Full-Stack Developer in Python vs Java

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by shreemadhu461 dot icon Updated: Mar 24, 2023

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There are many options available when it comes to programming languages. Two of the most well-liked ones are Python and Java, and each has benefits and drawbacks of its own.

Java is more widely used than Python, but that doesn't necessarily make it superior. In some circumstances, Python is a better option comparatively. 

Let's first clarify what Python and Java programming are.

Java Programming

Since Sun Microsystems released Java in 1995, it has developed into a strong and well-established language. It is renowned for its performance, scalability, and stability. Java is popular for creating backend systems and is frequently used in complex enterprise applications. It has many tools and frameworks, including Spring, Hibernate, and JavaServer Faces (JSF), to help with web development. It is also used in the creation of Android apps. 

Note: Explore Learnbay’s full stack developer course to become a certified developer in 6 months of practical training. 

Python Programming

Guido Van Rossum developed Python, which was originally made available in 1991. It is renowned for being basic and simple to use. The Python programming language has a sizable and vibrant community, which has helped shape the creation of numerous libraries and frameworks like Django, Flask, and Pyramid. With the help of these frameworks, creating web applications is simple and effective. Python is a fantastic choice for projects involving data analysis and visualization because it is also widely utilized in data science and machine learning.

Let's first clarify who a full-stack developer is before we compare.

Who is a full-stack Developer?

A software developer skilled in all phases of the software development process, from the front-end user interface to the backend databases and servers, is known as a full-stack developer. An experienced developer with a full stack often possesses a wide range of abilities in various technologies, frameworks, and programming languages.

A web application's client-side (front-end) and server-side (backend) components can both be developed by a full-stack developer. They are often skilled in programming languages like Python, Java, Ruby, or C# for creating the backend logic and establishing database connections and HTML, CSS, and JavaScript for creating the user interface. Also, they are familiar with backend web development frameworks like Django, Ruby on Rails, Express.js, and Spring, as well as front-end frameworks like React, Angular, and Vue.js.

Full-stack engineers also know web development tools, including database management systems, web services, and APIs. They are also familiar with server administration, deployment, and hosting.

Python Vs. Java: What are the Differences?

Yet, compared to Python, Java can be more lengthy and complex despite having a reputation for stability and performance. On the other hand, Python is renowned for being simple to use, but it might not be as effective or performant as Java.

Frameworks and Libraries

There are many libraries and frameworks available in both Java and Python that may be used for various projects, including web development, data science, and machine learning. The Java ecosystem is larger and more developed, with a wide choice of libraries and frameworks like Spring, Hibernate, and JavaServer Faces (JSF). The Python programming language has a sizable and vibrant community, which has helped shape the creation of numerous libraries and frameworks like Django, Flask, and Pyramid. Master these essential frameworks and libraries with the help of an online full stack web developer course right away. 


Python is renowned for its clarity and readability, while Java is recognised for its lengthy and convoluted syntax. Python is simpler to learn and use since its grammar is more like everyday language. Compared to Java, Python often uses fewer lines of code to accomplish the same tasks.


Because Java runs on the Java Virtual Machine and the source code is converted to bytecode, it is typically considered quicker than Python (JVM). Because Python is an interpreted language, some operations may take longer.


Because Java utilizes static typing, variables must be specified with a particular data type. In contrast, Python uses dynamic typing, which allows variables to change at runtime without needing to be specified with a specific data type.


Java has built-in concurrency support, making writing multithreaded and parallel programmes simpler. Python is less effective for concurrent operations because it contains a Global Interpreter Lock (GIL) that inhibits several threads from executing Python bytecode concurrently.

When Should you use Python and Java?

The exact requirements of a project will determine which language to use for full-stack development—Java or Python—in great measure. Java might be preferable if a project requires high performance and scalability. Yet, Python might be preferable if a project calls for quick development and user-friendliness.

Large-scale enterprise application development, Android development, and big data are the three main uses of Java. The usage of Python in data science, machine learning (ML), artificial intelligence (AI), and scientific computing, on the other hand, is very common.


The big technological companies employ Java and Python, two widely used programming languages. Java full-stack developers currently hold the bulk of positions in the software industry. However, this could change in the future. There will be more opportunities for Python full-stack developers as more businesses transition to using Python as their primary programming language. If you are planning to master the cutting-edge tools for your software career, feel free to check out the online full stack software developer course offered by Learnbay along with 8+ real-world projects.

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