How to Find the Frequency of Words in a Sentence in Java

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by Abdul Rawoof A R dot icon Updated: Feb 5, 2024

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The frequency of a phrase refers to how often it seems in a given textual content or dataset. In Java, getting a word's frequency can help with many NLP tasks.

These include text analysis, text classification, and information retrieval. For example, one can use the frequency of a word to determine the most common words in a text. Then, use them to classify the text or extract meaningful information from it. 

  • To get the frequency of words in a string, we can follow an algorithm: 
  • Use a Map data structure to store the occurrence of each word in a string. 
  • Check to peer if the modern phrase is withinside the map via way of means of going thru the entire string. Update the frequency of the current word if it is already there; otherwise, enter the word with frequency 1. 
  • As you go around the map, the system prints the frequency of each term. 

This is an effortless way to find all the words occurring many times in a string of words or a file. 

Here is how to find the frequency of words in a sentence in Java;

Fig 1: Preview of code snippet in IDE.

Fig 2: Preview of the output that you will get on running this code from your IDE.



  1. Copy the code using the "Copy" button above, and paste it in a Java file in your IDE(IntelliJ Preferable).
  2. Run the file to generate the output.

Note: Create main method and then copy the code snippet inside the main method.

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Environment Tested

I tested this solution in the following versions. Be mindful of changes when working with other versions.

  1. The solution is created in IntelliJ IDE and Java jdk-'11.0.17'.
  2. The solution is tested on Java 11.0.17.

Using this solution, we are able to get the frequency of a word using java with simple steps. This process also facilities an easy way to use, hassle-free method to create a hands-on working version of code which would help us to get the frequency of a word using Java.


1. Why is word frequency analysis important in NLP tasks?

Word frequency analysis is vital in NLP tasks. It helps identify the most common terms. This enables effective text classification, analysis, and information retrieval. This approach reveals key language patterns. It helps extract meaningful insights from a given text or dataset.

2. How does word frequency contribute to text classification?

Word frequency serves as a cornerstone in text classification by revealing prevalent terms. This information allows for the prioritization and weighting of words. It enhances the accuracy of classification algorithms. Identifying occurring words is instrumental in categorizing texts based on content relevance.

3. In what way does word frequency aid in information retrieval?

Word frequency analysis improves information retrieval. It helps search algorithms rank documents based on relevant term occurrences. Recognizing used words ensures that search engines deliver more accurate and pertinent results. This optimizes the retrieval process for users.

4. Are there any limitations to relying on word frequency for text analysis?

While informative, word frequency analysis has limitations. It may overlook context and significance, treating all words. Additionally, common words might dominate the frequency list without providing nuanced insights. Combining it with other NLP techniques enhances the understanding of text.

5. How does word frequency analysis benefit content creators?

Word frequency analysis helps content creators by pointing out words that are used too often. It encourages them to use a variety of words, making their writing more interesting and engaging. Understanding how often specific terms are used helps tailor language to resonate with the target audience. It enhances communication effectiveness and impact in written content.


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