How to create an area chart using matplotlib Python?

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by dot icon Updated: May 10, 2023

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An area chart displays information in the form of a continuous line. We can do it by connecting a series of data points. It helps visualize changes in data over time or compare different data sets. In business analysis, we can use area charts to track trends in sales and profits. You can also track customer satisfaction or visualize changes in market share. 

In Python, we can create various types of area charts. 

  • Bar charts are area chart that helps represent the data with rectangular bars. 
  • Line charts are like bar charts, but instead of using bars, they use lines to connect the data points. 
  • Pie charts are circular charts divided into sections. In which each represents a proportion of the whole. 
  • Histograms are area charts. They illustrate the frequency distribution of a given data set. 

An area chart can display various data types, like numerical data, text, and shapes. Bars, lines, or points can represent numerical data, and text can label each data point or segment. Area charts usually have two axes: the x-axis and the y-axis. The x-axis is the horizontal axis, and we can use it to plot the independent variable. The y-axis is the vertical axis used to plot the dependent variable. The x-axis can represent categories, while the y-axis represents numeric values. 

In Python, we can create area charts using the matplotlib library. We must first load the data into a data frame to create an area chart. Then, the ax.plot() function can create the area chart with arguments. The arguments can specify the x- and y-axes, and we can plot the data. We can add labels and titles using the ax.set_xlabel() and ax.set_title() functions. We can add shapes using the ax.scatter() function. It allows for the specification of points, lines, and shapes. 

Tips for using area charts will help analyze data. It includes finding trends and making informed decisions. 

  1. Understand the data: Make sure you understand what the data tells you. We should know it before creating an area chart. 
  2. Choose the right chart type and use labels: Make sure you choose the correct one for the data. The data you are trying to visualize. 
  3. Look for patterns: Patterns can be indicators of trends. It can help you make informed decisions. 
  4. Analyze the data: Take the time to analyze it and draw meaningful conclusions. 

We advise you to use area charts to improve your business analysis skills. It starts from understanding data to making better decisions. 

  1. Learn the fundamentals: Ensure you understand business analysis fundamentals. We should also understand how to use area charts. 
  2. Ask questions and Practice: Ask questions to gain insight into the data. It will draw meaningful conclusions. 
  3. Use the right tools: Use the right tools and technologies. It helps make your analysis more efficient and effective. 
  4. Keep learning & seek feedback: There are new ways to analyze data and make better decisions. It will help you focus on your learning and stay current. 

Area charts are a valuable tool for business analysis. It is because they can help you visualize data and spot trends. By creating an area chart, you can identify patterns in the data. It helps draw meaningful conclusions from it. This can help you make better decisions and better understand the data. Also, we can use area charts to compare different sets of data. It can be useful for comparing different products or services. It can also help the performance of different teams or divisions. 

An area chart displays data using filled or shaded regions to represent totals. It visualizes a cumulative total over time or other category data. Area charts are useful for comparing many values, and we can show trends in data over time - a single array. Once we stack the data points, we can use the fill_between function to draw the area chart. 

Matplotlib is a library for creating static, animated, and interactive visualizations in Python. It is a low-level graph plotting library in Python that serves as a visualization utility. We can create Matplotlib by John D. Hunter in 2002. It is a numerical-mathematical extension for the NumPy library. 

To create an area chart using matplotlib, we first need to import the matplotlib library. Then we can create the plot by passing the x-axis and y-axis coordinates to the plot() function. We can specify the line's color and the area's fill color. We can do it by using the keyword arguments color and facecolor. Finally, we can add titles and labels to the chart using the title() and xlabel(), and ylabel() functions. 

Here is an example of creating an area chart using matplotlib python. 


In this solution, we're creating an area chart using matplotlib python.


Follow the steps carefully to get the output easily.

  1. Install Jupyter Notebook on your computer.
  2. Open the terminal and install the required libraries with the following commands.
  3. Install Pandas - pip install pandas
  4. Install matplotlib - pip install matplotlib
  5. Copy the snippet using the 'copy' button and paste it into that file.
  6. Run the file using run button.

I hope you found this useful. I have added the link to dependent libraries, and version information in the following sections.

I found this code snippet by searching for "How to create an area chart using matplotlib python" in kandi. You can try any such use case!

