React forms libraries are specialized tools designed to simplify managing and handling forms. It offers mechanisms to manage form state. It includes form data, field values, and form-level validation. It helps access and manipulate form states, track changes, and handle form submissions.
It provides built-in validation capabilities. It allows developers to define validation rules for form fields. They offer mechanisms to validate user input and display error messages. It provides feedback to users when form data is invalid.
It provides pre-built form field components that can be integrated into forms. These components handle user input. It offers features like value binding, event handling, and validation integration. React forms libraries are designed to be customizable and extensible. They help define their form field components, validation rules, and error messages. It helps suit their specific requirements.
It helps define their form field components, validation rules, and error messages. It ensures cross-browser compatibility and consistent form behavior across different web browsers.
Using these libraries saves developers time and effort in managing form state. It handles validation and implementation form submission logic. These libraries abstract away much of the complexity involved in form handling. It helps focus on building interactive forms that enhance the user experience.
We have identified the libraries based on flexibility, quality, support, and reuse factor. Let's look at each library in detail. The links below allow you to access package commands, installation notes, and code snippets.
- It helps manage the form state and handle the form submission.
- It provides a consistent API and functionality across platforms. It allows you to reuse form logic between web and mobile projects.
- It offers a range of hooks and helper functions. It enables you to manage form states, perform validation, and handle form submissions. It helps access field values with minimal boilerplate code.
- Allows you to use your form field components or integrate with existing libraries. It provides an unobtrusive way to bind form fields to input components. It handles value updates, validation, and error messages.
react-hook-formby react-hook-form
📋 React Hooks for form state management and validation (Web + React Native)
react-hook-formby react-hook-form
License: Permissive (MIT)
- It aims to simplify the management and handling of forms.
- It supports synchronous and asynchronous validation. It allows you to perform custom validation logic and display error messages.
- You can specify form fields, initial values, validation rules, and form submission logic.
- It handles form state management for you. It helps keeps track of field values, errors, and form submission status.
formikby jaredpalmer
Build forms in React, without the tears 😭
formikby jaredpalmer
License: Permissive (Apache-2.0)
- It is a JavaScript schema validation library. It is often used with form libraries like Formik or React Hook Form.
- It provides built-in error messages for common validation rules. You can customize these messages or define your error messages for validation rules.
- It integrates with popular form libraries like Formik and React Hook Form. It provides hooks or functions that allow you to use Yup schemas for form validation.
- It supports localization. It allows you to display error messages in different languages based on the user's locale.
- It enables the dynamic rendering of forms based on JSON Schema.
- It supports various JSON Schema features. It includes data types, required fields, default values, validation constraints, and conditional rendering.
- It parses the JSON Schema and renders the corresponding form fields. It includes input fields, checkboxes, radio buttons, select dropdowns, and more. It handles the generation of form elements based on the schema definition.
- It performs real-time validation with the form, displaying error messages for invalid fields.
react-jsonschema-formby rjsf-team
A React component for building Web forms from JSON Schema.
react-jsonschema-formby rjsf-team
License: Permissive (Apache-2.0)
- It is a popular form management library for React and Redux applications. It simplifies the process of managing form state, validation, and submission. It integrates with Redux, a predictable state container for JavaScript applications.
- It handles the form state management for you. It tracks each form field's values, errors, touched fields, and submission status.
- It provides built-in validation functionality. You can define validation rules for each form field. It includes required fields, custom validation functions, and asynchronous validation.
- It works with popular UI components libraries like Material-UI, Bootstrap, and Semantic UI. It allows you to integrate form fields from these libraries into your forms.
redux-formby redux-form
A Higher Order Component using react-redux to keep form state in a Redux store
redux-formby redux-form
License: Permissive (MIT)
- It is a form management library for React applications. It aims to provide a solution for handling form state, validation, and submission.
- It follows a declarative approach. It lets you define your form's configuration using a simple and intuitive API. You can specify form fields, initial values, validation rules, and form submission logic.
- It works well with UI component libraries like Material-UI, Bootstrap, and Semantic UI. It allows you to integrate form fields from these libraries into your forms.
- It tracks each form field's values, errors, touched fields, and submission status. The form state is stored and can be accessed and modified through the provided API.
react-final-formby final-form
🏁 High performance subscription-based form state management for React
react-final-formby final-form
License: Permissive (MIT)
- It is a form management library for React applications. It simplifies the process of handling form state, validation, and submission.
- It provides form components, such as input fields, checkboxes, radio buttons, and selects. It handles the form of state management. You can define form fields by wrapping them with the Formsy components.
- It tracks each form field's values, validation errors, and other properties. It allows you to access and manipulate the form state as needed. The formed state is stored as a form controller in the Formsy React component.
- It allows you to define custom validation functions for more complex validation scenarios.
formsy-reactby christianalfoni
A form input builder and validator for React JS
formsy-reactby christianalfoni
License: Permissive (MIT)
1. What do the best React form validation solutions available?
Excellent React form validation solutions are available, each with its own features. Here are some of the best options:
- Formik
- React Hook Form
- Yup
- Redux Form
- React Final Form
- VeeValidate
2. Can any state management libraries be used with React forms library?
Yes, there are several state management libraries. It can be used with React form libraries to manage form states and integrate with form validation. Here are some popular options:
- Redux
- MobX
- Zustand
- Recoil
- Apollo Client
3. How does KendoReact Formwork, and what makes it a good choice for developers?
KendoReact Form is a form management library. Progress provides it for building forms in React applications. It offers comprehensive features and a user-friendly API that simplifies form development. Here's an overview of how KendoReact Formworks and what makes it a good choice for developers:
- Controlled and Uncontrolled Forms
- Form Validation
- Field Components
- Form Layout and Styling
- Form Submission and Reset
- Accessibility and Localization
- Integration with KendoReact UI Components
- Documentation and Support
4. What skills should a React developer have to build forms using the library?
There are several essential skills that a React developer should have to build forms. Here are some key skills required:
- React Fundamentals
- JavaScript
- Form State Management
- React Form Libraries
- Validation and Error Handling
- API Integration
5. How can developers create flexible and extensible forms with the React library?
Developers can create flexible and extensible forms with the React library. It can be done by following certain best practices and utilizing key techniques. Here are some tips to achieve flexibility and extensibility in React forms:
- Component-Based Structure
- Props and Data Flow
- Controlled vs. Uncontrolled Components
- Form Validation
- Composition and Higher-Order Components (HOCs)
- Dynamic Fields and Form Sections