Data validation is a necessary step that allows for saving time and effort of a user when filling out forms on the web. Verify the field in two ways.
By using built-in HTML elements (which have limited custom validation capabilities) or by using JavaScript validation libraries. JavaScript libraries provide pre-coded packages, which support legacy browsers that do not have a built-in validation framework. One major advantage of using JavaScript libraries is that it takes the extra load of data verification and error return off from the server-side. This enhances user experience and smoothens out the form-filling process.
Listed below are some of the most popular form validation libraries based on JavaScript. The JSON-schema-validator is a code package that focuses on form field correctness and efficiency. AwesomeValidation is another JavaScript-based form validation library developed for use in Android, shrinking down validation to three steps only. Epubcheck is a code-package developed specifically for validation in e-book format files. Use these libraries to develop a flawless form on a web application.
- Saripaar is a validation library for Android that allows you to add form validation.
- It provides a simple and extensible API for adding validation rules to your UI component.
- Saripaar uses annotations to define validation rules for your UI components.
android-saripaarby ragunathjawahar
UI form validation library for Android
android-saripaarby ragunathjawahar
Java 3234 Version:android-saripaar-2.0.3 License: Permissive (Apache-2.0)
- JSON Schema is a standard for defining JSON data structure.
- JSON is a process that ensures that JSON data complies with a specified schema.
- It's a Java implementation of the JSON Schema specification and provides features.
json-schema-validatorby java-json-tools
A JSON Schema validation implementation in pure Java, which aims for correctness and performance, in that order
json-schema-validatorby java-json-tools
Java 1566 Version:v2.2.14 License: Others (Non-SPDX)
- Validators are tools or components that ensure that data or input adheres to rules.
- JavaScript frameworks like Angular and React often have built-in forms.
- This can include data types, lengths, and constraints.
validatorby validator
Nu Html Checker – Helps you catch problems in your HTML/CSS/SVG
validatorby validator
Java 1457 Version:latest License: Permissive (MIT)
- EPUBCheck is a tool used to validate EPUB-Electronic Publication files.
- EPUB is a digital eBook format widely used for eBooks, digital magazines, and others.
- EPUBCheck can catch errors and issues that might affect the display or functionality.
epubcheckby w3c
The conformance checker for EPUB publications
epubcheckby w3c
Java 1329 Version:v5.0.1 License: Permissive (BSD-3-Clause)
- AwesomeValidation is a validation library for Android that makes it easy to verify.
- It's designed to be easy to use and integrate into your Android projects.
- The library provides a variety of pre-defined validation rules and allows to create
AwesomeValidationby thyrlian
Android validation library which helps developer boil down the tedious work to three easy steps.
AwesomeValidationby thyrlian
Java 1146 Version:Current License: Permissive (MIT)
- Simple Java Mail simplifies sending emails in Java applications.
- It provides a high-level API for composing and sending emails.
- This library aims to make email handling in Java straightforward to use.
simple-java-mailby bbottema
Simple API, Complex Emails (Jakarta Mail smtp wrapper)
simple-java-mailby bbottema
Java 1093 Version:8.1.1 License: Permissive (Apache-2.0)
- The VerticalStepperForm is a UI component used in Android development to install it.
- It allows users to progress through a series of steps, entering information or making it.
- This type of UI is commonly used in onboarding processes, setup wizards, or any scenario.
VerticalStepperFormby ernestoyaquello
Vertical Stepper Form Library for Android. It follows Google Material Design guidelines.
VerticalStepperFormby ernestoyaquello
Java 1039 Version:v2.7.0 License: Permissive (Apache-2.0)
- Fluent Validator is a Java library that provides a fluent interface for building.
- It makes validation code more expressive and readable by allowing it to chain.
fluent-validatorby neoremind
A Java validation framework leveraging fluent interface style and JSR 303 specification
fluent-validatorby neoremind
Java 992 Version:1.0.9 License: Permissive (Apache-2.0)
- Governator is a library for building and managing Java applications.
- The name Governator plays on the words Guice and governance.
