oAuth is a protocol that provides authorization. It allows users to securely access protected resources on a remote server.
The application server is the entity that provides protected resources to users. The application server issues access tokens to clients who successfully authenticated with it. The client makes an authorization request to the authorization server and receives an access token in response. The client presents this token when making requests to protected resources on the application server. The application server validates the token, extracts information about the user who owns it and authorizes or denies access for that user. Spring-security-oauth is a Spring Security OAuth module that provides support for OAuth 1.0 and OAuth 2.0 in a single, easy to use module. It's an alternative to other OAuth modules for Spring Security like spring-social, spring4d and others. Passport is a library for handling authentication in Express apps built on top of the Passport Strategy Pattern. It acts as an authentication middleware between your frontend app and the server. The main problem with it is that it's very opinionated, so if you want to change something related to user authentication, you need to dive into the source code or fork it and make the changes yourself. Popular open source oAuth libraries includes it.
- passport is a JavaScript library used in Web Services, REST, and Nodejs applications.
- Passport is Express-compatible authentication middleware for Node.js. Passport's sole purpose is to authenticate requests.
- passport has no bugs, it has a Permissive License, and it has medium support.
passportby jaredhanson
Simple, unobtrusive authentication for Node.js.
passportby jaredhanson
License: Permissive (MIT)
- The spring-security-oauth module has been used in the Spring ecosystem for implementing OAuth-based.
- The application requests access to a protected resource on behalf of the resources.
- The server hosts the protected resources.
spring-security-oauthby spring-projects
Support for adding OAuth1(a) and OAuth2 features (consumer and provider) for Spring web applications.
spring-security-oauthby spring-projects
License: Permissive (Apache-2.0)
- django-oauth-toolkit is a third-party Django application that provides a set of utilities OAuth.
- jango-oauth-toolkit supports various OAuth 2.0 grant types, including Authorization Code, and Implicits.
- django-oauth-toolkit is a Python library used in Security and OAuth applications.
django-oauth-toolkitby jazzband
OAuth2 goodies for the Djangonauts!
django-oauth-toolkitby jazzband
License: Others (Non-SPDX)
- node-oauth is a JavaScript library used in Server, Runtime environments, and Nodejs applications.
- node-oauth has no bugs, it has no vulnerabilities, and it has a Permissive License.
- You can install using 'npm oauth-type-webserver' or download it from GitHub, npm.
node-oauthby ciaranj
OAuth wrapper for node.js
node-oauthby ciaranj
License: Permissive (MIT)
- OAuth is an open standard for authorization used to enable secure API authentication.
- mashape-oauth is a JavaScript library used in Server, Runtime environments, and Nodejs applications.
- mashape-oauth has no bugs, it has no vulnerabilities, and it has a Permissive License.
mashape-oauthby Kong
OAuth Modules for Node.js - Supporting RSA, HMAC, PLAINTEXT, 2,3-Legged, 1.0a, Echo, XAuth, and 2.0
mashape-oauthby Kong
License: Permissive (MIT)
- OAuth support is now integrated into Spring Security as part of the spring-security-oauth2.
- spring-security-oauth is a Java library used in Security, OAuth, and Spring Boot.
- Spring-security-oauth has two vulnerabilities.
spring-security-oauthby Baeldung
Just Announced - "Learn Spring Security OAuth":
spring-security-oauthby Baeldung
License: Permissive (MIT)
- react-native-oauth is a Java library used in Security, OAuth, and React Native applications.
- react-native-oauth has no bugs, It has no vulnerabilities.
- react-native-oauth has a medium active ecosystem.
react-native-oauthby fullstackreact
A react-native wrapper for social authentication login for both Android and iOS
react-native-oauthby fullstackreact
License: Permissive (MIT)
- oauth-plugin is a Ruby library used in Servers, Application Frameworks, and Ruby Rails.
- oauth-plugin has no bugs, it has no vulnerabilities, and it has a Permissive License.
- Permissive licenses have the least restrictions.
oauth-pluginby pelle
Rails plugin for OAuth
1. Why use OAuth libraries?
OAuth libraries simplify the process of implementing OAuth in applications. They provide pre-built functions and abstractions to handle OAuth flows. The token management and interactions with OAuth servers.
2. What OAuth libraries are available?
There are various OAuth libraries tailored for different programming languages and frameworks. Some popular ones include:
1.For Java:
- Spring Security OAuth
- Apache Oltu
2.For Python:
- Flask-OAuthlib
- Authlib
3.For Node.js:
- Passport.js with OAuth strategies
- OAuth 2.0 Server for Express
4.For Ruby:
- Doorkeeper
- OmniAuth
5.For .NET:
- IdentityServer
- OAuth 2.0 Authorization Server
3. How do OAuth libraries handle different OAuth flows?
OAuth libraries provide methods to handle various OAuth flows. It is Authorization Code, Implicit, Resource Owner Password Credentials, and Clients. The library abstracts the complexities of these flows, making it easier for OAuth.
4. Can I use OAuth libraries for OAuth 2.0 and OAuth 1.0a?
Many modern OAuth libraries primarily focus on OAuth 2.0, as it is the current standard. The libraries may still support OAuth 1.0a for compatibility with legacy systems.
5. Are there client and server-side OAuth libraries?
Yes, OAuth libraries can be categorized as client-side or server-side. Client-side libraries are used in applications that access protected resources. The server-side libraries implement OAuth servers for handling authentication and authorization.