7 best Ruby Key Value Database libraries in 2025
by marketing.admin@openweaver.com Updated: Feb 13, 2023
Guide Kit
Ruby key-value database libraries like moneta, mctop, roma are popularly used to store and manipulate data. Ruby Key Value Database libraries are the most popular choices for storing data in a key-value database. The databases are built on top of the standard Ruby libraries and provide an easy way to work with key/value pairs. moneta is a ruby based library that provides a simple interface for working with key/value pairs. It supports various strategies for storing data including key-value mapping, dictionary mapping, hash table, and redis-like store. mctop is a pure ruby library for handling hierarchical sets of entities (also known as geospatial objects). It provides a simple interface for working with points and their associated coordinate systems. Some of the most widely used open source Ruby key value database libraries among developers include
cocoapods-keysby orta
A key value store for storing per-developer environment and application keys
cocoapods-keysby orta
License: Permissive (MIT)
mctopby etsy
a top like tool for inspecting memcache key values in realtime
mctopby etsy
License: Permissive (MIT)
rails-settingsby AlexJWayne
Settings is a plugin that makes managing a table of global key, value pairs easy. Think of it like a global Hash stored in your database, that uses simple ActiveRecord like methods for manipulation. Keep track of any global setting that you don't want to hard code into your rails app. You can store any kind of object. Strings, numbers, arrays, or any serializable object.
rails-settingsby AlexJWayne
License: Permissive (MIT)
nestby soveran
Generate nested namespaced keys for key-value databases.
nestby soveran
License: Permissive (MIT)
NanoStoreInMotionby siuying
RubyMotion wrapper for NanoStore, a lightweight schema-less key-value document database based on sqlite.
NanoStoreInMotionby siuying
License: Others (Non-SPDX)