6 best C# Streaming Analytics libraries in 2025
by marketing.admin@openweaver.com Updated: Feb 5, 2023
Guide Kit
Streaming Analytics is one of the most important parts of the IT infrastructure. It's not just about collecting data, it's also about processing that data and delivering actionable insights on time so that we can make business decisions faster than anyone else in the industry. A good Streaming Analytics platform will help to do all these things, but there's a tradeoff between flexibility and scalability. The ability to analyze streaming data sets enables businesses to take advantage of machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI) tools. It is a very important tool for modern day developers and it becomes one of the most rapidly evolving technologies in the programming world today. A few of the most popular C# Streaming Analytics open source libraries for developers are: Trill - singlenode query processor for temporal or streaming data; azure-stream-analytics - Azure Stream Analytics; Fritz.StreamTools - Handy tools for managing my live stream, built with ASP.NET Core.
Trillby microsoft
Trill is a single-node query processor for temporal or streaming data.
Trillby microsoft
C# 1206 Version:Current License: Permissive (MIT)
azure-stream-analyticsby Azure
Azure Stream Analytics
azure-stream-analyticsby Azure
C# 199 Version:Current License: Permissive (MIT)
Fritz.StreamToolsby csharpfritz
Handy tools for managing my live stream, built with ASP.NET Core
Fritz.StreamToolsby csharpfritz
C# 142 Version:Current License: Permissive (MIT)
Harmonicby a1q123456
A high performance and scalable RTMP live streaming application framework
Harmonicby a1q123456
C# 136 Version:v0.0.2 License: Permissive (MIT)
osukpsby yugecin
A keys-per-second meter for osu! (or any rythm game), useful for live streaming and making videos
osukpsby yugecin
C# 64 Version:180218 License: Permissive (MIT)
unity_sdkby voximplant
Voximplant SDK for adding messaging, voice calling, video chat, and live streaming to Unity apps
unity_sdkby voximplant
C# 15 Version:v2.3.0 License: Permissive (MIT)