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Trending Kits in Scala
Beautiful Soup is a Python library developed to ease web scraping and parsing HTML and XML. It was created by Leonard Richardson in 2004 as a response to the need for an effective for extracting data. At the time of its start, web scraping was a tough task due to the lack of standardized ways to extract data. Richardson set out to create a library for parsing HTML and XML documents. It makes it easier for developers to extract relevant information from web pages.
Features of Beautiful Soup:
Beautiful Soup is known for its capabilities in parsing HTML and XML documents. It is important to note that Beautiful Soup does not provide data analysis. The focus is on extracting and navigating through data from web pages. Beautiful Soup can be used with other Python libraries.
- Parsing and Navigating HTML/XML: Beautiful Soup in parsing and navigating to HTML and XML. It provides a simple and intuitive API to traverse the structures to find elements. It's based on tags, attributes, or CSS selectors and attributes and text.
- Integration with Data Analysis Libraries: Beautiful Soup is used in other libraries. Those are pandas, NumPy, and matplotlib, to perform data analysis tasks.
- Handling Malformed HTML: Web pages often contain malformed HTML with inconsistencies or errors. Beautiful Soup is designed to handle such cases by employing lenient parsing. It can parse and extract data from imperfect HTML, making it a robust tool for web scraping tasks.
Beautiful Soup plays a role in data analysis, the range of features, and the interface. Its ability to parse and navigate HTML and XML documents and its powerful data. That makes it an indispensable tool for web scraping and data extraction. As data plays a role in the industry, Beautiful Soup tool for extracting and manipulating. Beautiful Soup's features and simplicity make it for scraping and extracting. It's valuable information from the vast expanse of the internet.
Fig: Preview of the output that you will get on running this code from your IDE.
In this solution we are using Beautiful Soup library of Python.
Follow the steps carefully to get the output easily.
- Download and Install the PyCharm Community Edition on your computer.
- Open the terminal and install the required libraries with the following commands.
- Install Tkinter - pip install Tkinter.
- Create a new Python file on your IDE.
- Copy the snippet using the 'copy' button and paste it into your Python file.
- Remove 17 to 33 lines from the code.
- Run the current file to generate the output.
I hope you found this useful.
I found this code snippet by searching for ' Beautiful Soup - How to get text using Beautiful soup in python?' You can try any such use case!
Environment Tested
I tested this solution in the following versions. Be mindful of changes when working with other versions.
- PyCharm Community Edition 2023.3.1
- The solution is created in Python 3.8 Version
- Beautiful Soup v4.9.3
Using this solution, we can be able to extract text from HTML elements using Beautiful Soup Python with simple steps. This process also facilities an easy way to use, hassle-free method to create a hands-on working version of code which would help us to extract text from HTML elements using Beautiful Soup Python.
Dependent Library
You can search for any dependent library on kandi like ' Scala-Scraper'.
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- For further learning resources, visit the Open Weaver Community learning page
1. What is an HTML parser library, and how does it work?
An HTML parser library is a software tool to parse and process HTML documents. It provides functions and classes that help the extraction and manipulation.
2. What is the difference between parsing an XML document and a web page using Beautiful Soup?
There are some main differences between an XML document and a web page. Those differences stem from the varying characteristics and structures of XML and HTML.
- Parser Selection: Beautiful Soup offers different parsers for XML and HTML. For parsing XML, Beautiful Soup relies on the XML parser. It is a third-party library known for its speed and compliance with XML standards. So, for HTML parsing, Beautiful Soup provides a parser, including XML and HTML parsers.
- Document Structure: XML and HTML have different document structures. XML is a markup language that helps transport data, whereas HTML a used for structuring. XML documents follow a hierarchical structure defined by user-defined tags. HTML documents have a predefined structure with tags specific to web pages.
- Element Selection: XML and HTML documents use different tags and attributes. It parses an XML document and allows one to locate elements on their tag names, attributes. HTML parsing offers more flexibility in element selection. Beautiful Soup supports CSS selectors. These are used for selecting HTML elements based on classes, IDs, and attribute values.
