A data table is the most convenient and obvious solution for storing and manipulating data on any web application. But for someone who works on data-heavy business apps, making these data tables readable and clear is a major fix. But the data table should be flexible enough to adapt to your database, so you can filter, format, add, edit, and remove data easily. With so many great Vue.js components now, creating such tables is possible. With that in mind, here are some of the best Vue Table libraries in 2022. handsontable - JavaScript data grid with a spreadsheet look; bootstrap-table - extended table; vue-grid-layout - A draggable and resizable grid layout, for Vue.js.
handsontableby handsontable
JavaScript data grid with a spreadsheet look & feel. Works with React, Angular, and Vue. Supported by the Handsontable team ⚡
handsontableby handsontable
JavaScript 17920 Version:12.4.0 License: Others (Non-SPDX)
bootstrap-tableby wenzhixin
An extended table to integration with some of the most widely used CSS frameworks. (Supports Bootstrap, Semantic UI, Bulma, Material Design, Foundation, Vue.js)
bootstrap-tableby wenzhixin
JavaScript 11521 Version:1.21.4 License: Permissive (MIT)
vue-grid-layoutby jbaysolutions
A draggable and resizable grid layout, for Vue.js.
vue-grid-layoutby jbaysolutions
JavaScript 6398 Version:2.4.0 License: Permissive (MIT)
vue-easytableby Happy-Coding-Clans
A powerful data table based on vuejs. You can use it as data grid、Microsoft Excel or Google sheets. It supports virtual scroll、cell edit etc.
vue-easytableby Happy-Coding-Clans
JavaScript 3309 Version:v2.27.0 License: Permissive (MIT)
vue-tables-2by matfish2
Vue.js 2 grid components
vue-tables-2by matfish2
JavaScript 1525 Version:v2.0.15 License: Strong Copyleft (GPL-3.0)
vue-slicksortby Jexordexan
A set of vue mixins to turn any list into an animated, touch-friendly, sortable list ✌️
vue-slicksortby Jexordexan
TypeScript 1345 Version:Current License: Others (Non-SPDX)
cheetah-gridby future-architect
The fastest open-source data table for web.
cheetah-gridby future-architect
JavaScript 1319 Version:v1.9.1 License: Permissive (MIT)
vue-data-tablesby njleonzhang
A simple, customizable and pageable table with SSR support, based on vue2 and element-ui
vue-data-tablesby njleonzhang
JavaScript 999 Version:2.0.2 License: Permissive (MIT)
vue-table-with-tree-gridby MisterTaki
A table (with tree-grid) component for Vue.js 2.0. (Its style extends @iView)
vue-table-with-tree-gridby MisterTaki
JavaScript 864 Version:Current License: No License
EasyQRCodeJSby ushelp
EasyQRCodeJS is a feature-rich cross-browser pure JavaScript QRCode generation library. Support Canvas, SVG and Table drawing methods. Support Dot style, Logo, Background image, Colorful, Title etc. settings. Support Angular, Vue.js, React, Next.js, Svelte framework. Support binary(hex) data mode.(Running with DOM on client side)
EasyQRCodeJSby ushelp
JavaScript 512 Version:4.4.13 License: Permissive (MIT)
v-selectpageby TerryZ
SelectPage for Vue2, list or table view of pagination, use tags for multiple selection, i18n and server side resources supports
v-selectpageby TerryZ
JavaScript 215 Version:v2.1.4 License: Permissive (MIT)
FancyGridby FancyGrid
FancyGrid - JavaScript grid library with charts integration and server communication.
FancyGridby FancyGrid
JavaScript 174 Version:v1.7.150 License: Others (Non-SPDX)
laravel-vue-paginationby JellyBool
Pagination with Vue and Laravel
laravel-vue-paginationby JellyBool
JavaScript 150 Version:Current License: No License
vue-smart-tableby gurghet
A simple table component for interactive tables built with Vue.js
vue-smart-tableby gurghet
JavaScript 145 Version:2.5.0 License: Permissive (MIT)
ag-grid-vueby ag-grid
Vue adaptor for ag-Grid