React offers its built-in state management system using the useState hook. Different state management libraries are available if you have complex state management needs. It helps you manage the state of your React applications.
The state management library is a lightweight library. It uses React context API to transfer the state between components. The simplicity of huge popularity could be a trivial choice for developers. It could be tempted to abuse an external state management library in every state. Here are a few React Native state management libraries available in this kit. You can consider it equal to React's local state( ). But with the ability to be shared components and created outside of them. Let's look closer and compare three of the most popular state management tools.
This kit gives you the Grand Tour of React State Management options. It helps you decide which one to use in your simple project. The extendable state management for React is based on hooks and state usage tracking. Hooks don't work inside classes. It allows the use of React features without writing a class. We will discuss state management using Redux in an application and their use cases. The state management in React libraries supports immutable state and simplified data flow. It can help components access data. React state management is the biggest challenge with the React framework. The React Context API can pass data through our component trees. It allows our components to communicate and share data at various levels. It's also possible to pass things down only using React props. But React's Context API makes your state and dispatch function available anywhere. It does so without passing everything down the component tree.
Redux, MobX, and the built-in Context API are the most popular. Models bring states, reducers, and effects inside a single entity. It uses Redux's best practices and simplifies state management. It gives a simplified API for making Redux stores and reducers. So it reduces dependency on boilerplate and will improve developer productivity. Maintainability ensures that the development team will adapt and understand an application's state.
Hookstate is very scalable thanks to its handling of nested states. You create a slice, pass it to the store, and access it in a component via hooks. Some developers tackle the challenge by using React Hooks. Others combine them with the application's state management libraries. It uses the Context API and the useState hook. It provides a simple, easy-to-use way to manage states across components. But it's integrated with React Suspense and scores well on modifiability and maintainability. Recoil is developed by Facebook and its React-like approach to state management. React native state management handles complex user interactions and data flows.
We have identified these libraries based on popularity, flexibility, and coverage. The links below allow access package commands, installation notes, npm, and code snippets. Let's look at each library in detail.
- Redux is used in state management libraries for React.
- It provides a predictable state container.
- It helps manage the state of your application in a centralized store.
- It follows a unidirectional data flow.
- It allows you to dispatch actions to update the state.
reduxby reduxjs
Predictable state container for JavaScript apps
reduxby reduxjs
TypeScript 59680 Version:v5.0.0-beta.0 License: Permissive (MIT)
- Zustand is a lightweight state management library.
- It uses a hook-based API.
- It simplifies state management by providing a small API surface.
- It helps leverage React hooks for managing the state.
- It offers a simple, intuitive approach to state management without sacrificing powerful features.
zustandby pmndrs
🐻 Bear necessities for state management in React
zustandby pmndrs
TypeScript 31826 Version:v4.3.8 License: Permissive (MIT)
- React-Query is a library designed for managing server state.
- It helps in handling asynchronous data fetching in React applications.
- It provides a declarative approach to data fetching, caching, and synchronization.
- It simplifies complex data management scenarios.
- It optimizes data fetching and updates.
react-queryby tannerlinsley
⚛️ Hooks for fetching, caching and updating asynchronous data in React
react-queryby tannerlinsley
TypeScript 26901 Version:v3.38.0 License: Permissive (MIT)
- MobX is a flexible and lightweight state management library.
- It emphasizes simplicity and ease of use.
- It utilizes observable values and reactive programming concepts.
- It helps track and update state changes.
- It is known for its simplicity and minimal boilerplate code.
mobxby mobxjs
Simple, scalable state management.
mobxby mobxjs
TypeScript 26516 Version:mobx-react-lite@4.0.2 License: Permissive (MIT)
- XState is a state management library.
- It focuses on state machines and state charts.
- It enables you to define state machines.
- It helps manage the behavior and transitions of your application's state.
- It represents your application's state flow.
- It makes it easier to reason about and manage complex state transitions.
xstateby statelyai
State machines and statecharts for the modern web.
xstateby statelyai
TypeScript 23990 Version:@xstate/immer@0.3.3 License: Permissive (MIT)
- It is a state management library developed by Facebook.
- It leverages React's new capabilities to manage the application state.
- It provides an intuitive API.
- It allows for fine-grained control over state updates and subscriptions.
Recoilby facebookexperimental
Recoil is an experimental state management library for React apps. It provides several capabilities that are difficult to achieve with React alone, while being compatible with the newest features of React.
Recoilby facebookexperimental
JavaScript 18789 Version:0.7.7 License: Permissive (MIT)
- Effector is a state management library that focuses on efficiency and performance.
- It provides a reactive state manager.
- It allows you to create complex state behaviors using declarative units called effects.
- It is known for its high-performance updates and efficient event handling.
effectorby effector
Business logic with ease ☄️
effectorby effector
TypeScript 4218 Version:effector-react@22.5.3 License: Permissive (MIT)
1. What is a lightweight state management library? How can it be used in a typical React application?
A lightweight state management library helps manage the state of an application. These libraries provide a centralized approach to managing the application's data. It allows easier state updates and sharing of state between components. It also allows predictable state management.
2. What are the best React Native state management libraries available today?
Here are some of the popular state management libraries for React Native:
- Redux.
- Recoil.
- Zustand.
- Effector.
- XState.
- MobX.
- React-Query.
3. How can extendable state management be achieved with minimal efforts in React applications?
With minimal effort in applications, you can use a state management library. It helps achieve fast and extendable state management. Here are two popular options:
- Redux.
- React Context.
4. How can local component states be managed in a React-based application?
In React, there are several ways to manage local component states. Here are some used approaches:
- Using the State Hook.
- Using Class Components.
- Using Redux.
- Using Context API.
5. Is there any value in using local instead of global state management?
There are situations where using local projects can be beneficial over global ones. Here are a few advantages of local state management:
- Simplicity.
- Component Isolation.
- Performance Optimization.
- Flexibility and Scalability.
- Reduced Dependencies.
6. How does one use React's Context API to manage the state throughout an application?
React's Context API is a powerful feature. It allows you to manage state and share data across components without passing props. It provides a way to create a "context" that holds the state and makes it accessible to child components.