How to use the Listbox widget to display lists of items in Tkinter Python

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by vigneshchennai74 dot icon Updated: Jul 10, 2023

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A listbox is a fundamental graphical user interface (GUI) development widget. It is used to present a list of items to users. It allows users to make selections or view available options. The Tkinter library provides a Listbox widget. It offers various functionalities and customization options.

Drop-down listboxes: 

It provides a collapsed list that expands when clicked. It helps select an option from the expanded list.

Radio button listboxes: 

It displays a list of exclusive choices as radio buttons. It enables users to select a single option.

The Tkinter Listbox widget provides various properties. It can customize its appearance and behavior. It includes the height and width, the font color and text color, and the cursor type or mouse pointer. It helps display when hovering over the list of items. Scrollbars can be associated with the listbox to help navigate through long lists.

A variety of approaches can be taken when adding items to a listbox. Things can be embedded using the addition() strategy. It takes the record position and the text of the thing as boundaries. The item's position in the list is determined by its index position. Items can be removed from the listbox using the delete() method. It does so by specifying the item's index or using ACTIVE to delete the currently selected item. Listboxes are a common way to display data from a database in web applications. They allow users to select options or filter data based on their preferences. They are a user-friendly method of doing so. Developers can enhance interactivity by binding the listbox to the appropriate event handlers.

A listbox is a basic gadget in graphical UI (GUI) improvement. It is used to introduce a rundown of things to clients. It lets people choose from or look at the available options. A Listbox widget with various customization options is available from the Tkinter library.

Custom icons: 

It enhances the visual appeal of your listbox by using custom icons for different items. You can associate specific icons with certain items. It provides visual cues or represents different categories.

Styling options: 

Customize the appearance of the listbox by modifying its styles. You can adjust the color, font, and border styles to match your application theme.

Item formatting: 

Apply formatting options to the text within the listbox. You can use different font types, font sizes or even apply text decorations. It helps highlight specific items.

Hover effects: 

Add interactive elements to your custom listbox by implementing hover effects. For example, change the background color or apply a slight shadow when the user hovers over an item. It provides visual feedback.

Animation and transitions: 

Incorporate animation or transition effects when interacting with the listbox. It includes scrolling, fade-in or out, or animations when adding or removing items.

Custom selection styles: 

Customize the appearance of the selected item in the listbox. You can adjust the background color, font color or apply different highlighting techniques. It makes the selected item stand out.

Event handling: 

Implement event handlers to respond to specific interactions within the listbox. For example, you can trigger actions when the user double-clicks an item. You can also do so while they right-click and select a context menu option.

Listboxes have been used in various web applications. In online shopping platforms, listboxes display product categories or filtering options. In online registration forms, listboxes allow users to select their country. These examples highlight the versatility and usability of listboxes. It helps in creating intuitive and user-friendly interfaces.

Listboxes are essential components in GUI development. It provides a convenient way for users to select options or view lists of items. Tkinter's Listbox widget creates interactive applications with customizable properties and insertion methods. By using listboxes, developers can enhance user experience. It provides intuitive interfaces for their web applications.

Preview of the output that you will get on running this code from your IDE


Tkinter (short for Tk interface) is the standard GUI library for Python


  1. Download and install VS Code on your desktop.
  2. Open VS Code and create a new file in the editor.
  3. Copy the code snippet that you want to run, using the "Copy" button or by selecting the text and using the copy command (Ctrl+C on Windows/Linux or Cmd+C on Mac).,
  4. Paste the code into your file in VS Code, and save the file with a meaningful name and the appropriate file extension for python use (.py).file extension.
  5. To run the code, open the file in VS Code and click the "Run" button in the top menu, or use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Alt+N (on Windows and Linux) or Cmd+Alt+N (on Mac). The output of your code will appear in the VS Code output console.

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I found this code snippet by searching " Tkinter Python listbox " in kandi. you can try any use case.

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I tested this solution in the following versions. Be mindful of changes when working with other versions.

  1. The solution is created and tested using Vscode 1.77.2 version
  2. The solution is created in Python 3.7.15 version

Listbox widget is a powerful and versatile widget that can help you create a more interactive and user-friendly interface for your Python Tkinter applications. This process also facilities an easy to use, hassle free method to create a hands-on working version of code. How to use the Listbox widget to display lists of items in Tkinter Python


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1. What is the Tkinter Listbox widget, and how does it work?  

The Tkinter Listbox widget is a graphical element in the Tkinter library. It helps selects one or more items from a list. It provides a user-friendly interface. It helps in displaying and interacting with lists of text or other items. It creates a scrollable box where items can be added, selected, and manipulated.  


2. How can I create a simple listbox in my Tkinter GUI?  

To create a simple listbox in your Tkinter GUI, you can start by importing the tkinter module. Then, you can create a Listbox object using the Listbox() constructor. Once the listbox is created, you can add items using the insert() method. It provides a list of items during initialization. Finally, you can pack or grid the listbox into your GUI window to display it.  


3. What examples of text items can be added to a listbox?  

Here are some examples of text items to be added to a listbox. It includes names of people, countries, programming languages, or relevant menu options. You can add single-line text items and multiline items to the listbox. Each item in the listbox is represented as a separate element. It can be selected or manipulated.  


4. How do I determine which item is currently selected in the listbox?  

You can use the curselection() method to determine which item is currently selected. This method returns the selected item(s) index or indices in the listbox. If no item is selected, the method will return an empty tuple. You can then use this information to perform actions or retrieve the item(s) for processing.  


5. Can I add a scrollbar to my listbox?  

You can add a scrollbar to your listbox to allow easy navigation through long lists. Tkinter provides both horizontal and vertical scrollbar widgets. It can be associated with a listbox. By linking a scrollbar to the listbox, you enable scrolling functionality. This ensures that the listbox contains more items than can be displayed simultaneously. Users can scroll through the list using the scrollbar.