How to create a swarm plot using matplotlib python

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by vigneshchennai74 dot icon Updated: May 9, 2023

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Swarm plots are a new data visualization tool that has grown in popularity recently. Michael Waskom, a researcher at the University of California, proposed them in 2013. We can create a swarm plot to address some of the shortcomings of categorical scatter plots. It can overplot when many data points are inside a single category. 

Overplotting happens when data points overlap, making it difficult to distinguish their values. Swarm plots use an algorithm to distribute data points. We can distribute the inside category while keeping their locations to one another. This makes the distribution of data points within each category more visible. Since their inception, 

Swarm charts have a data visualization approach in data analysis and scientific research. We can build it in various computer languages. Several visualization frameworks, including Seaborn and Plotly, support them. Swarm plots help to investigate the distribution of data points in categorical data. It will allow for a more in-depth understanding of the interactions between variables. 

Swarm plots come in various varieties with features that make them stand out. The "bee swarm plot" arranges the data points within each category in a fashion. It evokes a swarm of bees, the most prevalent sort of swarm plot. We can show individual data points as dots horizontally dispersed to prevent overlap. 

The "strip plot" resembles a bee swarm plot. But it doesn't try to prevent data point overlap. It happens when we show the data points in a strip plot as vertical lines. We can use several variations and expansions of swarm plots to these types. It may be simpler to see the distribution of the data points within each category. 

As an illustration, we can call one kind of swarm plot a "categorical scatter plot." We can combine a swarm plot, kernel density estimate, and the "box plot" or "box and whisker plot." It shows data points as symbols or markers rather than dots or lines. The "violin plot" shows the data points distribution. It shows summary statistics for each category's mean value, median, and interquartile range. 

We can create swarm plots in various ways. It can be like each with unique advantages and disadvantages. Depending on the programming language and modules used, we can create swarm plots in ways. Some typical ways include: 

  • deciding which type to use, 
  • we can visualize the properties of the dataset, and 
  • the precise objectives of the investigation
  • will determine the swarm plot to employ. 

Using the Seaborn library: The Seaborn library is a Python visualization package. It includes the swarmplot() method for creating swarm plots. As input, this function accepts a Pandas Data Frame or Series. 

Using the Matplotlib library: Matplotlib is a popular Python visualization package. It includes the plt.swarmplot() method for creating swarm plots. This function accepts a NumPy array or a list of arrays as input. 

Using the Plotly library: Plotly is a Python library. It will provide an interactive visualization platform. It includes the go.swarm() method to create a swarm graph. It may accept a Pandas DataFrame or Series as an argument. 

Using the Pandas library: Pandas is a Python library that allows you to manipulate data. It offers the DataFrame.plot() method with the kind argument set to "swarm" to generate swarm graphs. We can customize swarm plots in these approaches by changing factors. The changing factors include color palette, marker size, and plot orientation. The needs, the data type, and the interaction level may determine the chosen approach. 

Select the appropriate data: Learn you have the data for a swarm visualization. Swarm plots with categorical data will have moderate to high data points. 

We can construct swarm plots using various libraries, including Seaborn and Plotly. Choose the library that best meets your requirements. 

  • Customize your plot: You may change your swarm plot's color palette, point size, and axis names. This can assist in making your plot more visually appealing and understandable. 
  • Use relevant markers: Use appropriate markers to represent the data points. You may use various markers for different categories to help differentiate them. 
  • Handle overlapping points: The data points in a swarm plot might overlap in instances. Altering the point size, employing alpha blending, or altering the jitter are options. It will help deal with overlapping points. 
  • Use informative titles: Your swarm plot's title should be informative. It will give a clear understanding of what the plot is displaying. It's also a good idea to include a legend that describes the plot's many sections. 
  • Analyze your plot: Finally, examine your swarm plot to get insights into your data. Search for trends, patterns, and outliers that may be relevant for future investigation. 

The swarm plot Python has several applications in data visualization and analysis. We can use the swarm plots to investigate the distribution of categorical data. They help users to see how we distribute data points within each category. We can do it by making it simpler to spot patterns or trends in the data. We can use the swarm plots to discover outliers or abnormalities in data. Visually studying the graphics lets users detect data points. It exceeds the intended range. 

Swarm plots have many applications, including scientific research, data analysis, and machine learning. We can use the swarm plots to compare various groups or categories. Users may compare the distribution between each group and arrange them side by side. We can use it with other data visualization techniques to create a complete picture of the data. 

In summary, the significant swarm applications plot is Python. It includes data exploration, finding outliers, and comparing many groups or categories. It can help deliver insights into scientific research, data analysis, and machine learning. 

Swarm plot Python is a data visualization technique. We can explore the data distribution, identify outliers and compare many categories. It is useful in various fields, including scientific research, data analysis, and ML. Choose the right plotting function and define the elements to create a swarm plot. It can help in setting appropriate y-axis limits are important.

It is vital to use the right data format, like Pandas Series, and choose appropriate hue levels. Swarm plot Python is a valuable data analysis and visualization tool. 

Swarm plots can be useful for visualizing categorical data with many levels. They provide a clear view of the distribution of values within each category. They can highlight outliers within the data that might not be visible with other plots. 

A swarm plot is a scatter plot where we can plot the data points. It is along a single axis based on their category, with the points adjusted so they don't overlap. In the code, the first step is to import the libraries, like pandas, seaborn, and matplotlib. The data is then created as a string and loaded into a pandas DataFrame using the read_csv function. The DataFrame is then "melted" using the melt function. It reshapes the data so that each row represents a single observation. 

