15 best Python GPU libraries in 2025
by marketing.admin@openweaver.com Updated: Jan 15, 2023
Guide Kit
Python is the most popular programming language in the world. Its success lies in its versatility, allowing developers to create everything from simple APIs to complex applications. For machine learning and deep learning, Python has become a preferred language because of its flexibility. The data science and machine learning community has been developing many open source libraries for Python. GPUs are highly specialized chips designed to perform matrix multiplication operations at blazing speeds. Although they were initially intended for rendering computer graphics on screens, they have proved quite useful for machine learning applications as well. Python has a number of libraries that make it easy for us to leverage GPUs for both training and inference tasks. Some of these focus on improving generic performance by leveraging CUDA primitives and it provide higher level abstractions that allow you to quickly build complex architectures without worrying about implementation details. Some of the most popular open-source libraries for Python GPU among developers are: Jax - Composable transformations of Python NumPy programs; kitty - Cross platform, fast, feature rich, GPU based terminal; Image AI - python library built to empower developers to build applications.
jaxby google
Composable transformations of Python+NumPy programs: differentiate, vectorize, JIT to GPU/TPU, and more
jaxby google
Python 23518 Version:jax-v0.4.12 License: Permissive (Apache-2.0)
kittyby kovidgoyal
Cross-platform, fast, feature-rich, GPU based terminal
kittyby kovidgoyal
Python 18937 Version:nightly License: Strong Copyleft (GPL-3.0)
tvmby apache
Open deep learning compiler stack for cpu, gpu and specialized accelerators
tvmby apache
Python 9868 Version:v0.12.0 License: Permissive (Apache-2.0)
ImageAIby OlafenwaMoses
A python library built to empower developers to build applications and systems with self-contained Computer Vision capabilities
ImageAIby OlafenwaMoses
Python 7811 Version:test-resources-v3 License: Permissive (MIT)
AlphaPoseby MVIG-SJTU
Real-Time and Accurate Full-Body Multi-Person Pose Estimation&Tracking System
AlphaPoseby MVIG-SJTU
Python 7071 Version:Current License: Others (Non-SPDX)
incubator-tvmby apache
Open deep learning compiler stack for cpu, gpu and specialized accelerators
incubator-tvmby apache
Python 5710 Version:v0.6.1 License: Permissive (Apache-2.0)
AidLearning-FrameWorkby aidlearning
🔥🔥🔥AidLearning is a powerful AIOT development platform, AidLearning builds a linux env supporting GUI, deep learning and visual IDE on Android...Now Aid supports CPU+GPU+NPU for inference with high performance acceleration...Linux on Android or HarmonyOS
AidLearning-FrameWorkby aidlearning
Python 5166 Version:v1.3.0 License: Others (Non-SPDX)
tf-quant-financeby google
High-performance TensorFlow library for quantitative finance.
tf-quant-financeby google
Python 3918 Version:v0.0.1-dev9 License: Permissive (Apache-2.0)
BMW-TensorFlow-Inference-API-GPUby BMW-InnovationLab
This is a repository for an object detection inference API using the Tensorflow framework.
BMW-TensorFlow-Inference-API-GPUby BMW-InnovationLab
Python 315 Version:v3.1 License: Permissive (Apache-2.0)
ESRNN-GPUby damitkwr
PyTorch GPU implementation of the ES-RNN model for time series forecasting
ESRNN-GPUby damitkwr
Python 272 Version:Current License: Permissive (MIT)
BMW-YOLOv4-Inference-API-GPUby BMW-InnovationLab
This is a repository for an nocode object detection inference API using the Yolov3 and Yolov4 Darknet framework.
BMW-YOLOv4-Inference-API-GPUby BMW-InnovationLab
Python 249 Version:v3.1 License: Permissive (BSD-3-Clause)
bert-multi-gpuby HaoyuHu
Feel free to fine tune large BERT models with Multi-GPU and FP16 support.
bert-multi-gpuby HaoyuHu
Python 176 Version:v1.1.0 License: Permissive (Apache-2.0)
Hands-On-GPU-Programming-with-Python-and-CUDAby PacktPublishing
Hands-On GPU Programming with Python and CUDA, published by Packt
Hands-On-GPU-Programming-with-Python-and-CUDAby PacktPublishing
Python 120 Version:Current License: Permissive (MIT)