How to Call a Nested Function in Python

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by Abdul Rawoof A R dot icon Updated: Feb 26, 2024

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A nested characteristic in Python is one that is described inside another. It is also known as an inner function or a local function. Nested functions can access the variables and parameters of the enclosing function. The enclosing function is also known as the outer function. 

The internal characteristic can simplest be known as from inside the outer characteristic. The outer function will then run the code of the inner function. The internal characteristic can simplest be known as from inside the outer characteristic. It cannot be called from the top level of your code. You can also return the inner function itself without calling it. Do this by not passing any parameters to it. Then, use it later as a variable. You can use nested functions to hide a behavior in a larger function. Or, to use a helper function only needed within the outer function. 

 You may have a look at the code given below for knowing more about calling a nested function in Python. 

Fig : Preview of the output that you will get on running this code from your IDE.



Follow the steps carefully to get the output easily.

  1. Install python on your IDE(Any of your favorite IDE).
  2. Copy the snippet using the 'copy' and paste it in your IDE.
  3. Run the file to generate the output.

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I found this code snippet by searching for 'how to call a nested function in Python' in kandi. You can try any such use case!

Environment Tested

I tested this solution in the following versions. Be mindful of changes when working with other versions.

  1. The solution is created in PyCharm 2021.3.
  2. The solution is tested on Python 3.9.7.

Using this solution, we are able to call a nested function in python with simple steps. This process also facilities an easy way to use, hassle-free method to create a hands-on working version of code which would help us to call a nested function in python.


1.What is a nested function in Python?

A nested function is also known as an inner function or a local function. It is a function defined within another function. It has access to the function's variables and parameters. This makes it a powerful tool for creating modular and reusable code.

2.How do you call a nested function in Python?

To call a nested function, first invoke the outer function. The nested function is defined within it. This execution triggers the code block of the inner function. You can only call the inner function from within the outer function. You cannot access it from the top level of your code.

3.Can you return a nested function in Python?

Yes, you can return a nested function from an outer function. You can do this without calling it right away. omit passing any parameters to the inner function and return it as a variable. This allows you to store the inner function for later use or pass it as an argument to other functions.

4.In what scenarios are nested functions useful?

Nested functions are useful. They let you encapsulate a behavior within a larger function. This creates a modular and organized structure. They are also handy for defining helper functions. The helpers are only needed within the outer function. They enhance code readability and maintainability.

5.What is the scope of variables in nested functions?

Nested functions have access to the variables and parameters of the enclosing function. These variables and parameters are also known as the outer function. This means they can read and change variables from the outer function. It gives a way to share state and behavior between the outer and inner functions.


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