How to use a voting classifier in scikit-learn Python?

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by kanika dot icon Updated: Jul 14, 2023

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A voting classifier is also known as an ensemble classifier. It is a machine-learning model. It combines the predictions of many individual classifiers to make a final prediction. It is a type of ensemble learning technique. It is where the decision of most classifiers is used to determine the final output.  


The idea is a voting classifier is that by combining the predictions of many classifiers. It improves the prediction's accuracy and robustness compared to using a single classifier. This approach leverages the wisdom of the crowd. It is where the collective decision of many models can be more accurate than the decision of a single model.  


Voting classifiers can be used for both classification and regression tasks. The class with the most votes is selected as the final prediction in classification. In regression, the individual classifiers' predictions can be averaged or combined. It provides the final prediction voting regressor output. You train many diverse classifiers using different algorithms to create a voting classifier. The individual classifiers should be trained on the same dataset. They can have different hyperparameters or feature representations.  


The prediction is obtained by aggregating the predictions of all the individual classifiers. These are particularly useful when the individual classifiers have different strengths and weaknesses. It is because they can compensate for others' errors. It produces better accuracy and reliable predicted Probabilities. They are used in machine learning to improve model performance. It helps increase stability and reduce overfitting.  


There are different types of voting classifiers, including:  

Hard Voting:  

In hard voting, each classifier in the ensemble gives a single vote. The majority prediction class is selected as the final output.  

Soft Voting:  

In soft voting, the individual classifiers provide the probabilities scores for the class labels. The average probabilities across all classifiers are used to determine the final prediction.  

Types of Classifiers for Voting:  

Support Vector Machines (SVMs):  

Effective binary classifiers highlight SVMs. It can be trained with kernels and hyperparameters to capture complex decision boundaries.  

Naive Bayes Classifiers:  

Explain the probabilistic nature of Naive Bayes classifiers and their effectiveness with feature assumptions.  

Kernel Methods:  

Discuss kernel methods that can be used in combination with various classifiers. It includes SVMs and Naive Bayes. It transforms the data and captures nonlinear relationships.  

Advantages of Voting Classifiers:  

Improved Performance:  

Voting classifiers can yield better results compared to a single classifier. It is especially when the individual classifiers have diverse strengths and weaknesses.  


Voting classifiers can be more resistant to overfitting and noise. It is because the combination of classifiers helps mitigate individual biases and errors.  

Model Stability:  

By combining the decisions of many classifiers, voting classifiers tend to be stable. It produces consistent predictions across different subsets of the data.  

Considerations for Setting up a Voting Classifier:  

Understanding the data:  

Emphasize the importance of analyzing the problem, data features, and target variables. It informs decisions during the setup process.  

Diverse Classifiers:  

Explain the significance of selecting diverse classifiers. It captures different aspects of the data and reduces bias in the ensemble.  

Feature Engineering:  

Discuss the feature engineering techniques on performance and the voting classifier's accuracy.  


Voting classifiers helps maximize the accuracy and reliability of predictions. By embracing collective decision-making, we can unlock the full potential of ML. It enhances our ability to tackle complex problems with confidence.  

Here is an example of using a voting classifier in scikit-learn Python.

Fig 1: Preview of the Code and Output.


In this solution, we are using a voting classifier in scikit-learn Python.


Follow the steps carefully to get the output easily.

  1. Install Jupyter Notebook on your computer.
  2. Open terminal and install the required libraries with following commands.
  3. Install sklearn by using the command: pip install sklearn.
  4. Install xgboost by using the command: pip install xgboost.
  5. Install imblearn by using the command: pip install imblearn.
  6. Copy the code using the "Copy" button above and paste it into your IDE's Python file.
  7. Run the file.

I hope you found this useful. I have added the link to dependent libraries, version information in the following sections.

I found this code snippet by searching for "How to use a voting classifier in scikit-learn Python" in kandi. You can try any such use case!

