A React date picker library is a package designed to help the selection of dates in applications. These libraries provide pre-built date picker components with various features. It makes implementing date selection functionality in your React projects easier. These libraries help simplify implementing date selection functionality and save development time. It provides consistent and user-friendly date picker components across different projects. These libraries can be installed via package managers and imported into your components. It is a responsive, touch-friendly, and modular date picker library. We showed libraries for creating a basic library using the package and implementing features.
We must import the React Date picker in our main file and check it through React view. We have to import the packages of Datepicker and Bootstrap in the React template first. A useful React component that lets us pick a date range inside an opening calendar. We can even detect it if we click outside of it. We will create a new React app that uses the datepicker package to add dates to blog posts. In starting v2.0.0, we switched to using, which uses native Date objects, to reduce the package size. We will implement the date range functionality in React Calendar. We should use the minDate and maxDate properties in the date component.
The time picker displays a time list from the list; a user can choose a time value using the React calendar. The library includes a super-neat date/time picker with three main functionalities:
- a simple date input,
- calendar pickers, and
- a time picker.
We can import these services to the locale of the calendar view. A date picker is a popup calendar, date and time picker, or time picker. It is a graphical user interface widget. It lets the user select a date and a time. We can also add the date format, timeIntervals, timeFormat, and timeCaption in timepicker. The check-in component uses the current date as a, and the user cannot pick a date before today. But it has marked the date-fns library as a peer dependency, so you must install it on our React application. While there's no custom time-picking user interface, you can use an input format. It includes the time, which will be carried over when the selected date changes. The goal is to build two components and connect both as check-in and check-out dates. It then displays the selected dates. The only downside with this library is that it doesn't have its date range picker.
We have identified the React-date-picker libraries based on popularity, flexibility, and coverage. The links below allow access package commands, installation notes, npm, and code snippets. Let's look at each library in detail.
- It is a mobile-friendly datepicker library for React.
- It is tied to a standard form simple date input field.
- It provides various options and features. It includes selecting various dates, customizing styles, and more features.
- It works great with input fields and can be styled to match any design.
react-datesby react-dates
An easily internationalizable, mobile-friendly datepicker library for the web
react-datesby react-dates
License: Permissive (MIT)
- It is a datepicker component for React.
- Renders a monthly calendar to select days.
- It is customizable, and it works great with input fields.
- It can be styled to match any design.
react-day-pickerby gpbl
DayPicker is a customizable date picker component for React, with native TypeScript support.
react-day-pickerby gpbl
License: Permissive (MIT)
- Material-UI Pickers is a popular date picker library for React.
- It is built on top of the component library.
- It provides various date and time picker components with a Material Design look and feels.
- It offers various customization options. It makes them versatile for date and time selection in React applications.
material-ui-pickersby mui
Date & Time pickers for Material UI (support from v1 to v4)
material-ui-pickersby mui
License: Permissive (MIT)
- It is a date and time picker component. It allows users to select both a date and a time value, and it is a simple and reusable datepicker component.
- It combines the functionality of a date picker and a time picker into a single input interface.
- The component lets users choose a specific date and time from a calendar and clock interface. It is useful for scenarios where the date and time information are required.
- The components make incorporate the date and time selection functionality into applications. It is easier with consistent styling and features.
datetimepickerby react-native-datetimepicker
React Native date & time picker component for iOS, Android and Windows
datetimepickerby react-native-datetimepicker
License: Permissive (MIT)
- React Native DatePicker is a component allowing date selection in React Native applications.
- It offers an interface for users to choose a date from a calendar date-like view within the app.
- React Native DatePicker components are designed for mobile app development using React Native.
- It allows us to incorporate date selection functionality into your cross-platform mobile applications.
react-native-date-pickerby henninghall
React Native Date Picker is datetime picker for Android and iOS. It includes date, time and datetime picker modes. The datepicker is customizable and is supporting different languages. It's written with native code to achieve the best possible look, feel and performance.
react-native-date-pickerby henninghall
License: Permissive (MIT)
- React Nice Dates is a date picker and calendar library for React applications.
- It is built on the React and React Hooks concepts, making it compatible with modern React projects.
- It provides various components. It allows for easy implementation of date selection and calendar functionality.
- It aims to provide a customizable solution for managing dates in React projects.
react-nice-datesby hernansartorio
A responsive, touch-friendly, and modular date picker library for React.
react-nice-datesby hernansartorio
License: Permissive (MIT)
- React Date Picker is a library for applications that provides date selection functionality.
- It allows users to choose a date from a calendar-like interface.
- React Date Picker simplifies implementing date selection in your React projects. It provides pre-built components with various features and customization options.
- These libraries come in various forms, each with features and customization options.
react-date-pickerby wojtekmaj
A date picker for your React app.
react-date-pickerby wojtekmaj
License: Permissive (MIT)
1. What are date and time picker components, and how do they work?
Date and time picker components are user interface elements. It allows users to select dates and times. These components allow users to input or choose specific dates and times. It can be used in scheduling, booking systems, and event management applications.
2. How does the export default function ReactdatesDatepicker work in this library?
The export default statement in this library exports the main component or function. It represents the Date Picker functionality. The example you provided, ReactdatesDatepicker, is the exported default function from this library.
3. What is a modular date picker library? What advantages does it have over other libraries?
A modular date picker library is designed and structured in a modular way. It means that it is composed of separate, self-contained modules or components. Every module focuses on a specific aspect of the date picker functionality. It can be used or combined to build a complete date picker solution.
4. Do you recommend any specific datepicker package for a new React app?
As an AI language model, I don't have personal opinions. But I can provide some popular and well-regarded date picker packages for React. They are used and have good community support. Here are a few options:
- react-datepicker.
- react-day-picker.
- material-ui/pickers.
5. How do I create a custom React component with my styling for the Datepicker Library?
To create a component with your styling for a date picker library, you can follow these general steps:
- Install the Datepicker Library:
Start by installing the date picker library of your choice using a package manager like npm or yarn. For example, if you're using the react-datepicker library. You can run npm install or add react-datepicker to add it to your project.
- Create a Custom Component:
Create a new file in your React project to define your custom date picker component. For instance, you can create a file called CustomDatePicker.js in your directory.
- Import the Necessary Dependencies:
Import the required dependencies from this library in your custom component file. This includes importing the main date picker component and any necessary styling files.
- Define and Render Your Component:
Create a new React component by defining a function or class component. You can render the component within the component, passing any necessary customization options.
- Apply Custom Styling:
Add CSS classes or inline styles to the rendered date picker component to apply your styling. You can override the default styles provided by the library. You can use CSS overrides or a CSS-in-JS solution like styled-components or Emotion.
- Export Your Custom Component:
Export your custom date picker component as the default export from the file to be imported. It is used in other parts of your application.
- Use Your Custom Component:
In your application, import and use your custom component wherever you need a date picker.
6. What is the best way to save data related to selected dates using native Date objects in my application?
When storing data using objects, you can consider methods based on your needs. It includes Store Dates as Date Objects, Store Dates as Timestamps, and Store Dates as Strings.
7. What is the best way of managing the form state when using this library for user inputs such as dates and times?
The form state can be managed using a pattern when using this library for user inputs. This approach involves storing the date or time value in the component's state. Then we can update it through event handlers.