11 best Java Test Automation libraries in 2025
by marketing.admin@openweaver.com Updated: Mar 10, 2023
Guide Kit
Automated testing is a major part of the software development life cycle. It is a crucial element that can make or break your project. In the past few years, we witnessed a huge surge in the number of test automation tools. No matter what type of software you are creating, you will always need to add automated testing to your development process. Some of these tests are unit tests, UI tests, integration tests, and so on. There are many things to consider when choosing an automated testing tool for your Java project — ease of use, maintainability, cost, and adaptability. If you are new to test automation, it can be difficult to understand what tools are out there and which tools suit your needs. The following is a comprehensive list of the best Java test automation open source libraries.
sonic-serverby SonicCloudOrg
🎉Back end of Sonic cloud real machine platform. Sonic cloud real machine platform backend service.
sonic-serverby SonicCloudOrg
Java 2344 Version:v2.5.6 License: Strong Copyleft (AGPL-3.0)
FluentLeniumby FluentLenium
FluentLenium is a web & mobile automation framework which extends Selenium to write reliable and resilient UI functional tests. This framework is React ready. Written and maintained by people who are automating browser-based tests on a daily basis.
FluentLeniumby FluentLenium
Java 845 Version:v6.0.0 License: Others (Non-SPDX)
sonic-agentby SonicCloudOrg
🎉Agent of Sonic cloud real machine platform.
sonic-agentby SonicCloudOrg
Java 1999 Version:v2.5.3-alpha License: Strong Copyleft (AGPL-3.0)
sonic-android-apkby SonicCloudOrg
🎉Android Plugin of Sonic cloud real machine platform. Sonic cloud real machine platform Android plugin.
sonic-android-apkby SonicCloudOrg
Kotlin 394 Version:v2.0.7 License: Strong Copyleft (GPL-3.0)
sonic-agentby ZhouYixun
🎉Agent of Sonic cloud real machine testing platform. Sonic云真机测试平台Agent端。
sonic-agentby ZhouYixun
Java 242 Version:v1.2.0-rc License: Permissive (MIT)
at.info-knowledge-baseby atinfo
http://automated-testing.info knowledge base on test automation examples
at.info-knowledge-baseby atinfo
Java 199 Version:Current License: Permissive (MIT)
sonic-ios-bridgeby SonicCloudOrg
🎉Bridge of iOS Devices by usbmuxd. iOS debugging tool based on usbmuxd.
sonic-ios-bridgeby SonicCloudOrg
Go 961 Version:v1.3.12 License: Strong Copyleft (AGPL-3.0)
ui-automation-bootstrapby sergiomartins8
An awesome test automation framework template to jumpstart your projects! ✨
ui-automation-bootstrapby sergiomartins8
Java 18 Version:v2.4.0 License: Permissive (Apache-2.0)
FluentLeniumby enterstudio
FluentLenium helps you writing readable, reusable, reliable and resilient UI functional tests for the browser.
FluentLeniumby enterstudio
Java 0 Version:Current License: Others (Non-SPDX)
fluentlenium-testingby inetum-orleans
Squelette de projet FluentLenium pour les tests sur IHM
fluentlenium-testingby inetum-orleans
Java 0 Version:Current License: Permissive (MIT)
FluentLeniumby abendt
FluentLenium helps you writing readable, reusable, reliable and resilient UI functional tests for the browser.
FluentLeniumby abendt
Java 0 Version:Current License: Others (Non-SPDX)