Dependent Libraries

scikit-learnby scikit-learn

Python doticonstar image 54584 doticonVersion:1.2.2doticon
License: Permissive (BSD-3-Clause)

scikit-learn: machine learning in Python


            scikit-learnby scikit-learn

            Python doticon star image 54584 doticonVersion:1.2.2doticon License: Permissive (BSD-3-Clause)

            scikit-learn: machine learning in Python

                      If you do not have scikit-learn that is required to run this code, you can install it by clicking on the above link and copying the pip Install command from the scikit-learn page in kandi.

                      You can search for any dependent library on kandi like scikit-learn

                      Environment Tested

                      I tested this solution in the following versions. Be mindful of changes when working with other versions.

                      1. The solution is created in Python 3.9.6
                      2. The solution is tested on sklearn version 1.1.3
                      3. The solution is tested on xgboost version 1.7.5
                      4. The solution is tested on imblearn version 0.10.1

                      Using this solution, we are able to use a voting classifier in scikit-learn Python.


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                      1. What is a prediction voting regressor, and how does it differ from other classifiers?  

                      A prediction voting regressor is a type of ensemble learning technique. It is used in machine learning for regression tasks. Regression models predict continuous numerical values, unlike classifiers that predict discrete class labels. In a prediction voting regressor, many models are combined to make a final prediction.  


                      Each regression model is also known as a base regressor. It can be trained using different algorithms or variations of the same algorithm. The final prediction is bought by aggregating the predictions through weighted averaging.  


                      The difference between this regressor and other classifiers lies in the prediction task. Classifiers are designed for categorical or discrete target variables. It is where the goal is to assign instances to predefined classes or categories. In contrast, prediction voting regressors focus on estimating continuous values. It focuses on predicting housing prices, stock prices, or numerical measurements.  


                      2. How does the random forest classifier work compare to other ensemble methods?  

                      The random forest classifier is a popular ensemble learning method. It combines the predictions of many decision trees to make accurate classifications. Compared to bagging and boosting:  

                      • Random forest differs from AdaBoost or Gradient Boosting in how we train trees. While boosting methods optimize the ensemble by emphasizing the misclassified instances. It takes random forest train trees without sequential adjustments.  
                      • It differs from stacking or meta-ensemble methods. It combines predictions using a higher-level model. The predictions are combined through voting among the individual decision trees. It is done without the need for an extra model.  
                      • It shares the concept of ensemble learning with bagging. It is where many models are trained on subsets of the data. But random forests add an extra level of randomness by using feature subsampling. It makes them more diverse and robust.  

                      3. How can majority rule voting be used in an ensemble classifier?  

                      Majority rule voting is a used method in ensemble classifiers. It makes predictions based on the majority vote of the individual classifiers. Here's how majority rule voting can be used in an ensemble classifier:  

                      • Setup of the Ensemble  
                      • Prediction Phase  
                      • Voting Mechanism  
                      • Equal Voting vs. Weighted Voting  

                      4. What is the Decision Tree Introduction approach for building a voting classifier sklearn?  

                      The Decision Tree Introduction approach for building a voting classifier in scikit-learn. It is a technique that involves introducing decision trees to the ensemble. It is done with each tree learning from the mistakes of the previous trees. The approach can be summarized in the following steps:  

                      • Initialize the Ensemble  
                      • Create the First Decision Tree  
                      • Evaluate the First Decision Tree 
                      • Create Additional Decision Trees  
                      • Add Decision Trees to the Ensemble  
                      • Repeat Steps 3 to 5  
                      • Combine the Predictions  

                      5. Can individual classifiers be combined to create an improved model?  

                      Yes, combining individual classifiers creates an improved model. It is a common practice in machine learning and is often called ensemble learning. Ensemble learning techniques leverage the collective knowledge and predictions of many individual classifiers. It makes more accurate predictions or classifications than using a single classifier alone.  


                      There are several ways to combine individual classifiers:  

                      • Voting Classifiers  
                      • Bagging (Bootstrap Aggregating)  
                      • Boosting  
                      • Stacking