The use of PHP SPA libraries like laravel-vue-spa, sanctum, spa-starter-kit, laravel-vuetify-spa-starter make it easier for developers to build web applications. SPA (single page application) is a web app that loads content into the browser from a single HTML file and uses JavaScript to create interactive experiences. Laravel is one of the most popular PHP frameworks in the world. It is used for building web applications using the same codebase and it has been used by many developers for building complex websites and applications. Spa Starter Kit is a collection of Laravel components that can be used to build a SPA. It comes with pre-configured templates, scaffolding tools and a bunch of handy PHP classes. Laravel-vuetify-spa-starter-kit is a framework that helps you to deploy Vue.js applications on Laravel 5.6 and above with npm, webpack and Parse Server. Laravel-vue-spa provides a simple way to setup an SPA using Laravel 5 and Vue.js 2. It also provides the ability to create your own components, mixins and directives. SPA Starter Kit is an opinionated collection of Laravel components that can be used to build SPAs. It comes with pre-configured templates and scaffolding tools, as well as some handy PHP classes.
laravel-vue-spaby cretueusebiu
A Laravel-Vue SPA starter kit.
laravel-vue-spaby cretueusebiu
PHP 3041 Version:6.0.1 License: Permissive (MIT)
sanctumby laravel
Laravel Sanctum provides a featherweight authentication system for SPAs and simple APIs.
sanctumby laravel
PHP 2533 Version:v3.2.5 License: Permissive (MIT)
spa-starter-kitby codecasts
A highly opinionated starter kit for building Single Page Applications with Laravel and Vue.js
spa-starter-kitby codecasts
PHP 917 Version:1.0.3 License: Permissive (MIT)
laravel-vuetify-spa-starterby eolant
Laravel Vuetify Starter SPA built with Laravel 6.0, JWT Auth, Vue 2, Vue Router 3, Vuex 3, Axios, Vuetify 2
laravel-vuetify-spa-starterby eolant
PHP 127 Version:Current License: Permissive (MIT)
laravel-vue-spa-skeletonby Yurich84
SPA modular Skeleton (Laravel + Vue + ElementUI) with CRUD generator
laravel-vue-spa-skeletonby Yurich84
PHP 126 Version:v.2.0 License: Permissive (MIT)
cakephpvue-spaby ishanvyas22
A CakePHP + VueJS single page application skeleton/boilerplate.
cakephpvue-spaby ishanvyas22
PHP 43 Version:2.1.1 License: Permissive (MIT)