- It supports dynamic configuration updates without requiring a restart.
governatorby Netflix
Governator is a library of extensions and utilities that enhance Google Guice to provide: classpath scanning and automatic binding, lifecycle management, configuration to field mapping, field validation and parallelized object warmup.
governatorby Netflix
Java 792 Version:v1.17.12 License: Permissive (Apache-2.0)
- JSON Schema is a specification for describing the structure of JSON data.
- It defines the elements that may appear in a JSON document and their relationships.
- It describes the expected structure and constraints of other JSON documents.
json-schemaby everit-org
JSON Schema validator for java, based on the org.json API
json-schemaby everit-org
Java 818 Version:1.14.2 License: Permissive (Apache-2.0)
- It creates a credit card submission flow in an Android app that involves collecting it.
- This usually includes fields for the card number, expiration date, and CVVs.
- This ensures to handle sensitive information securely on a server that complies.
android-submit-credit-card-flowby adonixis
💳 implementation of credit card form in material design
android-submit-credit-card-flowby adonixis
Java 631 Version:1.0.0 License: Permissive (Apache-2.0)
- This is a combination of Apache Kafka and Apache Spark. It is a popular architecture for processing and analyzing.
- Kafka acts as a distributed message broker, and Spark helps with stream processing
- This involves installing Kafka, starting a Kafka broker, and creating Kafka topics.
kafka-spark-consumerby dibbhatt
High Performance Kafka Connector for Spark Streaming.Supports Multi Topic Fetch, Kafka Security. Reliable offset management in Zookeeper. No Data-loss. No dependency on HDFS and WAL. In-built PID rate controller. Support Message Handler . Offset Lag checker.
kafka-spark-consumerby dibbhatt
Java 613 Version:Current License: Permissive (Apache-2.0)
- A Masked EditText is a specialized form of an EditText in Android that enforces a specific input.
- It's commonly used when you want to guide users in entering data in a certain way.
- There are various libraries available in the Android ecosystem that provide Masked EditText.
Masked-Edittextby pinball83
Android library contain custom realisation of EditText component for masking and formatting input text
Masked-Edittextby pinball83
Java 597 Version:Current License: Permissive (Apache-2.0)
- Yavi focuses on providing a simple and expressive API for validating objects.
- Yavi is type-safe, which means it leverages Java's type system to catch it.
- This allows developers to create concise and readable validation code.
yaviby making
Yet Another Validation for Java (A lambda based type safe validation framework)
yaviby making
Java 646 Version:0.13.0 License: Permissive (Apache-2.0)
- docs-archive is a Java library used in User Interface, Form, and Xamarin applications.
- It has no vulnerabilities, and it has low support.
- It has a neutral sentiment in the developer community.
docs-archiveby xamarin
Xamarin docs archive
- A Digital Signature Service (DSS) is a system or service that provides the capability.
- Digital signatures are cryptographic techniques used to verify authenticity and integrity.
- They ensure the security of electronic transactions and documents.
dssby esig
Digital Signature Service : creation, extension and validation of advanced electronic signatures
dssby esig
Java 648 Version:5.12.1 License: Weak Copyleft (LGPL-2.1)
- android-validation-komensky is a Java library typically used in Utilities Validation applications.
- It has no vulnerabilities and has a build file available.
- It has a Permissive License, and it has low support.
android-validation-komenskyby inmite
A simple library for validating user input in forms using annotations.
android-validation-komenskyby inmite
Java 521 Version:0.9.4 License: Permissive (Apache-2.0)
- It's associated with a programming concept or library that helps in building HTML.
- HtmlBuilder is a Java library typically used in Mobile and Android applications.
- HtmlBuilder has no bugs or vulnerabilities.
HtmlBuilderby jaredrummler
Build valid HTML for Android TextView
HtmlBuilderby jaredrummler
Java 508 Version:Current License: Permissive (Apache-2.0)
- Android-Validator is a library for Android development that provides functionality for validating input.
- This library simplifies adding validation to Android forms by providing it.
- The library allows you to create custom validation rules by implementing the Rules.
Android-Validatorby throrin19
Form Validator Library for Android
Android-Validatorby throrin19
Java 450 Version:Current License: No License
- ParticlesDrawable is an open-source library for Android that draws random flying particles.
