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V5.4.1 (12/12/2021)







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by chinese-poetry doticonjavascriptdoticon

star image 33797 doticonMIT

The most comprehensive database of Chinese poetry 🧶最全中华古诗词数据库, 唐宋两朝近一万四千古诗人, 接近5.5万首唐诗加26万宋诗. 两宋时期1564位词人,21050首词。


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Run your GitHub Actions locally 🚀


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star image 2234 doticonMIT

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star image 2165 doticonMIT

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star image 2104 doticonMIT

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Trending Kits in Continous Integration

OpenCV offers a range of tools. You can make different circles. They can be simple shapes. In OpenCV, circles are mainly used for computer vision and image processing. 

They can show different objects or features in an image. The circles can be simple shapes for image notes or complex patterns for specific uses. You can create circles with OpenCV using various methods. You can create circles by using math. Just give the center coordinates and radius. 

You can make more advanced circles by using graphical techniques. Contour drawing functions let you make detailed shapes by picking points on the edge. OpenCV has a big collection of drawing tools. You can make circles in different styles and sizes.   

To create circles with OpenCV, use the right data types for parameters. This guarantees accuracy when rendering circles. Using the right algorithms for drawing circles can make them better and faster. Organizing your code well and adding comments makes it easier to read and maintain. This is especially important when dealing with complex circle-drawing tasks.  

If you want to improve circles in OpenCV, use anti-aliased shapes. This will give you smoother edges and reduce aliasing artifacts. To control how circles look, use the "thickness" parameter to choose the line thickness. To improve working with circles, organize your code and follow best practices.  

Circles have found practical applications in various domains. In computer vision, circles are often used to track and find objects in videos. They show object position and movement. In image processing, we use circles to find and mark important areas. People use circles in creative applications like digital art and graphic design. You can combine and manipulate them to create attractive patterns and compositions. 


To summarize, OpenCV has strong tools for making circles of various types and complexities. Circles are useful in computer vision and image processing. They can track objects in video and enhance digital art. Developers and designers who work with circles find OpenCV's circle generation capabilities essential. It is useful for both practical and artistic projects.  


  1. Copy the code using the "Copy" button above, and paste it into a Python file in your IDE.
  2. Modify the code appropriately.
  3. The first file that opens is the outline detected, and after closing that, the next image that opens is the same as the previous image but with the circles marked.
  4. Run the file to check the output.

I hope you found this helpful. I have added the link to dependent libraries and version information in the following sections.

Dependent Libraries

Environment Tested

I tested this solution in the following versions. Be mindful of changes when working with other versions.

  1. The solution is created in Python3.11.


  1. For any support on kandi solution kits, please use the chat
  2. For further learning resources, visit the Open Weaver Community learning page.


1. What is a Python OpenCV tutorial, and what are the steps for circle detection?  

A Python OpenCV tutorial is a structured learning resource. It provides guidance and instructions on using the OpenCV library with Python. It is for computer vision and image-processing tasks. The steps for circle detection in OpenCV typically involve the following:  

a. Loading the input image.  

b. Preprocessing the image if necessary (e.g., converting to grayscale).  

c. Applying a circle detection algorithm, such as Hough Circle Transform.  

d. Extracting detected circles' parameters, including center coordinates and radii.  

e. Drawing the detected circles on the image.  

f. Displaying or saving the resulting image with the circles.  


2. How do you draw circles using OpenCV in Python?  

You can draw circles in Python using OpenCV. Just specify the center coordinates and radius. The cv2.circle() function is commonly used for this purpose. It would help if you had an image, center coordinates, radius, color, and line thickness to draw a circle.  


3. What Circle Detection can solve computer vision problems?  

Computer vision can use circle detection to solve various problems, including: 

  • Object detection and tracking: Circles can represent objects in images or videos. This makes them useful for tracking moving things.  
  • Feature extraction: Detecting circular features in images, like coins or bubbles. It helps with image analysis and object recognition.  
  • Calibration: In-camera calibration circle detection is important. It helps determine camera parameters using circular patterns.  
  • Quality control: Manufacturers use circle detection to find and measure round objects. They also use it to identify issues. 
  • Image annotation: You can draw circles around areas you want to highlight and label in an image. 


4. Is Corner Detection necessary for Circle Detection with OpenCV in Python?  

You don't always need to use corner detection for circle detection in OpenCV with Python. The Hough Circle Transform algorithm looks for edges in images to locate circles. In contrast, corner detection finds corners or interesting points in an image. You can use circle detection independently for tasks with circular objects or patterns.  


5. How does the input image affect the results of Circle Detection with OpenCV in Python?  

Your picture can affect the outcome when finding circles with OpenCV in Python. Image quality, lighting, noise, and objects can affect the accuracy of circle detection. You may need to enhance images or reduce noise to improve circle detection. To get accurate results, choose the right circle detection parameters. These include the minimum and maximum radius. These parameters help adapt to different image characteristics.  

