fraction of the axes' length to trim the spines.  
  • Adjusting Axes Limits: despine() considers the visible data range when trimming spines. You can use the ax parameter to specify a different axis object. That object can help when you've customized the axis limits.  
  • Customizing Despine Effects: use parameters like offset, trim, left, right, top, and bottom. You can fine-tune the despine effects according to your plot's requirements.  

Some benefits of using despine() include:  

  • Improved Aesthetics: By removing the spines, you can create cleaner and less visuals. We direct the viewer's attention to the data instead of the plot borders to achieve this.  
  • Flexibility: Allows you to remove specific spines. Based on your preference, such as the top, right, bottom, or left axes lines.  
  • Subplots: When creating subplots, the despine() method can help drop redundant axes lines. That might otherwise overlap and clutter the plot.  
  • For customization, you can adjust the amount of trimming for the spines. You can fine-tune the appearance of the plot by using the offset parameter.  
  • Integration with Other Styles: despine() is often combined with Seaborn's themes. Users use it to create plots with a consistent aesthetic. You can pair themes like "whitegrid," "darkgrid," etc., with it.  
  • Seaborn builds on top of Matplotlib for compatibility. The despine() function integrates with Matplotlib plots. This allows you to achieve clean aesthetics while utilizing Matplotlib's powerful features. 


In conclusion, we use the seaborn.despine() method in Seaborn. It is a data visualization library in Python. The plot remover uses it to remove the top and right spines, reducing clutter. Seaborn.despine() is a powerful tool in Seaborn's arsenal. That improves plot aesthetics, readability, and customization in a versatile manner. Its main points include:  

  • Enhances readability: The focus remains on the data by removing unnecessary spines.  
  • Customization: It allows you to choose which spines to remove. Also, control their appearance.  
  • Works with various plot types: It applies to several Seaborn plots. Plots like scatter plots, histograms, etc.  

Fig : Preview of the output that you will get on running this code from your IDE.


In this solution we are using seaborn library of Python.


Follow the steps carefully to get the output easily.

  1. Download and Install the PyCharm Community Edition on your computer.
  2. Open the terminal and install the required libraries with the following commands.
  3. Install seaborn - pip install seaborn.
  4. Install matplotlib - pip install matplotlib.
  5. Create a new Python file on your IDE.
  6. Copy the snippet using the 'copy' button and paste it into your Python file.
  7. Remove line no:1 to 7 and remove last three lines from the code and then save the code.
  8. Run the current file to generate the output.

I hope you found this useful.

I found this code snippet by searching for 'How to use despine() method in seaborn' in Kandi. You can try any such use case!

Environment Tested

I tested this solution in the following versions. Be mindful of changes when working with other versions.

  1. PyCharm Community Edition 2022.3.1
  2. The solution is created in Python 3.11.1 Version
  3. seaborn v0.12.2 Version
  4. matplotlib v3.7.1 Version

Using this solution, we can able to use despine() method in seaborn in Python with simple steps. This process also facilities an easy way to use, hassle-free method to create a hands-on working version of code which would help us to use despine() method in seaborn in Python.

Dependent Library

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                                          You can search for any dependent library on 'seaborn' and 'matplotlib'.


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                                          1. What are Seaborn's plotting functions? How do they differ from matplotlib import pyplot?  

                                          Seaborn is a Python data visualization library based on matplotlib. It provides a higher-level interface for creating informative and attractive statistical graphics.   

                                          The key differences between Seaborn and Matplotlib's pyplot include the following:  

                                          • High-level vs. Low-level: Seaborn provides higher-level functions. That must be less code for common visualization tasks. Matplotlib's pyplot offers more control but often requires more code for customization.  
                                          • Default Aesthetics: Seaborn's default settings are generally more appealing. Those settings include color palettes and themes. Matplotlib's defaults might need extra tweaking for a polished look.  
                                          • Integration with Pandas: Seaborn integrates with Pandas DataFrames. That makes it easier to work with structured data. While matplotlib can also work with Pandas, Seaborn simplifies the process.  
                                          • Statistical Visualizations: Seaborn focuses on statistical visualizations. That is like scatter, box, violin, and pair plots. It has built-in functions to create informative visualizations for statistical analysis.  
                                          • Color Palettes: Seaborn offers a variety of built-in color palettes. Different types of data and visualizations optimize those. Matplotlib's color management requires manual effort.  
                                          • Facet Grids: Seaborn provides convenient ways to create facet grids. You can create subplots that share the same axes but show different subsets of the data.  


                                          2. What is the best way to use the Seaborn Color Palette with data visualization?   

                                          Using the Seaborn color palette can enhance your data visualizations. You can set the color palette using the sns.set_palette() function. It would help if you did this before creating your plots. Seaborn provides various built-in palettes. Those palettes are "deep," "pastel," "dark," etc., or you can create custom palettes using color codes.  

                                          • For example, to set a color palette:   

                                          import seaborn as sns  

                                          # Use a built-in palette sns.set_palette("pastel")  

                                          # Create your plots using Seaborn functions sns.scatterplot(x=data['x'], y=data['y']) sns.barplot(x=data['category'], y=data['value'])  

                                          • If you want to use a custom color palette, you can provide a list of colors:   

                                          custom_palette = ["#FF5733", "#C70039", "#900C3F"] sns.set_palette(custom_palette) Remember to tailor the palette to the nature of your data and the goals of your visualization.  


                                          3. How can we use quantile plots to display trends in data sets?  

                                          Quantile plots are also known as quantile-quantile (Q-Q) plots.   

                                          In a quantile plot:  

                                          • One axis plots theoretical quantiles. That represents the expected values from a theoretical distribution.  
                                          • Plots on the other axis show the actual quantiles from the dataset. That represents the observed values.  

                                          Deviations from the line can state trends:  

                                          • If the points deviate upward. Then the dataset's tails are heavier than expected, indicating more extreme values.  
                                          • If the points deviate downward. Then the dataset's tails are lighter than expected, indicating fewer extreme values.  

                                          In the context of trend analysis, quantile plots can help you:  

                                          • Identify skewness  
                                          • Detect outliers  
                                          • Compare distributions  


                                          4. What are some tips for choosing a good plot style when using Seaborn despine?  

                                          When selecting a plot style with Seaborn's despine function, consider these tips:  

                                          • Context and Purpose: Choose a plot style that matches the context. It should also match the purpose of your visualization.   
                                          • Data Emphasis: Pick a style that emphasizes the data rather than distracting elements.   
                                          • Consistency: Maintain consistency with the design of your project.   
                                          • Readability: Rank readability by selecting a style. That ensures the plot elements are clear and easy to interpret.   
                                          • Audience: Consider your audience when choosing a plot style.   
                                          • Publication Guidelines: If your visualization is intended for publication. It ensures that the chosen style adheres to the publication's guidelines.   
                                          • Experimentation: Don't hesitate to experiment with different styles. You use it to determine what works best for your data.   
                                          • Colorblind Accessibility: If your visualization includes color. You should make sure the chosen style takes colorblind accessibility into account.   
                                          • Feedback: Get feedback from colleagues or peers.   
                                          • Personal Preference: Consider your personal preference. While adhering to design principles is crucial, your taste also matters.  

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