3. How do you create a parse tree with the Beautiful Soup 4 source tarball?
To create a parse tree with the Beautiful Soup 4 source tarball. You first need to install Beautiful Soup and then use its parsing capabilities.
- Install Beautiful Soup: Before you start, ensure you have Beautiful Soup installed. If you still need to install it, you can use pip.
- Download the Beautiful Soup 4 source tarball: Go to The Beautiful website and download it.
- Extract the tarball: Extract the contents of the downloaded to your computer.
- Create a Python script to parse the tarball: Create a script using the text editor and import it.
- Read the contents of the tarball: Read the contents of it using Python built-in tarfile.
- Create a Beautiful Soup object: Create a Beautiful Soup object by passing the content.
- Use the parse tree: The Beautiful Soup object, its methods to navigate and manipulate the parse it. For example, you can find specific tags, extract data, or change the contents.
4. How can I use the Beautiful Soup search API to extract text from specific elements on a web page?
With the Beautiful Soup search API, you can extract text from specific elements on a web page. The search API lets you find elements based on their tag names, attributes, and CSS classes. When using the search API, be aware that some elements may not be present on the web page or may contain any text.
5. How do I use the Beautiful Soup to navigate through an HTML document for text extraction?
To navigate through an HTML document and extract the text, you must create it. Its methods to traverse the document's elements. The Beautiful Soup inputs the HTML content and creates a parse tree. You can then navigate to find specific elements and extract their text. The Beautiful Soup to extract text, be aware that some elements may not be present in an HTML document.
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spark-shell throws java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException on running
Asked 2022-Apr-01 at 19:53When I execute run-example SparkPi
, for example, it works perfectly, but
when I run spark-shell
, it throws these exceptions:
1WARNING: An illegal reflective access operation has occurred
2WARNING: Illegal reflective access by org.apache.spark.unsafe.Platform (file:/C:/big_data/spark-3.2.0-bin-hadoop3.2-scala2.13/jars/spark-unsafe_2.13-3.2.0.jar) to constructor java.nio.DirectByteBuffer(long,int)
3WARNING: Please consider reporting this to the maintainers of org.apache.spark.unsafe.Platform
4WARNING: Use --illegal-access=warn to enable warnings of further illegal reflective access operations
5WARNING: All illegal access operations will be denied in a future release
6Using Spark's default log4j profile: org/apache/spark/log4j-defaults.properties
7Setting default log level to "WARN".
8To adjust logging level use sc.setLogLevel(newLevel). For SparkR, use setLogLevel(newLevel).
9Welcome to
10 ____ __
11 / __/__ ___ _____/ /__
12 _\ \/ _ \/ _ `/ __/ '_/
13 /___/ .__/\_,_/_/ /_/\_\ version 3.2.0
14 /_/
16Using Scala version 2.13.5 (OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM, Java
17Type in expressions to have them evaluated.
18Type :help for more information.
1921/12/11 19:28:36 ERROR SparkContext: Error initializing SparkContext.
