Bluetooth and Wi-Fi are the essential communication medium in the internet world. Bluetooth and Wi-Fi are used to provide wireless communication. Bluetooth allows us to share data, files, voice, music, video, and a lot of information between paired devices. Bluetooth and Wi-Fi provide tracking facility also. If we lose the gadgets and want to track that gadget or track a particular person, we can track them with the help of Bluetooth and Wi-Fi. Bluetooth and Wi-Fi tracking play a vital role in tracking the lost gadgets or a person. Following libraries can help you to perform Bluetooth and Wi-Fi tracking
find-lfby schollz
Track the location of every Wi-Fi device (:iphone:) in your house using Raspberry Pis and FIND
find-lfby schollz
Go 966 Version:Current License: Strong Copyleft (AGPL-3.0)
wombatby Perdu
Wi-Fi tracking system for testing and demonstrational purpose
wombatby Perdu
Python 20 Version:Current License: Strong Copyleft (GPL-3.0)
ObjectDetectionTrackingby GemcodeStudios
Object Detection and Tracking Over Bluetooth
ObjectDetectionTrackingby GemcodeStudios
C++ 15 Version:Current License: Permissive (MIT)
why-fiby laurybueno
Position tracking software based on wi-fi signals
why-fiby laurybueno
Jupyter Notebook 14 Version:Current License: Strong Copyleft (AGPL-3.0)
Tracker-Androidby adsamcik
Offline location, Wi-Fi, cell and fitness tracking application with game elements
Tracker-Androidby adsamcik
Kotlin 26 Version:2021.1 License: Strong Copyleft (GPL-3.0)
web-bluetooth-mi-band-1sby k0ff33
Realtime step tracking in Mi Band 1s using web bluetooth
web-bluetooth-mi-band-1sby k0ff33
JavaScript 6 Version:Current License: Permissive (MIT)