The chess game is one of the most popular games of all time.The object of the game is to checkmate the opponent's king. This kit includes a full chess engine, a GUI engine, and an AI engine. The AI engine utilizes the minimax and alpha-beta pruning algorithms.
Deployment Information
chess game created using this kit is added in this section. The entire solution is available as a package to download from the source code repository
For Windows OS,
- Download, extract and double-click kit installer file to install the kit. Note: Do ensure to extract the zip file before running it.
- When you're prompted during the installation of the kit, press Y to run the game.
- To run the game manually, press N when you're prompted and locate the zip file
- Extract the zip file and navigate to the directory python-chess-master
- Open command prompt in the extracted directory python-chess-master and run the command python
For other Operating System,
- Install python
- Download the repository.
- Extract the zip file and navigate to the directory python-chess-master
- Open terminal in the extracted directory python-chess-master.
- Install dependencies by executing the command pip install -r requirements.txt.
- Run the command python Note: Select the number of players and coin color when prompted before starting the game.
Development Environment
VSCode is used for development and debugging. VSCode is used to get a typical experience of IDE for developers.
Gaming Libraries
Pygame helps in providing computer graphics and audio libraries.
pygameby pygame
๐๐ฎ pygame (the library) is a Free and Open Source python programming language library for making multimedia applications like games built on top of the excellent SDL library. C, Python, Native, OpenGL.
pygameby pygame
License: No License
Kit Solution Source
python-chessby boosungkim
A chess game built from scratch in Python
python-chessby boosungkim
License: Strong Copyleft (GPL-3.0)
- While running batch file, if you encounter Windows protection alert, select More info --> Run anyway.
- During kit installer, if you encounter Windows security alert, click Allow.
f you need help to use this kit, you can email us at or direct message us on Twitter Message @OpenWeaverInc.