COVID-19 vaccination booking automation has piqued interest and seen significant movement in the repositories in the last two weeks. Created by programmers for themselves and their loved ones, these provide for good community reusability. This is a sensitive topic and not intended nor implied as a substitute for professional medical advice and is provided for educational purposes only. We've shortlisted libraries across Python, Javascript, Ruby, and Cloud APIs and showcase functions to book appointments, review vaccine availability, and understand the working of vaccination campaigns. The sample provides connectivity to vaccination programs in different countries across North America, Europe, and Asia.
covid-vaccine-scrapersby livgust
Open-source project using Nodejs and Puppeteer to scrape websites for COVID vaccine availability in Massachusetts. Can be modified to suit other areas and needs.
covid-vaccine-scrapersby livgust
HTML 63 Version:Current License: Permissive (MIT)
covid19-vaccination-subnationalby sociepy
🌍💉 Global COVID-19 vaccination data at the regional level.
covid19-vaccination-subnationalby sociepy
Python 53 Version:Current License: Strong Copyleft (GPL-3.0)
vaccination-notifyby slovensko-help
vaccination-notifyby slovensko-help
Python 37 Version:Current License: No License
covid-vaccine-finderby GUI
covid-vaccine-finderby GUI
JavaScript 32 Version:Current License: Permissive (MIT)
covid-vaccination-spainby civio
covid-vaccination-spainby civio
Ruby 25 Version:Current License: No License
rki-vaccination-databy ThisIsBenny
The API provides the current covid-19 vaccination data of the 16 German federal states as JSON.
rki-vaccination-databy ThisIsBenny
Python 21 Version:Current License: Permissive (MIT)
texas-vaccinesby jameskip
This is a centralized repository for the Texas Vaccine Updates Slack group bots.
texas-vaccinesby jameskip
JavaScript 16 Version:Current License: Permissive (MIT)
COVID-19by GiorgioComitini
Italian Covid-19 vaccination campaign data
COVID-19by GiorgioComitini
Python 16 Version:Current License: No License
thevaccinetrackerby thevaccinetracker
Open Source Project for the Vaccine Tracker
thevaccinetrackerby thevaccinetracker
JavaScript 15 Version:Current License: Permissive (MIT)
vaccine-site-finderby 99littlebugs
Aggregate view of NY state vaccination sites and where availability is
vaccine-site-finderby 99littlebugs
JavaScript 8 Version:Current License: Permissive (MIT)
covidashitby fabriziomiano
COVID-19 Italy Pandemic and Vaccines Dashboard
covidashitby fabriziomiano
Python 9 Version:v4.11.0 License: Permissive (MIT)
tx-covid-vaccine-databy rdmurphy
Tracking data on the progress of vaccine distribution and adminstration in Texas.
tx-covid-vaccine-databy rdmurphy
Python 6 Version:Current License: Permissive (MIT)
DIVOCby bharat-dpi
Open source digital platform for large scale vaccination projects. Built for India scale, future COVID vaccination scenarios.
DIVOCby bharat-dpi
JavaScript 5 Version:Current License: Others (Non-SPDX)
Quantum Simulator: Vaccine Site Selectorby Mphasis
Cloud API 0 Version:Current
Quantum simulator based solution to select optimum locations for Covid-19 Vaccination centers based on requirement in affected areas.
Quantum Simulator: Vaccine Site Selectorby Mphasis
Cloud API 0 Version:Current License: Others (SaaS)