Hangman game is a classic multi-player game that involves guessing letters in a word OR phrase until you can guess the entire word correctly. The game contains clues which help players guess the correct letters in a word.
In this kit we mainly used React Js which is one of the most popular javascript libraries for developing User Interfaces. It is used by most of the developers to build reusable UI components.
kandi kit provides you with a fully deployable Hangman game using React.Js. Source code included so that you can customize it for your requirement.
Deployment Information
The library added in this section is primarily used to create this project. The entire solution is available as a package to download from the source code repository.
For Windows OS,
- Download, extract and double-click the kit installer file to install the kit. Note: Do ensure to extract the zip file before running it. 1. When you're prompted during the installation of the kit, press Y to launch the app automatically and this one will open the application in a browser http://localhost:3000.
- To run the app manually, press N when you're prompted and locate the respective zip file
- Extract the zip file and navigate to the corresponding directory
- Open command prompt in the extracted directory and run the command npm install && npm run start
Click on the button below to download the solution and follow the deployment instructions to begin set-up. This 1-click kit has all the required dependencies and resources you may need to build your Hangman Game
Development Environment
Visual studio code IDE is used for this development. It becomes easy and simple to develop an interactive UI with Visual studio code.
React Native Component
React Native is an open-source UI software framework and it is also very popular in javascript-based application frameworks. This component is widely used for creating game applications.
react-nativeby facebook
A framework for building native applications using React
react-nativeby facebook
License: Permissive (MIT)
reactby facebook
The library for web and native user interfaces
reactby facebook
License: Permissive (MIT)
React DOM Component
The following library could be used to create React DOM components in your application.
react-testing-libraryby testing-library
🐐 Simple and complete React DOM testing utilities that encourage good testing practices.
react-testing-libraryby testing-library
License: Permissive (MIT)
Kit Solution Source
react-hangmanby react-puzzle-games
Hangman game built with React
react-hangmanby react-puzzle-games
License: Permissive (MIT)
Instruction to run:
Follow the below instructions to run the solution.
- Locate and open the extracted zip file "react-hangman-master" in Visual studio code.
- Execute the commands npm install && npm run start
- Its starts the application in your local web server http://localhost:3000
For any customizations,
- Create drop down button for different categories of your choice (eg. Fruits,Countries etc.) in App.js
- Create a json file for secret words(eg: data.json) instead of using "an-array-of-english-words" in randomword.js
- Add words and clues(for each words) in json array format in that created json file (eg: { "countries":{"name":["india","china"], "clue":["Taj Mahal ","world's longest wall "]}, "fruits":{"name":["banana","watermelon"], "clue":["Cylindrical shape","oval shape and contain seeds"]} }
- Create functions for each category in randomword.js and in return statement along with the word also return clue.
- In game-state-factory.js, for every category, call corresponding function and start the game. Get the category from App.js and use in game-state-factory.js For any support, you can direct message us at #help-with-kandi-kits
- While running batch file, if you encounter Windows protection alert, select More info --> Run anyway
- During kit installer, if you encounter a Windows security alert ,click Allow
If you need help to use this kit, you can email us at kandi.support@openweaver.com or direct message us on Twitter Message @OpenWeaverInc.