5 best Go UI Design libraries in 2025
by marketing.admin@openweaver.com Updated: Mar 5, 2023
Guide Kit
When you're creating an app, you want it to be as easy as possible for your users to get what they need out of it. And that means having a consistent look and feel throughout all of your apps — not just the ones that are built using the same framework. The Go UI Design toolkit is a collection of packages and tools that make it easy to build high-quality UIs in the Go programming language. Go UI Design is built on top of the Go tools and libraries, so it’s fully compatible with all existing Go code. This means you can use Go UI Design to create projects alongside your existing codebase, without having to rewrite anything or worry about package dependencies. These libraries help you create components that are clean and easy to use. fyne is a Go interface toolkit that provides an easy way to structure your code and manage data. It also includes a templating system, so you can easily create reusable templates. boringproxy is a library for organizing and managing HTTP requests in Go. This is particularly useful when working with APIs that return large datasets. winc is a web UI design toolkit for the Go language. It helps you build interactive web interfaces without writing any code at all! Some of the most popular Go UI Design libraries among developers are
fyneby fyne-io
Cross platform GUI toolkit in Go inspired by Material Design
fyneby fyne-io
Go 20523 Version:v2.3.5 License: Others (Non-SPDX)
boringproxyby boringproxy
Simple tunneling reverse proxy with a fast web UI and auto HTTPS. Designed for self-hosters.
boringproxyby boringproxy
Go 831 Version:v0.10.0 License: Permissive (MIT)
wuiby gonutz
Windows GUI library for Go (Golang). Comes with a graphical UI designer.
wuiby gonutz
Go 170 Version:Current License: Permissive (MIT)
echoswaggerby pangpanglabs
Swagger UI generator for Echo framework
echoswaggerby pangpanglabs
Go 32 Version:v2.4.0 License: Permissive (MIT)