Develop Functions Faster

kandi helps you build custom functions, use cases and complete your application faster through code snippet and open source library reuse

Develop a custom function


Simply describe in natural language the custom function or requirement you are looking for.

copy sinppets

Check out the code snippets, review their licenses and dependent libraries. You can directly copy the code snippet to your IDE.


Copy the install command for the dependent library or click on the library to review it in detail and copy the install command

Shortlist and Filter

In scenarios where you are looking to build a larger use case or an application with additional libraries and code snippets, use....

Navigation Tab

to focus specifically on code snippets or libraries to shortlist the building blocks.

Language and License Filters

Filter from over 22 Languages. Select Licenses across Permissive, Weak Copy Left, Strong Copy Left, and other licenses so you can reuse responsibly.

Support, Security, Source Filters

You can filter by the level of community support available (how often the library is updated, issues closed, etc.), security covering reported vulnerabilities, code level vulnerabilities, and hot spots; and also filter by specific repository provider, package manager, or cloud provider.

Topic Bubbles

To help you narrow down specific frameworks that suit your architecture, choose from the dynamic topic bubbles. The topic bubbles are contextually displayed based on your current search and available assets.

Advanced Search Operators


Use double quotes to view the results that matches exact search query.
e.g. "xlm-roberta-base"


Prefix ‘+’ before a word in search query, to specify must include in results.
e.g. +bike rental project in springboot

Prefix ‘-’ before a word in search query, to specify must not include in results.
e.g. how to parse xml -java

Save to My Space

As you shortlist code snippets and libraries, you can save them to My Space for future analysis and easier reuse.

To analyze and understand further, you can click on the code snippet to view any community questions and answers, dependent libraries, and additional code snippets on the topic.

Similarly, click on the library to review its scores, key features, alternatives, code snippets, community discussions, install and download information.

Save to My Space

As you shortlist code snippets and libraries, you can save them to My Space for future analysis and easier reuse.

To analyze and understand further, you can click on the code snippet to view any community questions and answers, dependent libraries, and additional code snippets on the topic.

Similarly, click on the library to review its scores, key features, alternatives, code snippets, community discussions, install and download information.