The use of Python MVC libraries like pythonik, fastapi-mvc-template, oddo-learning, etc. is becoming more and more popular in the world of AI development. The reason behind this trend is that these libraries provide a great deal of flexibility to developers who want to build web applications with modern features. Pythonik is one such library that enables you to build web applications quickly and easily. It supports both Django and Pyramid frameworks with many other features like authentication, authorization, session management, etc. These libraries also help us to handle data and perform operations on it. We can also add new features to our application by using third-party packages which are available in the market. The following is a list of the most popular open source Python MVC libraries:
pytonikby pytonik
Pytonik is a python framework built to enhance web development, also helps web developers to build more apps with fewer codes. It uses expressive architectural patterns, structured on Model View Controller (MVC), and bundles of components to reuse while deploying the framework.
pytonikby pytonik
Python 20 Version:v1.9.11 License: Strong Copyleft (GPL-3.0)
fastapi-mvc-templateby rszamszur
Template for high performance applications. Based on MVC architectural pattern, WSGI + ASGI. Includes tests, pipeline, base utilities, Helm chart, and script for bootstrapping local Minikube with high available Redis cluster.
fastapi-mvc-templateby rszamszur
Python 13 Version:0.4.0 License: Permissive (MIT)
fastapi-mvc-exampleby rszamszur
Example project created by fastapi-mvc
fastapi-mvc-exampleby rszamszur
Python 3 Version:Current License: Permissive (MIT)
database-operatorby akngmskvk
Basic database extractor commonly built in Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture.
database-operatorby akngmskvk
Python 1 Version:Current License: Strong Copyleft (GPL-3.0)
odoo-learningby stivenramireza
Building strong foundations about models, views, security, ORM and controllers in Odoo 14.
odoo-learningby stivenramireza
Python 0 Version:Current License: Permissive (MIT)