Dependent Libraries

matplotlibby matplotlib

Python doticonstar image 17559 doticonVersion:v3.7.1doticon
no licences License: No License (null)

matplotlib: plotting with Python


            matplotlibby matplotlib

            Python doticon star image 17559 doticonVersion:v3.7.1doticonno licences License: No License

            matplotlib: plotting with Python

                      pandasby pandas-dev

                      Python doticonstar image 38689 doticonVersion:v2.0.2doticon
                      License: Permissive (BSD-3-Clause)

                      Flexible and powerful data analysis / manipulation library for Python, providing labeled data structures similar to R data.frame objects, statistical functions, and much more


                                pandasby pandas-dev

                                Python doticon star image 38689 doticonVersion:v2.0.2doticon License: Permissive (BSD-3-Clause)

                                Flexible and powerful data analysis / manipulation library for Python, providing labeled data structures similar to R data.frame objects, statistical functions, and much more


                                          What is an area plot, and why is it preferred to a bar chart? 

                                          An area plot is a chart to fill the area between two or more lines with a color or pattern. We can prefer area plots to bar charts. It is because they allow a better comparison of data points across categories. Area plots are also better for representing cumulative data since the total area of the plot. It represents the cumulative sum of the data points. It will do it by providing a better visual representation. 

                                          How do stacked area plots work in Python? 

                                          A stacked area plot is a type of plot that displays many datasets stacked on top of each other. It is a type of area plot where we can stack many areas, one on top of the other, each area representing a dataset. In Python, we can create this type of plot using the Matplotlib library. To create a stacked area plot, you must pass the data for each dataset to the plot function. It comes along with the keyword argument 'stacked=True'. This will cause us to draw the plot with each dataset stacked on the other. 

                                          What are Plotly Graph Objects, and how can we use them to create area charts? 

                                          Plotly Graph Objects helps in creating interactive and animated charts and graphs. They can create area charts by providing the data we want to plot and setting the type of graph to "area". Then, we can set the x and y coordinates, fill color, line color, and other styling options. The Plotly.plot() method can then create the area chart. 

                                          How do modeling and graphical visualization crystals help create more accurate area charts? 

                                          Modeling and graphical visualization crystals help create more accurate area charts. It will allow users to visualize data in a way that is easily understood and interpreted. Users can accurately create area charts representing the dataset by visualizing the data. A graphical representation of the data makes identifying trends, outliers, and correlations easier. It may be less apparent when representing data in a table or list form. 

                                          When should I choose an area chart over other charts, such as pie and bar charts? 

                                          Area charts help compare values over time or show the data's trend. They can compare different categories within a data set or different datasets. We can use pie charts to show the proportions of parts of a whole. But bar charts are better for comparing different categories of data. 

                                          What advantages does the Pandas library offer when creating area charts in Python? 

                                          The Pandas library is a popular library for working with data in Python. It offers useful functions for working with data like select, join, and groupby. It can create area charts. It also offers powerful plotting capabilities with Matplotlib. Pandas also make it easy to manipulate data and create new variables for plotting. For example, it allows for creation of new variables derived from existing ones. It will cover the difference between two values or the ratio between two variables. 

                                          Can I customize the horizontal axis labels on my Python-generated area chart? 

                                          You can customize the horizontal axis labels when creating an area chart. To do this, you can use the scale_x_discrete() function and specify the labels you wish to use. You can also add titles, axes, labels, and legends. 

                                          How does ggplot2 differ from other plotting libraries when generating an Area Chart? 

                                          One key difference between ggplot2 and other plotting libraries. ggplot2 is a library that provides a more declarative method. It helps in creating plots in Python than other plotting libraries. It depends on "The Grammar of Graphics" principles and helps work with Pandas data frames. It allows for the creation of more complex and customizable plots. For example, it makes it easier to create area charts with the ability to add extra layers. It will help customize the fill and line colors and adjust the x and y-axis limits. Besides, ggplot2 also provides various built-in statistical functions and tools for data visualization. It will be easy to visualize the relationship between many variables. 

                                          You can also search for any dependent libraries on kandi like "matplotlib / pandas"

                                          Environment Tested

                                          I tested this solution in the following versions. Be mindful of changes when working with other versions.

                                          1. The solution is created in Python3.9.6.
                                          2. The solution is tested on pandas 1.4.4 version.

                                          Using this solution, we are able to create an area chart using matplotlib python

                                          This process also facilities an easy to use, hassle free method to create a hands-on working version of code which would help us to create an area chart using matplotlib python


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