Darkfly tool

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by axomproplayers@gmail.com dot icon Updated: Dec 5, 2023

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DarkFly tool is a Python library for installing security and hacking tools on Android terminal emulator Termux. It was developed by a GitHub user named Ranginang671, It offers 530 tools, Some of the tools that DarkFly offers are useful for ethical hacking, such as Metasploit, Nmap, Sqlmap, Hydra, and Wireshark, which can help to scan vulnerabilities, exploit them and analyze network traffic.

DarkFly is a tool that can be used for ethical hacking, as long as you have the permission of the target system or network owner. However, it can also be used for malicious hacking without permission, which is illegal and unethical, causing severe damage to the system or network and legal consequences. Therefore, it is crucial to use DarkFly responsibly and ethically.

Deployment Information

Darkfly tool github features :-

DarkFly tool is a multipurpose penetration testing and security assessment application with several features and tools for ethical hacking and security testing. Some of the key features of Darkfly are mentioned below :

  • information gathering : DarkFly provides various tools for gathering information about target systems, including network scanning, banner grabbing, and OS fingerprinting.

  • Vulnerability scanning : It includes tools for detecting vulnerabilities in target systems and assessing their security posture and possible vulnerabilities.

  • Exploitation : DarkFly offers various exploits and payloads for taking advantage of known vulnerabilities in target systems.

  • Social Engineering : DarkFly provide a wide range of social engineering tools.

  • Wireless assaults : It provides tools for assessing the security of wireless networks, including as Wi-Fi cracking, monitoring, and wireless device assaults.

  • Post-Exploitation : DarkFly includes tools for keeping access to compromised systems and carrying out additional operations following an initial breach.

  • Web Application Testing : It comprises methods for testing the security of web applications, such as scanning web servers and apps for vulnerabilities.

  • Reporting : Some DarkFly versions may have tools for creating reports based on the findings of security assessments.


# Update the package repositories and upgrade installed packages by entering the following commands:-
$ apt update -y
$ apt upgrade -y

# Install python and git:
$ pkg install python2 -y
$ pkg install git -y

# clone Darkfly repository:
$ git clone https://github.com/Ranginang67/DarkFly-Tool

# Change the directory to the DarkFly folder:
$ cd DarkFly-Tool

# install Darkfly by running:
$ python2 install.py

# go back to the home directory:
$ cd

# run darkfly
$ DarkFly

Darkfly was successfully installed!!