AR Core app allows users to experience augmented reality on their Android devices. This kit helps developers and users to experience their own 3d models.
The users have the liberty to choose their own 3d models with all the fun elements also. Please see below a sample solution kit to jumpstart your solution on AR App using Android Kit. To use this kit to build your own solution, scroll down to the Kit Deployment Instructions sections.
Deployment Information
The entire solution is available as a package to download from the source code repository.
Follow the below instructions to deploy and run the solution.
- Download, extract and double-click kit_installer file to install the kit.
- Then download the apk file on your android device.
- Then proceed with the install and open the application.
- Point your android device camera on the surface where you want to experience the 3d model virtually Note :- In this application we have given chair 3d model as a default, if you want you can replace with your 3d models.
- You have the liberty to drag, Zoom in, Zoom out, Rotate your 3d models.
- Now, you will experience Augmented Reality in your own Android Device!
Development Environment
The Android Studio IDE is open source and used for this development. It has a rich UI development environment with templates to give new developers launching their innovations into Android development.
ndk-samplesby android
Android NDK samples with Android Studio
ndk-samplesby android
License: Permissive (Apache-2.0)
Android Libraries
ARCore is the advanced platform that enables Android app developers and users to quickly and easily build AR experiences into their mobile apps and games.
Google Sceneform is an open-source 3D framework that makes it easy for you to build ARCore apps.
Android-Gradle is the open-source Android framework used to develop AR projects.
AR Fragments are used to build these ARCore apps.
arcore-android-sdkby google-ar
ARCore SDK for Android Studio
arcore-android-sdkby google-ar
License: Others (Non-SPDX)
sceneform-android-sdkby google-ar
Sceneform SDK for Android
sceneform-android-sdkby google-ar
License: Permissive (Apache-2.0)
gradle-android-junit-jacoco-pluginby vanniktech
Gradle plugin that generates JaCoCo reports from an Android Gradle Project
gradle-android-junit-jacoco-pluginby vanniktech
License: Permissive (Apache-2.0)
augmented-realityby JGrotex
AR Fragments build with TIBCO, Unity 3D, and ARCore
augmented-realityby JGrotex
License: Permissive (MIT)
Instruction to Replace 3d Models
- To place your own 3d model, initially, you need to set up your Android studio with "Google Sceneform Tool (Beta)"
- To install Google Sceneform Tool just follow the below steps : a. Go to file > settings b. In settings, click on 'plugins' c. In plugins search for "Google Sceneform Tool" in Marketplace d. Once you find, Install and restart the Android Studio
- Place your 3d model obj and mtl file in sampledata folder in the application Note:- Name of the obj file should be in lowercase
- Make a raw folder under app > src > main > res > raw
- Right-click on the obj file and generate the Sceneform for your 3d model under the raw folder.
If you need help to use this kit, you can email us at or direct message us on Twitter Message @OpenWeaverInc.