8 best Ruby Accessibility Testing libraries in 2025
by marketing.admin@openweaver.com Updated: Mar 12, 2023
Guide Kit
Accessibility testing (AT), also known as Accessibility Audit or Accessibility Review, is a software-testing technique used by organizations that develop applications to ensure that the applications are usable by persons with disabilities. The goal of AT is to make sure that persons with disabilities are able to use the application without any difficulty, i.e., they should be able to access all functionalities and information provided by the application. We have created a list of the 6 best open sources Ruby libraries for accessibility testing. This kit contains 6 libraries including stripe-ruby-mock - A mocking library for testing stripe ruby; axe-core-gems - Ruby integration for axecore, the accessibility testing engine; ra11y - Rubybased automated accessibility testing.
stripe-ruby-mockby stripe-ruby-mock
A mocking library for testing stripe ruby
stripe-ruby-mockby stripe-ruby-mock
Ruby 845 Version:3.1.0.rc2 License: Permissive (MIT)
ruby-plsqlby rsim
ruby-plsql gem provides simple Ruby API for calling Oracle PL/SQL procedures. It could be used both for accessing Oracle PL/SQL API procedures in legacy applications as well as it could be used to create PL/SQL unit tests using Ruby testing libraries.
ruby-plsqlby rsim
Ruby 135 Version:v0.8.0 License: Permissive (MIT)
axe-core-gemsby dequelabs
Ruby integration for axe-core, the accessibility testing engine
axe-core-gemsby dequelabs
Ruby 76 Version:v4.6.1 License: Weak Copyleft (MPL-2.0)
ladleby NUBIC
Ladle dishes out steaming helpings of lightweight directory access (LDAP) for use in testing with rspec, cucumber, or any other ruby test framework.
ladleby NUBIC
Ruby 59 Version:Current License: Others (Non-SPDX)
nice_httpby MarioRuiz
NiceHttp -- simplest library for accessing and testing HTTP and REST resources. Get http logs and statistics automatically. Use hashes on your requests. Access JSON even easier.
nice_httpby MarioRuiz
Ruby 15 Version:v1.8.9 License: Permissive (MIT)
slack-smart-botby MarioRuiz
Create a Slack bot that is smart and so easy to expand, create new bots on demand, run ruby code on chat, create shortcuts... The main scope of this gem is to be used internally in the company so teams can create team channels with their own bot to help them on their daily work, almost everything is suitable to be automated!! slack-smart-bot can create bots on demand, create shortcuts, run ruby code... just on a chat channel. You can access it just from your mobile phone if you want and run those tests you forgot to run, get the results, restart a server... no limits.
slack-smart-botby MarioRuiz
Ruby 24 Version:v1.14.0 License: Permissive (MIT)
gopay-rubyby PrimeHammer
Access GoPay REST API from Ruby. Use more gateways in one app. Battle-tested 💪
gopay-rubyby PrimeHammer
Ruby 8 Version:v0.2.0 License: Permissive (MIT)