how to use findall function in python regex.

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by dot icon Updated: Dec 6, 2023

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Regex is widely used in various programming languages, text editors, and command-line tools. It includes data validation, text search and replace, and parsing.

Learning regex can be immensely beneficial for anyone dealing with text processing. It helps with pattern matching within strings. Regex allows you to create patterns that help match, locate, and manage text. These patterns can be simple or highly complex, enabling you to perform various texts.  


Key points about Regex:  

1. Definition: Regular Expressions (regex) are sequences of characters that define a search.  

2. Basic Components: The Patterns consist of literal characters, metacharacters, and quantifiers.  

3. Metacharacters: The Metacharacters have special meanings.  

Examples include. (dot), * (asterisk), + (plus), ? (question mark), ^ (caret), and $ (dollar sign).  

4. Character Classes: The Square brackets define a character class. This allows the matching of any character within the brackets.  

5. Quantifiers: Quantifiers determine the number of occurrences of a character or group.   

Examples include * (zero or more), + (one or more), and ? (zero or one).  

6. Groups and Capturing: Parentheses () capture and store matched text..  

7. Escape Characters: Backslash helps to escape special characters, allowing them to be literal.  

8. Anchors: Caret anchors the regex at the beginning of a line, and $ (dollar sign) anchors it at the end.  

9. Modifiers: Modifiers like 'i' for case-insensitivity and 'g' for global search impact patterns. 


In conclusion, Regular Expressions are a powerful and versatile tool in the realm of text. The ability to create concise and flexible search patterns allows users to perform. The simple text searches to complex data validation and manipulation. Regex is a valuable skill for programmers, data scientists, and anyone dealing with it.  


Fig: Preview of the output that you will get on running this code from your IDE.


In this solution we are using Regex library of Python.


Follow the steps carefully to get the output easily.

  1. Download and Install the PyCharm Community Edition on your computer.
  2. Open the terminal and install the required libraries with the following commands.
  3. Install Regex - pip install Regex.
  4. Create a new Python file on your IDE.
  5. Copy the snippet using the 'copy' button and paste it into your Python file.
  6. Run the current file to generate the output.

I hope you found this useful.

I found this code snippet by searching for 'python regex find multiple matches with findall' in Kandi. You can try any such use case!

Environment Tested

I tested this solution in the following versions. Be mindful of changes when working with other versions.

  1. PyCharm Community Edition 2023.3.1
  2. The solution is created in Python 3.8 Version
  3. regex 2023.10.3 Version.

Using this solution, we can be able to use findall function in python regex in Python with simple steps. This process also facilities an easy way to use, hassle-free method to create a hands-on working version of code which would help us to use findall function in python regex in Python.

Dependent Library

pregexby manoss96

Python doticonstar image 686 doticonVersion:v2.3.0doticon
License: Permissive (MIT)

PRegEx - Programmable Regular Expressions


            pregexby manoss96

            Python doticon star image 686 doticonVersion:v2.3.0doticon License: Permissive (MIT)

            PRegEx - Programmable Regular Expressions

                      You can search for any dependent library on kandi like 'pregex'.


                      1. What are Python Regular Expressions and what are their benefits?  

                      The re-module provides functions that helps to search, match, and manipulate strings.  

                      1., string)  

                      • Looks for the initial occurrence of a pattern within a specified string.  

                      2. re.match(pattern, string)  

                      • It Check if the pattern matches at the beginning of the string.  

                      3. re.find all (pattern, string)  

                      • Locates every instance of the pattern in the string and provides them in a list.  

                      4. re.finditer(pattern, string)  

                      • Generates an iterator for match objects in each pattern occurrence within the string. 

                      5. re.sub(pattern, replacement, string)  

                      • It Substitute occurrences of the pattern with the replacement string.  


                      2. How do regular expression metacharacters work when used to search for patterns?  

                      Regular expression metacharacters are special characters with predefined meanings. That allows us to define patterns for searching, matching, and manipulating text.  

                      • Dot  
                      • Caret  
                      • Dollar Sign  
                      • Asterisk  
                      • Plus  
                      • Question Mark  
                      • Square Brackets  
                      • Hyphen  
                      • Parentheses  
                      • Backslash  
                      • Braces  
                      • Ampersand  
                      • Exclamation Mark  


                      3. What is the resulting regular expression object created after performing a search?  

                      The match object provides information about the match, such as the start and end. The match in the searched string and matched text of other details. If there's no match result is None.  

                      • group(): Provides the string matched by the regular expression. 
                      • start(): Gives the starting position of the match. 
                      • end(): Provides the ending position of the match. 
                      • span(): Returns a tuple with the (start, end) positions of the match. 


                      4. What does the returned list contain?  

                      The list returned by re. findall() contains all non-overlapping matches of the specified pattern in the input string.  


                      5.Does re.findall() support multiline text?  

                      Yes, re. find all () works with multiline text. You can use the re.MULTILINE or re.DOTALL flags if needed.  



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