6 best PHP UI Testing libraries in 2025
by marketing.admin@openweaver.com Updated: Mar 11, 2023
Guide Kit
UI testing of an application is a process that verifies the interface and functionality of an application. UI testing is done by a human or by using automated tools. UI testing is a great way to validate whether your app is working as expected. It's a good complement to unit tests because it tests the full integration of your web application It can be difficult to accurately test behavior across multiple browsers and platforms. You can use PHP UI Testing Open Source libraries to help with this process. The following are 6 PHP UI Testing Open Source libraries in 2022: VisualPHPUnit - VisualPHPUnit is a visual frontend for PHPUnit; Phpunit-ui - unit tests from your browser instead; php_codeception - Automated UI/API testing with Codeception.
VisualPHPUnitby VisualPHPUnit
ServerSetupCheckby bismay4u
A basic server checking code for testing the server for proper working PHP enviroment.
ServerSetupCheckby bismay4u
PHP 2 Version:Current License: Permissive (MIT)
mail-test-apiby bismay4u
Quick PHP Mail Testing API for verifying and checking email configurations and testing.
mail-test-apiby bismay4u
PHP 0 Version:Current License: Permissive (MIT)
phpunit-uiby crownlessking
Run your unit tests from your browser instead of the terminal
phpunit-uiby crownlessking
PHP 0 Version:Current License: Permissive (MIT)
php_codeceptionby thuongdv
Automated UI/API testing with Codeception
php_codeceptionby thuongdv
PHP 0 Version:Current License: Permissive (MIT)
AutoMateby JuGid
AutoMate is an automation library to make UI repetitive actions or to make tests with YAML
AutoMateby JuGid
PHP 0 Version:0.8.0 License: Permissive (MIT)