How can we rename a file in Python?

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by kanika dot icon Updated: May 9, 2023

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Renaming files refers to changing old file names to new file names. The source file path is the path to the existing file we need to rename. The destination file is the file created when we rename the source file. We can do it by renaming files in Python using the os.rename() function. This function takes two arguments, the file's current name and the file's new name. The os.rename() function will then rename the specified file. Different file types include text, images, audio, and video files. The syntax for renaming files in Python is as follows: 

os.rename(current_filename, new_filename) 

We can use diverse ways that rename files in Python are: 

  • The rename() function is a native function in Python that can rename a single file or a group of files. It takes two arguments: the existing file name and the new file name. For example: 

os.rename("oldfile.txt", "newfile.txt") 

  • The rename() method of the file object is an object-oriented approach to renaming files. It takes two arguments: the existing file name and the new file name. For example: 

f = open("oldfile.txt", "r") 


Both methods of renaming files allow you to specify a new path for the renamed file. This can move the file to another directory or rename the file with a different extension. 

Diverse types of errors found while renaming files are: 

  • FileNotFoundError: We will raise it when we request a file or directory that does not exist. 
  • FileExistsError: We will raise it when creating a file or directory. The one that already exists. 

For performing rename files in Python: 

  • Use the glob() function to select the files you want renaming. This allows you to use wildcards and other selection criteria. It helps to narrow down the selection of files you want to rename. 
  • Use the os.path.join() function to create a new file name based on the original name. This allows you to create new file names without typing them. 
  • Use the os.rename() function to perform the actual rename. This allows you to rename the files. 
  • Use the os.path.exists() function to verify that the file you are trying to rename does not exist. This avoids overwriting an existing file. 
  • Use the os.walk() function to traverse a directory tree and rename files in subdirectories. This allows you to rename files in many directories. 

We can use diverse ways that rename files for security purposes: 

  • Rename files with random strings: 

It is difficult for malicious actors to guess the file names and gain access. We can do it by renaming files with random strings. 

  • Appending a timestamp to files: 

When we append a timestamp to a file, it will ensure we have overwritten it. Also, the original version is still accessible through the timestamped version. 

  • Encrypting files with a password: 

Encrypting files with a password will allow users to protect the file contents. It keeps away unauthorized access. 

  • Utilize hashing algorithms: 

These can create unique file names that we cannot guess or reverse engineered. This can help protect files from which we access malicious actors. 

  • Use an Access Control List (ACL): 

An Access Control List can limit a user's access to specific files and folders. This can help protect data from unauthorized individuals. 

Renaming files is an essential part of data management. It allows for better organization and easier management of files within a project. We should give files more descriptive names. It will make it easier for others to understand their purpose and contents. Renaming files also allows for easier searching and sorting of files. It can help prevent overwrites of files and the deletion of important files. By changing the name of a file, you can also ensure that a different file with the same name does not overwrite the file. Finally, it can help ensure the project is more organized, consistent, and navigated. 

To avoid mistakes when performing rename files, one must remember certain points: 

  • Make sure you are using the correct file type. Python can only rename files in the same format as the original file name. For example, if the original file is a .txt file, you should not try to rename it to a .jpg file. 
  • Check the syntax of the command. Make sure you use the correct syntax when renaming the file. For example, if you use the os.rename() command, you must include the original and new files as arguments. 
  • Check for any errors. When performing the rename, check the output for any errors that may have occurred. If an error occurs, it is important to know what and how to fix it. 
  • Double-check the new file name. After the rename is complete, double-check the new file name to ensure it is correct. We can do it by opening the file in its native program and checking its name. 


Python provides various useful methods which help in renaming a file. We can use the os.rename() method is one of them to rename a file. The os.rename() method also allows us to move a file from one location to another. It works in the same way as the Unix mv command. The new file name mustn't exist. Renaming a file in Python is quite straightforward. First, we should import the os module. Then, we use the os.rename() method, which requires two arguments - the current filename and the new filename. We need to ensure that the new filename should not already exist. Otherwise, the method will raise a FileExistsError exception.

To rename a file, we can also use the pathlib module. This module provides an object-oriented representation of the filesystem path. It has a rename() method, which takes the new filename as an argument and renames the file. The pathlib module is more efficient than the os module for renaming files. Renaming a file in Python is quite straightforward and convenient. We can use the os.rename() method or the pathlib module to do the job. Before renaming a file, we must ensure the new filename does not exist. This will help us to avoid any unexpected errors while renaming a file. 

Fig1: Preview of the Code.

Fig 2: Actual File name.

Fig 3: Renamed file.


In this solution, we are renaming a file.


Follow the steps carefully to get the output easily.

  1. Install Jupyter Notebook on your computer.
  2. Open terminal and install the required libraries with following commands.
  3. Install datetime by using the command: pip install datetime.
  4. Copy the code using the "Copy" button above and paste it into your IDE's Python file.
  5. Import the used libraries by following commands.
  6. import os.
  7. import datetime.
  8. Replace the my_file variable with a filename in current directory.
  9. Run the file.

