The primary technologies for creating Web pages are HTML and CSS. HTML provides the page structure while CSS handles the visual layout.
HTML, which stands for "Hypertext Markup Language.", forms the foundation for defining the arrangement and content of web pages. HTML operates by utilizing a series of tags that mark specific elements within a page. CSS, which stands for Cascading Style Sheets, is a language employed for creating stylesheets that govern the arrangement and design of HTML documents.
This kit has some simple-to-use exercise in HTML/CSS to help someone new to Web Development to learn how to program in HTML/CSS and get started with their journey.
Deployment Information
This repository has simple programs for beginners starting their programming journey in HTML/CSS.
For Windows OS,
- Download, extract and double-click the kit installer file to install the kit. Do ensure to extract the zip file before running it.
- The installation may take from 2 to 10 minutes based on bandwidth.
- When you're prompted during the installation of the kit, press Y to launch the app automatically
- To run the app manually, press N when you're prompted and locate the zip file
- Extract the zip file and navigate to the directory html-css-basics
- Double-click the index.html file
For other Operating Systems,
- Click here to download the repository.
- Extract the zip file and navigate to the directory
- Double-click the index.html file
Click on the button below to download the solution and follow the deployment information to begin set-up. This 1-click kit has all the required dependencies and resources you may need to build your First HTML/CSS App.
For a detailed tutorial on installing & executing the solution as well as learning resources including training & certification opportunities, please visit the OpenWeaver Community
Knowledge Resources for basics
html-css-courseby jonasschmedtmann
Starter files, final projects, and FAQ for my HTML + CSS course
html-css-courseby jonasschmedtmann
License: No License
Kit Solution Source
html-css-basicsby kandi1clickkits
This repo has simple program for beginners starting their programming journey in HTML/CSS.
html-css-basicsby kandi1clickkits
License: Permissive (Apache-2.0)