How to use group by function

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by vsasikalabe dot icon Updated: Oct 26, 2023

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SQLite GROUP BY helps in collaborating with the SELECT statement. Also, it helps arrange identical (same) data into groups. GROUP BY follows the WHERE clause in a SELECT statement. 

It precedes the ORDER BY clause. The SELECT, FROM, WHERE, GROUP BY, ORDER BY, and LIMIT clauses help write SQL queries in an SQLite database. The GROUP BY clause can help with the SQLite SELECT statement. Because it is an optional clause. SQL is a Structured Query Language. It helps define, control, manipulate, and query data present in a relational database.

SQLite uses a temporary B-tree structure. Because a SELECT query contains an ORDER BY, GROUP BY, or DISTINCT clause, it helps sort the output rows. After GROUP BY, we should list the columns in your SELECT clause. Otherwise, it helps with an aggregation function (like COUNT(), SUM(), AVG()).   

The SQLite GROUP BY clause helps in a SELECT statement for collecting data. The data is across many records and groups. The results are by one or more columns. Common table expressions (CTEs) are subqueries. We can define it inside the SQL statement. We need to create Tables after that and put values on the tables before using this code.

SQLite GROUP BY clause helps get data into a single row. We can repeat the value of one or more assigned columns. We can access the HAVING clause once for each group of rows as a Boolean expression. Group by clause helps make a group of rows as per user requirement. It displays one or more rows for a single group.   

We can define the GROUPS frame as the starting and ending boundaries. We can determine it by counting groups relative to the current group. We are selecting all values from a specific column in our table. Then, count by grouping them based on the unique values in that same column. The GROUP BY clause splits a table into sets. We can define this clause with aggregate functions. It produces summary values for each of those sets. Group by function helps in SQL clauses. It allows you to join a field into its distinct values. This clause helps with aggregations.

It displays one value per grouped field or combination of fields. We can also use an SQL group and aggregates to get multiple types of information. SQLite Group By allows you to assign your data in ways that satisfy your unique needs. We can group rows. It has common column values together. For larger databases, the advantages become clear.   

Preview of the output that you will get on running this code from your IDE.



Follow the steps carefully to get the output easily.

  1. Download and Install the SQLite3 on your computer.
  2. Create a database folder on your desktop.
  3. Open the command prompt and follow the below steps.
  4. cd desktop (Enter),dir (Enter), cd database (Enter), sqlite3 (Enter), .tables (Enter).
  5. CREATE TABLE tracks (`status` VARCHAR(5), `Album` VARCHAR(3), `Path` VARCHAR(6)); (Enter)
  6. INSERT INTO tracks (`status`, `Album`, `Path`) VALUES ('INFO', 'foo', 'path1'), ('REC', 'foo', 'path2'), ('OTHER', 'foo', 'path3'), ('INFO', 'bar', 'path91'), ('OTHER', 'bar', 'path93'); (Enter)
  7. Copy the snippet using the 'copy' button and paste it into your command prompt.(Enter)
  8. Now, you will be able to get the output.

I found this code snippet by searching for ' sqlite GROUP BY and ORDER' in Kandi. You can try any such use case!

Environment Tested

I tested this solution in the following versions. Be mindful of changes when working with other versions.

  1. Sqlite3 version- 3.43.2

Using this solution, we are able to use group by function with simple steps. This process also facilitates an easy-way-to use hassle-free method to create a hands-on working version of code which would help us to use group by function.


1. What is the purpose of the SQLite - ORDER clause when used in a query language?   

SQLite ORDER BY clause helps sort the data values in ascending and descending order. This depends on one or more columns.   


2. How can one write a complex SQL statement that includes grouping rows?   

The GROUP BY statement groups rows with the same values, like "find the number of customers in each state". The GROUP BY clause helps with aggregate functions (COUNT(), MAX(), MIN(), SUM(), AVG()). This is for grouping the result set by one or more columns.   


3. How can we include non-aggregated columns when using SELECT COUNT?   

All the columns in the select statement are not aggregated. We should define it in a GROUP BY clause in the query.   


4. What criteria must we specify to group data using the GROUP BY syntax?   

The Group By statement helps join together any rows of a column with the same stored value. It depends on a function specified in the statement. These are the aggregate functions, such as MAX() and SUM(). This code helps with the SELECT command in SQL.   


5. Are there any limitations on what types of data we can group using GROUP BY syntax?   

We can only select columns when using GROUP BY. It is part of the grouping columns within aggregate functions in the SELECT clause. So that we cannot select arbitrary columns it is not part of the grouping or aggregation.   


6. Is it possible to group by multiple columns within a single SQL statement?   

We can apply the SQL Group By statement to multiple table columns in a query. 


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