The Ruby SPA libraries are an interesting way to use JavaScript in a Rails app. They have a lot of advantages over using vanilla JavaScript, and they make it easy to get started with modern web development. The main advantage is that you can use your existing Rails skills to build SPA-like apps without having to learn new tools. For example, if you're familiar with routes and controllers, you can quickly build out a SPAs using the same techniques that you would use for a normal Rails app. jwt_sessions in an easy way to store session data on the server side. This library supports JSON Web Tokens which can be used as session tokens when authenticating users. stirstack is an ORM for storing data in a database and getting it back from the database when needed. Stirstack also supports JSON Web Tokens as an alternative to cookies or sessions. proof is a Ruby gem that helps with testing your code by providing helpful tools such as reporters, matchers and fixtures. It also has an HTTP client that allows you to make requests against a remote service without having to write any code yourself. FlatironJS is a toolkit for building client-side web applications using JavaScript and HTML5 APIs.
jwt_sessionsby tuwukee
XSS/CSRF safe JWT auth designed for SPA
jwt_sessionsby tuwukee
License: Permissive (MIT)
proofby undercase
Secure Authentication for Single Page Applications
proofby undercase
License: Permissive (MIT)
stirstackby seeReadCode
Starter template for an SPA-like MVC web app w/ Svelte, Tailwind, Inertia.js, Ruby on Rails
stirstackby seeReadCode
License: Permissive (MIT)
flatiron_js_projectby Sandstorm890
Phase 4 project for Flatiron. SPA JavaScript frontend built on a Rails backend. Webapp that allows users to create records of 'ghosts' and view the records on a seamless, single-page interface.
flatiron_js_projectby Sandstorm890
License: Permissive (MIT)
react-on-rails-spaby kevin-plaut
A pretty sweet SPA