I hope you found this useful. I have added the link to dependent libraries, version information in the following sections.

I found this code snippet by searching for "How to rename a file in Python" in kandi. You can try any such use case!

Dependent Libraries

DateTimeby zopefoundation

Python doticonstar image 11 doticonVersion:Currentdoticon
License: Others (Non-SPDX)

This package provides a DateTime data type, as known from Zope. Unless you need to communicate with Zope APIs, you're probably better off using Python's built-in datetime module.


            DateTimeby zopefoundation

            Python doticon star image 11 doticonVersion:Currentdoticon License: Others (Non-SPDX)

            This package provides a DateTime data type, as known from Zope. Unless you need to communicate with Zope APIs, you're probably better off using Python's built-in datetime module.

                      osby doctording

                      Python doticonstar image 234 doticonVersion:Currentdoticon
                      no licences License: No License (null)

                      "Operating System Truth Restoration" Notes


                                osby doctording

                                Python doticon star image 234 doticonVersion:Currentdoticonno licences License: No License

                                "Operating System Truth Restoration" Notes

                                          If you do not have datetime that is required to run this code, you can install it by clicking on the above link and copying the pip Install command from the respective page in kandi.

                                          You can search for any dependent library on kandi like datetime


                                          What does Python rename, and how does it work? 

                                          Python's rename is a command used to rename a file or directory. It takes two arguments: the current name and the new name. The command will then rename the file or directory to the new name. 

                                          How do I use Python's standard utility modules to rename files? 

                                          Using the os module is one way to do it. The os module offers functions to interact with the OS, such as renaming files. You can use the os.rename() function to rename a file. The syntax for this is os.rename(old_name, new_name). This will rename the file from old_name to new_name. For example, if you wanted to rename a file called "example.txt" to "example2.txt," you could use the following code: 

                                          import os 

                                          os.rename("example.txt", "example2.txt") 

                                          How do I decide on a new file name for my file? 

                                          When deciding on a new file name for your file, it is important to keep the name short but descriptive. The name should contain keywords that accurately describe the file's contents. This will make it easier to find in the future. Also, avoiding using special characters or spaces in the name is best. It is because it can lead to issues when opening the file. Finally, use a consistent file naming format across all your files. It will help keep them organized. 

                                          What is the proper structure of a command for renaming files in Python? 

                                          The proper structure of a command for renaming files in Python is as follows: 

                                          os.rename(old_file_name, new_file_name) 

                                          What is the path name when using Python to rename files? 

                                          The path name is the location of a file or directory on a computer's file system. It is relative to the current working directory. When using Python to rename files, the path name refers to the full path of the file. It will include the file name needed to access and change the file. 

                                          How can I access and change existing files' names using Python's file object? 

                                          You can use the os module in Python to access and change existing files' names. The os.rename() method takes two parameters: 

                                          • the current filename 
                                          • the new filename

                                          It will allow you to rename a file. The os.listdir() method can list all the files in a directory. Then you can loop through the list and change the file names as desired. 

                                          Where can I find the source file directory for my project to list all the files before renaming them in Python? 

                                          The source file directory is in your project's root directory. To list all the files, you can use Python's os.listdir() function: 

                                          import os 

                                          path = '/path/to/project/root/directory' 

                                          files = os.listdir(path) 

                                          for file in files: 


                                          Can I get a complete directory list of all the folders in my project directory before renaming files? 

                                          Yes, you can use Python's os.walk() function. It will help you get a complete directory list of all the folders in your project directory. The os.walk() function will list all the files in the project directory and any subdirectories. 

                                          Can I access only specific parts of a file's name while trying to change it with Python? 

                                          Regular expressions help search and manipulate text. You can use regular expressions to access specific parts of a file's name while renaming it. For example, if you want to rename 'Hello World.txt' to 'World Hello.txt, ' you can use the following regular expression: 

                                          import re 

                                          old_name = 'Hello World.txt' 

                                          new_name = re.sub(r'^(.*) (.*)\.txt$', r'\2 \1.txt', old_name) 


                                          This will print out 'World Hello.txt' as the new name. 

                                          Can we change only a certain part (e,g, its extension) of a file's name while keeping other parts intact using Python? 

                                          Yes, you can use the os.rename() function to change only a certain part of a file's name while keeping other parts intact. The os.rename() function takes two arguments - the file's existing name and the file's new name. For instance, if you want to change the extension of a file from .txt to .py, you could use the following code: 

                                          import os 

                                          old_file_name = "my_file.txt" 

                                          new_file_name = "" 

                                          os.rename(old_file_name, new_file_name) 

                                          Environment Tested

                                          I tested this solution in the following versions. Be mindful of changes when working with other versions.

                                          1. The solution is created in Python 3.9.6

                                          Using this solution, we are able to replace specific patterns using regex in Python


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