The use of Java SPA libraries is a great way to make your website perform better. Java components are a great way to add functionality to your website. They can be used in any type of application, whether it be a blog or an e-commerce store. The component is made up of both backend and frontend code. The backend code is written in Java while the frontend code is written in JavaScript. Java SPA is a framework that provides a set of libraries to build web applications. It can be used to build single page applications and hybrid applications that integrate with the browser. SPA-Vertx-Angular is a framework for building Single Page Applications (SPAs) with Vertx. It uses AngularJS as a core library for data manipulation, and Vertx for asynchronous communication between client and server components. It's especially suitable for creating large web applications with hundreds of pages, using various web technologies like HTML5, CSS, JavaScript, Grunt/Gulp build system and Bower package manager. SPA-Vertx-Vue is a framework for building Single Page Applications (SPAs) with Vue.js as core library for data manipulation, and Vertx for asynchronous communication between client and server components. The SPA Vertx-vue library is built on top of the Vertx framework, which provides authentication and authorization for web applications. It also has built-in support for common database management tasks such as creating, reading, updating and deleting records. Popular open source Java SPA libraries among developers include:
aem-spa-project-coreby adobe
Contains abstraction for core Adobe Experience Manager and Single Page Application interface, the page.
aem-spa-project-coreby adobe
Java 15 Version:spa.project.core-1.3.0 License: Permissive (Apache-2.0)
spa-vertx-angularby caprica
Basic Vert.x web application configured for an AngularJS single page client application
spa-vertx-angularby caprica
Java 5 Version:Current License: Permissive (Apache-2.0)
spa-vertx-vueby caprica
Basic Vert.x web application configured for a VueJS single page client application
spa-vertx-vueby caprica
Java 4 Version:Current License: Permissive (Apache-2.0)
light-spa-4jby networknt
Middleware handlers for Single Page Application
light-spa-4jby networknt
Java 3 Version:2.1.18 License: Permissive (Apache-2.0)
SPA-Cryptographic-Operations-Extractorby crocs-muni
Program to extract cryptographic operations from power traces.
SPA-Cryptographic-Operations-Extractorby crocs-muni
Java 3 Version:1.0.0 License: Permissive (MIT)
single-page-application-serverby codecentric
A base image for single page applications.
single-page-application-serverby codecentric
Java 8 Version:v1.3.0 License: Permissive (MIT)