How to Compare Two Dictionaries in Python

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by Abdul Rawoof A R dot icon Updated: Feb 26, 2024

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In Python, you may loop through a dictionary's key-value pairs using the "items()" function. Then, you can use the "in" operator to check if the key is in the other dictionary. You may compare the values if it's there. You can include it in a list of differences if it is absent. 

  • The items() method in Python retrieves a view object. It contains a list of (key, value) pairs. The view object can be iterated over to access the key-value pairs of the dictionary. This is useful when you want to loop through a dictionary's key-value pairs. You can then operate on each of them. It is also useful when you want to create a copy of a dictionary and keep it updated with the original dictionary. 
  • The in-operator in Python checks if a value is in a container. This could be a list, tuple, set, or dictionary. It returns True if the value is found in the container and False otherwise. It is a very useful operator when you want to check if a value is present in a container data type. It saves time and features of code. 

For more information about comparing two dictionaries with more values in one in Python, refer to the code below. 

Fig : Preview of the output that you will get on running this code from your IDE.



Follow the steps carefully to get the output easily.

  1. Install python on your IDE(Any of your favorite IDE).
  2. Copy the snippet using the 'copy' and paste it in your IDE.
  3. Run the file to generate the output.

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Environment Tested

I tested this solution in the following versions. Be mindful of changes when working with other versions.

  1. The solution is created in PyCharm 2021.3.
  2. The solution is tested on Python 3.9.7.
  3. Pandas version-v1.5.2.

Using this solution, we are able to compare two dictionaries with more values in one in python with simple steps. This process also facilities an easy way to use, hassle-free method to create a hands-on working version of code which would help us to compare two dictionaries with more values in one in python.


1.How can I compare two dictionaries in Python?

You can loop through a dictionary's key-value pairs using the items() function. Then, check if each key is in the other dictionary using the in operator. Then, you can compare the values if the key exists and include any differences in a list.

2.What does the items() method do in Python dictionaries?

The items() method gets a view object. It has a list of (key, value) pairs from the dictionary. You can iterate over this view object to access the key-value pairs. This makes it useful for looping through a dictionary's contents. It's also good for copying the dictionary.

3.How does the in operator work with dictionaries in Python?

The in operator checks if a value (or key) is present in a container, including dictionaries. It returns True if it finds the value in the dictionary and False if it does not. This operator is efficient and used when you need to check for the existence of a key in a dictionary.

4.What is the benefit of using the items() method to iterate over dictionary elements? 

You can use the items() method to access the key-value pairs of the dictionary. This makes it easy to work on each pair in a loop. Additionally, it is concise and readable. It is better for working with dictionary elements than other methods.

5.Can I update one dictionary with the contents of another in Python?

Yes, you can update one dictionary with the contents of another. Iterate over the key-value pairs of the source dictionary using the items() method. Then, update the target dictionary. This approach ensures the target dictionary reflects changes to the source.


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