- It has no vulnerabilities; it has built files available.
- ParticlesDrawable code analysis shows 0 unresolved vulnerabilities.
ParticlesDrawableby Doctoror
Draws random flying particles in space forming constellations.
ParticlesDrawableby Doctoror
Java 452 Version:Current License: Permissive (Apache-2.0)
- FormsFX is a Java library for building forms in JavaFX applications.
- It simplifies the process of creating and handling forms by providing a set of utilities.
- The library supports data binding, allowing you to bind form components to data.
FormsFXby dlsc-software-consulting-gmbh
A framework for easily creating forms for a JavaFX UI.
FormsFXby dlsc-software-consulting-gmbh
Java 562 Version:v11.6.0 License: Permissive (Apache-2.0)
- JSON Schema Validator refers to a tool or library that validates JSON data against a JSON.
- JSON Schema is a standard defining the content, structure, and format of JSON form.
- It provides a way to describe the expected properties, their types, and constraints.
json-schema-validatorby networknt
A fast Java JSON schema validator that supports draft V4, V6, V7, V2019-09 and V2020-12
json-schema-validatorby networknt
Java 628 Version:1.0.84 License: Permissive (Apache-2.0)
- XSS is a security vulnerability that occurs when an application allows untrusted input.
- To mitigate XSS attacks, input validation and proper output encoding are crucial.
- Ensure that input adheres to expected formats and does not contain malicious content.
xssValidatorby nVisium
This is a burp intruder extender that is designed for automation and validation of XSS vulnerabilities.
xssValidatorby nVisium
Java 360 Version:1.3.1 License: Permissive (MIT)
- Android Material Json Form Wizard is a library for creating beautiful form-based wizards.
- Developed by Vijay Rawat, it is available on GitHub.
- The library creates form-based wizards with ease and speed, and it is based on the Material
android-json-form-wizardby vijayrawatsan
Android Material Json Form Wizard is a library for creating beautiful form based wizards within your app just by defining json in a particular format.
android-json-form-wizardby vijayrawatsan
Java 352 Version:1.1.1-SNAPSHOT License: Permissive (MIT)
- RAVE is a Microsoft service that provides a platform for hosting and managing virtual events.
- Rave has no vulnerabilities and has built-in files available.
raveby uber
A data model validation framework that uses java annotation processing.
raveby uber
Java 349 Version:2.1.0 License: Others (Non-SPDX)
- Data Binding Validator is an Android library that provides a quick way of validation.
- The library offers a range of validation types, such as minimum/maximum length.
- data-binding-validator is a Java library typically used in Utilities and Validation applications.
data-binding-validatorby Ilhasoft
Android fields validation library based on data binding adapters.
data-binding-validatorby Ilhasoft
Java 345 Version:2.0.0 License: Permissive (Apache-2.0)
- Android Card Form is a library that provides a ready-made card form layout used in an Android App.
- Developed by Braintree, it is available on GitHub.
- The library is open-source and free to use.
android-card-formby braintree
A ready-made card form layout that can be included in your Android app, making it easy to accept credit and debit cards.
android-card-formby braintree
Java 327 Version:5.2.0 License: Permissive (MIT)
1. What is Java form validation?
Java form validation ensures that the data entered meets the criteria. It helps maintain data integrity and improve the user experience by preventing invalid.
2. How does form validation work in Java applications?
Java form validation typically involves defining rules or constraints for each form field. Validation libraries provide annotations, APIs, or configuration options to express these rules. The validation framework checks the input against the defined rules and reports.
3. Can I use annotations for form validation in Java?
Yes, many Java form validation libraries, such as Hibernate Validator and Spring Validation. Annotations apply to fields or methods within Java beans to specify constraints. It required fields of maximum length or custom validation logic.
4. Are there any lightweight form validation libraries for Java?
Yes, there are lightweight validation libraries like Yavi. It aims to provide a simple and expressive API for validation without introducing. It focuses on being lightweight and efficient.
5. Are Java form validation libraries suitable for client-side validation?
Java form validation libraries primarily focus on server-side validation. For client-side validation, it may use JavaScript-based validation libraries. This is used in conjunction with server-side validation to provide a seamless.