Boolean Data type in Python

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by vsasikalabe dot icon Updated: May 3, 2023

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Boolean type is one of the important data types in Python. We use Booleans in If statements to control the flow of the program. We use boolean data types in mathematical and statistical analytics. We can also use it in data science and ML solutions. The Python type is bool if two boolean values are true and false. We use boolean operators to compare two or more than two values. The comparison operator evaluates a boolean expression. It will tell us whether they are equal, less than, or greater than. We can take logical operators (and, or, not) too. 

Boolean Values:  

True- t, true, y, yes, on, 1  

False- f, false, n, no, off, 0  

Import(names) is a class specified in the ast module. It returns an expression's true value (True or False). For better understanding, the expression 1 <= 2 is True, while 0 == 1 is False. We can describe the import statement in Python. In Python source code, when the parse() method of ast gets called. It means that it contains the import keyword with the ast.

We can create a boolean in Python using below three different ways  

  • Assigning a True or False value to a variable  
  • Using a Python bool() constructor  
  • Using a boolean expression.  

Python has many in-built functions and values. We use Python's input() function to ask the user to enter input. As a parameter, the user inputs the text value we want to display. We can return the input value when the user presses "enter". We should store user input in a variable to use the information in our program as we want. The ast. literal_eval method is the helper function. It will help to evaluate an expression node or a string. It might contain a Python literal or container display.

Creating Boolean data using If statements:  

For example,  


If x:  




We can test a code block for errors using the try method. We can use the except block to handle the error. The else block starts to execute the code when there is no error. The final block always executes the code, irrespective of the output of the try and except blocks. The except method catches and handles the exception(s) in the try block. The exception will throw an error if the user has not entered anything unrelated to the code. It will display that you did not enter True or False. We can display the corresponding output if the user enters the True value. And for the false input, the same operation will occur. 

The floating-point numbers are not accurate at all times. So, it is not safe to test equality. The boolean values check yes/no options, on/off states, and other related information. We can perform many tasks using these data types. The following code describes the boolean datatypes of Python.  

Fig : Preview of the output that you will get on running this code from your IDE.



Follow the steps carefully to get the output easily.

  1. Download and Install the PyCharm Community Edition on your computer.
  2. Create a new python file on your IDE.
  3. Copy the snippet using the 'copy' button and paste it into your python file.
  4. Run the current file to generate the output.

I hope you found this useful.

I found this code snippet by searching for ' Input for a bool value (python)' in Kandi. You can try any such use case!

Environment Tested

I tested this solution in the following versions. Be mindful of changes when working with other versions.

  1. The solution is created in PyCharm 2021.3.
  2. The solution is tested on Python 3.9.7.

Using this solution, we are able to perform Boolean Data type in Python with simple steps. This process also facilities an easy way to use, hassle-free method to create a hands-on working version of code which would help us to perform Boolean Data type in Python.


1. What is the boolean data type in Python, and how does it differ from other Python data types?  

The boolean data type has two values (i.e., True or False). It can help represent the true value.  

2. How do Python's comparison operators work with boolean values?  

In Python, comparison operators compare two values of the same type. It returns the boolean values (true or false). We can also use it to check some blocks of codes.  

  • Equal to  
  • Not equal to  
  • Less than  
  • Greater than  
  • Less than or equal to  
  • Greater than or equal to  

3. What are true and false values in Boolean types, and why are they important?  



The code may have one of these possible boolean values in the program. We can store the boolean values in one byte of memory. At the same time, other values (ASCII) take more than one byte of memory to store the value. These stored values must not be equal to numbers. We can use it to control the flow of the program and provide choices to the algorithm. So, this is important to the program.  

4. What logical operators are used to compare Boolean values in Python?  

  • And  
  • Or  
  • Not  

We can use three logical operators to evaluate the expressions. The Not operators take one value, and it returns the opposite output.  

5. Is there any difference between "true" or "false" values when coding with booleans in Python? 

The true values are always correct. We can represent the incorrect value by False. The true operators describe the operand as definitely true. The false operators describe the operand as definitely false.    

6. How can I convert a string or an integer into a Boolean value within a Python list?  

  • The bool()  
  • The eval()  

We can convert a string into a boolean using these two methods. We can set all strings as true except the empty ones. The ASCII values assess the strings. By default, the numerical values of zero, null, and empty lists are boolean false.  

7. Can you explain a truth table for boolean operations in Python?  

A truth table is a mathematical table used to perform logical operations. One column denotes the input variable, and the last represents the output (results). We can use the truth table to derive the algorithm in computer programming. 


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