After preparing the data, we can use the Seaborn library to create the swarm plot. We can call the boxplot function first to create a box plot of the data. It provides a visual summary of the distribution of the values within each category. We can call the swarmplot function to add the individual data points, or "swarms," to the plot. We can use the color parameter to set the color of the points to black. 

Swarm plots can be useful for visualizing categorical data with many levels. They provide a clear view of the distribution of values within each category. They can highlight outliers within the data that might not be visible with other plots. Finally, we can call the tight_layout function. It will help adjust the spacing of the plot, and we call the show function to display the plot. 

Preview of the output that you will get on running this code in your IDE


In this solution we have Seaborn's swarmplot is a categorical scatter plot that displays individual data points for each category


  1. Download and install VS Code on your desktop.
  2. Open VS Code and create a new file in the editor.
  3. Copy the code snippet that you want to run, using the "Copy" button or by selecting the text and using the copy command (Ctrl+C on Windows/Linux or Cmd+C on Mac).,
  4. Paste the code into your file in VS Code, and save the file with a meaningful name and the appropriate file extension for python use (.py).file extension.
  5. Remove the First 3 lines in the code.
  6. Open a terminal window or command prompt on your computer.
  7. Use pip to install pandas: pip install pandas
  8. Use pip to install seaborn: pip install seaborn
  9. Use pip to install matplotlib: pip install matplotlib
  10. To run the code, open the file in VS Code and click the "Run" button in the top menu, or use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Alt+N (on Windows and Linux) or Cmd+Alt+N (on Mac). The output of your code will appear in the VS Code output console.

I hope you found this useful. I have added the version information in the following sections.

I found this code snippet by searching for " Making a swarm plot using Temporal Series " in kandi. You can try any such use case!

Enivronment Tested

I have tested this solution with following versions. Be mindful of changes when working with other versions

  1. This solution is created and executed in Python 3.7.15 version.
  2. This solution is tested on matplotlib 3.5.3 version.
  3. This solution is tested on pandas 1.3.5 version
  4. This solution is tested on seaborn 0.12.2 version

This help to highlight outliers or patterns within the data that might not be visible with other types of plots. This process also facilities an easy to use, hassle free method to create a hands-on working version of code which would help us create a swarm plot using matplotlib python.

Dependent Library

If you don't have this matplotlib , pandas and seaborn Library that required to run this code. You can install by clicking the above link and copying the pip install command from the matplotlib page in Kandi. You can search any Library Like matplotlib ,seaborn, pandas in kandi

pandasby pandas-dev

Python doticonstar image 38689 doticonVersion:v2.0.2doticon
License: Permissive (BSD-3-Clause)

Flexible and powerful data analysis / manipulation library for Python, providing labeled data structures similar to R data.frame objects, statistical functions, and much more


            pandasby pandas-dev

            Python doticon star image 38689 doticonVersion:v2.0.2doticon License: Permissive (BSD-3-Clause)

            Flexible and powerful data analysis / manipulation library for Python, providing labeled data structures similar to R data.frame objects, statistical functions, and much more

                      seabornby mwaskom

                      Python doticonstar image 10797 doticonVersion:v0.12.2doticon
                      License: Permissive (BSD-3-Clause)

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                                seabornby mwaskom

                                Python doticon star image 10797 doticonVersion:v0.12.2doticon License: Permissive (BSD-3-Clause)

                                Statistical data visualization in Python

                                          matplotlibby matplotlib

                                          Python doticonstar image 17559 doticonVersion:v3.7.1doticon
                                          no licences License: No License (null)

                                          matplotlib: plotting with Python


                                                    matplotlibby matplotlib

                                                    Python doticon star image 17559 doticonVersion:v3.7.1doticonno licences License: No License

                                                    matplotlib: plotting with Python


                                                              1. What is a whisker in swarm plots, and why is it important?  

                                                              A whisker is a line that protrudes from the box. It signifies the minimum and maximum values within a given range. The whisker aids in illustrating the data's spread and reveals any outliers. It will fall beyond the normal distribution of the other data points. 

                                                              2. What are the benefits of using bee swarm plots over other plotting types?  

                                                              The advantages of bee swarm plots over other types of plots include the following: 

                                                              • Identify outliers or unexpected values in the data by displaying individual data points. Bee swarm plots display individual data points, which help do that. 
                                                              • We can use bee swarm plots to prevent plotting. It can happen when there are fewer data points in a limited area. As a result, we can represent the data more truthfully. 

                                                              3. How do I import pyplot from matplotlib for creating a swarm plot?  

                                                              You can import pyplot from matplotlib by using the following code: 

                                                              import matplotlib.pyplot as plt 

                                                              After importing pyplot, you can create a swarm plot using the swarmplot() function. 

                                                              4. How can I use the Pandas Series easily to create a swarm plot?  

                                                              You can use the SNS.swarmplot() function to create a swarm plot, which accepts a Pandas Series as input.

                                                              5. What is the most efficient way to create a plotting function for my swarm plot?  

                                                              To create a plotting function, you can define a function that takes in the arguments. Within the function, you can use the Seaborn swarmplot() function. It will create the swarm plot and customize it using any extra arguments. It helps data, x and y variables, and other arguments for plot customization. 


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