Trending Discussions on Continous Integration

GitHub Actions stuck on yarn build step for React app continous integration

Can I use my sonarqube server for any git repository?

How merge tag into branch?

Sonarqube API Call wrong Response

Azure Function App Deploy from Azure Build Pipeline: 'credentials' cannot be null


GitHub Actions stuck on yarn build step for React app continous integration

Asked 2020-Dec-23 at 04:53

I am trying to create a simple continous integration workflow for my React app in which for every new pull request to master branch I run the unit tests and create build. I have deployed the yaml configuration file for GitHub Actions to my repository. When I create a pull request, it starts the checks for the pull request, but it gets stuck on the build step. I am using webpack to build my React app.


1name: Continous Integration
4  pull_request:
5    branches: [master]
8  test_pull_request:
9    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
10    steps:
11      - name: Checkout Repository
12        uses: actions/checkout@v2
14      - name: Install Node.js
15        uses: actions/setup-node@v2
16          with:
17            node-version: '12'
19      - name: Cache Dependencies
20        uses: actions/cache@v2
21          with:
22            path: '**/node_modules'
23            key: ${{ runner.os }}-${{ hashFiles('**/yarn.lock') }}
25      - name: Install Dependencies
26        run: yarn install
28      - name: Run Unit Tests
29        run: yarn test
31      - name: Build Project
32        run: yarn build:prod

npm scripts

1name: Continous Integration
4  pull_request:
5    branches: [master]
8  test_pull_request:
9    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
10    steps:
11      - name: Checkout Repository
12        uses: actions/checkout@v2
14      - name: Install Node.js
15        uses: actions/setup-node@v2
16          with:
17            node-version: '12'
19      - name: Cache Dependencies
20        uses: actions/cache@v2
21          with:
22            path: '**/node_modules'
23            key: ${{ runner.os }}-${{ hashFiles('**/yarn.lock') }}
25      - name: Install Dependencies
26        run: yarn install
28      - name: Run Unit Tests
29        run: yarn test
31      - name: Build Project
32        run: yarn build:prod
33"scripts": {
34    "start": "webpack-dev-server --env development --open --color --progress",
35    "build:prod": "webpack --env production --color --progress",
36    "build:dev": "webpack --env development --color --progress",
37    "test": "jest",
38    "test:watch": "jest --watch",
39    "precommit": "lint-staged"

I am assuming that webpack does not stop after it builds the project, and is running in watch mode due to which it is stuck, but I am not sure about this.


Answered 2020-Dec-23 at 04:53

The issue here was when building project using the webpack command, after the build is complete, it does not returns the control and keeps on running. Therefore it gets stuck on the Build Project step in the yaml file and does not go the next step in Github Actions. The solution is to add a compiler hook in the webpack config to exit after the build is complete. This is how I added it in my config and it is working fine now.

1name: Continous Integration
4  pull_request:
5    branches: [master]
8  test_pull_request:
9    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
10    steps:
11      - name: Checkout Repository
12        uses: actions/checkout@v2
14      - name: Install Node.js
15        uses: actions/setup-node@v2
16          with:
17            node-version: '12'
19      - name: Cache Dependencies
20        uses: actions/cache@v2
21          with:
22            path: '**/node_modules'
23            key: ${{ runner.os }}-${{ hashFiles('**/yarn.lock') }}
25      - name: Install Dependencies
26        run: yarn install
28      - name: Run Unit Tests
29        run: yarn test
31      - name: Build Project
32        run: yarn build:prod
33"scripts": {
34    "start": "webpack-dev-server --env development --open --color --progress",
35    "build:prod": "webpack --env production --color --progress",
36    "build:dev": "webpack --env development --color --progress",
37    "test": "jest",
38    "test:watch": "jest --watch",
39    "precommit": "lint-staged"
41plugins: [
42  // Added this to plugins in webpack config
43  {
44     apply: (compiler) => {
45       compiler.hooks.done.tap('DonePlugin', (stats) => {
46         console.log('Compile is done !');
47         setTimeout(() => {
48           process.exit(0);
49         });
50       });
51     }
52  }

Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/65412663


Can I use my sonarqube server for any git repository?

Asked 2020-Aug-04 at 08:21

I am working on a online-school where student projects are decentralized on git repositories. When a student wishes to correct a project:

  • The student must specify his git-repo-url + private key in order to pull it on the correction-server
  • Then several tasks are applied on the project (compilation check, output checks).

I'd like to check the code quality and return a feedback for each user. I guess sonarqube would be a good choice since it supports 28+ languages.

I am familiar with sonarqube used with a continous integration, but I can't find in their documentation how to call sonarqube for my use case. I'd need something like a rest api for requesting a code analysis by giving the git url & its key and get a response with the code quality output.

Would it be possible?


Answered 2020-Aug-04 at 08:21

I think there is a misunderstanding, between SonarQube Server and SonarQube Scanner, this is already well explained in https://stackoverflow.com/a/49588950/3708208

So to do an analysis, you actually need to run a SonarQube scanner with some specificaitons, which is pretty well documented. When you have successfully set up the scanner, you can easily retrieve reports, status, quality gate via REST API.

Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/63037563


How merge tag into branch?

Asked 2020-Apr-10 at 10:50

I'm building a continous integration pipeline based on a git repository.

I have 3 branch:

  • master branch for the dev environment
  • test branch for the test environment
  • prod branch for the prod environment

Any time a branch is updated, a pipeline update my website, eg:

Everytime I release a new version, I update the master branch and tag the commit whit the version number:

1# procedure for deploy on dev
2git add -A
3git commit -m "1.0.0"
4git tag 1.0.0
5git push --set-upstream origin master --tags

This works...

When i want to put the 1.0.0 version into test environment this is the procedure

1# procedure for deploy on dev
2git add -A
3git commit -m "1.0.0"
4git tag 1.0.0
5git push --set-upstream origin master --tags
6# procedure for deploy on test
7git fetch --tags origin
8git checkout -B test
9git merge 1.0.0
10git push --set-upstream origin test

This works... but this procedure don't work on rollback, if test branch is on version 2.0.0 the snippet don't rollback the branch on version 1.0.0. If i made a:

1# procedure for deploy on dev
2git add -A
3git commit -m "1.0.0"
4git tag 1.0.0
5git push --set-upstream origin master --tags
6# procedure for deploy on test
7git fetch --tags origin
8git checkout -B test
9git merge 1.0.0
10git push --set-upstream origin test
11git show-branch *test

the output show:

1# procedure for deploy on dev
2git add -A
3git commit -m "1.0.0"
4git tag 1.0.0
5git push --set-upstream origin master --tags
6# procedure for deploy on test
7git fetch --tags origin
8git checkout -B test
9git merge 1.0.0
10git push --set-upstream origin test
11git show-branch *test
12! [refs/remotes/origin/test] 2.0.0
13  * [test] 2.0.0
14 --
15 +* [refs/remotes/origin/test] 2.0.0


Answered 2020-Apr-10 at 10:50

you can try to reset the branch and after push it

1# procedure for deploy on dev
2git add -A
3git commit -m "1.0.0"
4git tag 1.0.0
5git push --set-upstream origin master --tags
6# procedure for deploy on test
7git fetch --tags origin
8git checkout -B test
9git merge 1.0.0
10git push --set-upstream origin test
11git show-branch *test
12! [refs/remotes/origin/test] 2.0.0
13  * [test] 2.0.0
14 --
15 +* [refs/remotes/origin/test] 2.0.0
16git reset --hard <tagname>
17git push -f -u origin branch

Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/61136561


Sonarqube API Call wrong Response

Asked 2020-Feb-05 at 13:49

when closing a branch in a continous integration environment my scripts are also supposed to delete associated sonarqube projects.

To achieve this I am using the sonarqube API as described in the WebAPI documentation. I am adressing the endpoint api/projects/delete with corresponding project-key. If the deletion is successful the http request is answered with 204 - No content if the project was not created in sonarqube or was deleted already I get 404 - Not found which makes sense and can be handled programmatically.

Since a few weeks the responses are inconsistent and it can happen that I get the response 200 - Ok for a ressource that is not in Sonarqube. The results are different per day, time or project I try to delete.

Does anyone has an idea where this could come from? The Sonarqube API documentation lacks some detail regarding to the expected status codes.

It is obvious that I could handle this in my code as well. But since the solution worked like this for ages I am wondering where this did come from.

I am running Sonarqube

Thanks in advance.



Answered 2020-Feb-05 at 13:49

After alot of manual API calls with Postman I found the problem.

Deletion is taking to long so that SonarQube is displaying the "Loading..." pages which give back a response code 200.

Strange behaviour because this can't be fixed by increasing the timeouts on the calling side. Is there any chance to adjust the value in Sonarqube when a Loading Page should be displayed?

Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/60057351


Azure Function App Deploy from Azure Build Pipeline: 'credentials' cannot be null

Asked 2020-Jan-09 at 16:24

I am trying to create a build pipeline in Azure DevOps to deploy an Azure Function Application automatically as part of a continous integration pipeline. When the Function App Deploy step is run, the step fails with 'credentials' cannot be null.

Does anyone know why this happens?

My Build Pipeline:

Build Pipeline

The Log output when the step runs:

Log Output

The only thing that I think that it can be is the Azure Resource Manager subscription which I am using Publish Profile Based Authentication however I have managed to create a similar pipeline for a web application with a deploy option using this authentication and it worked successfully. I just cannot deploy the function application.


Answered 2020-Jan-09 at 16:22

This same problem also ocurrs with publishing web apps I found. There are two different tasks that can be used for web apps to publish and you have to use the right one.

There is a task called Azure Web App Deploy that works.

enter image description here

Also a task called Azure App Service Deploy that doesn't.

enter image description here

This is with Publish Profile Based Authentication.

I found that to deploy the Function Application you can also use the Azure Web App Deploy task and it seems to work.

Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/59580256

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