21 at java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Native Method)
22 at java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.java:62)
23 at java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.java:45)
24 at java.base/java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(Constructor.java:490)
25 at org.apache.spark.executor.Executor.addReplClassLoaderIfNeeded(Executor.scala:909)
26 at org.apache.spark.executor.Executor.<init>(Executor.scala:160)
27 at org.apache.spark.scheduler.local.LocalEndpoint.<init>(LocalSchedulerBackend.scala:64)
28 at org.apache.spark.scheduler.local.LocalSchedulerBackend.start(LocalSchedulerBackend.scala:132)
29 at org.apache.spark.scheduler.TaskSchedulerImpl.start(TaskSchedulerImpl.scala:220)
30 at org.apache.spark.SparkContext.<init>(SparkContext.scala:581)
31 at org.apache.spark.SparkContext$.getOrCreate(SparkContext.scala:2690)
32 at org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession$Builder.$anonfun$getOrCreate$2(SparkSession.scala:949)
33 at scala.Option.getOrElse(Option.scala:201)
34 at org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession$Builder.getOrCreate(SparkSession.scala:943)
35 at org.apache.spark.repl.Main$.createSparkSession(Main.scala:114)
36 at $line3.$read$$iw.<init>(<console>:5)
37 at $line3.$read.<init>(<console>:4)
38 at $line3.$read$.<clinit>(<console>)
39 at $line3.$eval$.$print$lzycompute(<synthetic>:6)
40 at $line3.$eval$.$print(<synthetic>:5)
41 at $line3.$eval.$print(<synthetic>)
42 at java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
43 at java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:62)
44 at java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:43)
45 at java.base/java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:566)
46 at scala.tools.nsc.interpreter.IMain$ReadEvalPrint.call(IMain.scala:670)
47 at scala.tools.nsc.interpreter.IMain$Request.loadAndRun(IMain.scala:1006)
48 at scala.tools.nsc.interpreter.IMain.$anonfun$doInterpret$1(IMain.scala:506)
49 at scala.reflect.internal.util.ScalaClassLoader.asContext(ScalaClassLoader.scala:36)
50 at scala.reflect.internal.util.ScalaClassLoader.asContext$(ScalaClassLoader.scala:116)
51 at scala.reflect.internal.util.AbstractFileClassLoader.asContext(AbstractFileClassLoader.scala:43)
52 at scala.tools.nsc.interpreter.IMain.loadAndRunReq$1(IMain.scala:505)
53 at scala.tools.nsc.interpreter.IMain.$anonfun$doInterpret$3(IMain.scala:519)
54 at scala.tools.nsc.interpreter.IMain.doInterpret(IMain.scala:519)
55 at scala.tools.nsc.interpreter.IMain.interpret(IMain.scala:503)
56 at scala.tools.nsc.interpreter.IMain.interpret(IMain.scala:501)
57 at scala.tools.nsc.interpreter.IMain.$anonfun$quietRun$1(IMain.scala:216)
58 at scala.tools.nsc.interpreter.shell.ReplReporterImpl.withoutPrintingResults(Reporter.scala:64)
59 at scala.tools.nsc.interpreter.IMain.quietRun(IMain.scala:216)
60 at scala.tools.nsc.interpreter.shell.ILoop.$anonfun$interpretPreamble$1(ILoop.scala:924)
61 at scala.collection.immutable.List.foreach(List.scala:333)
62 at scala.tools.nsc.interpreter.shell.ILoop.interpretPreamble(ILoop.scala:924)
63 at scala.tools.nsc.interpreter.shell.ILoop.$anonfun$run$3(ILoop.scala:963)
64 at scala.runtime.java8.JFunction0$mcV$sp.apply(JFunction0$mcV$sp.scala:18)
65 at scala.tools.nsc.interpreter.shell.ILoop.echoOff(ILoop.scala:90)
66 at scala.tools.nsc.interpreter.shell.ILoop.$anonfun$run$2(ILoop.scala:963)
67 at scala.runtime.java8.JFunction0$mcV$sp.apply(JFunction0$mcV$sp.scala:18)
68 at scala.tools.nsc.interpreter.IMain.withSuppressedSettings(IMain.scala:1406)
69 at scala.tools.nsc.interpreter.shell.ILoop.$anonfun$run$1(ILoop.scala:954)
70 at scala.runtime.java8.JFunction0$mcV$sp.apply(JFunction0$mcV$sp.scala:18)
71 at scala.tools.nsc.interpreter.shell.ReplReporterImpl.withoutPrintingResults(Reporter.scala:64)
72 at scala.tools.nsc.interpreter.shell.ILoop.run(ILoop.scala:954)
73 at org.apache.spark.repl.Main$.doMain(Main.scala:84)
74 at org.apache.spark.repl.Main$.main(Main.scala:59)
75 at org.apache.spark.repl.Main.main(Main.scala)
76 at java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
77 at java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:62)
78 at java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:43)
79 at java.base/java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:566)
80 at org.apache.spark.deploy.JavaMainApplication.start(SparkApplication.scala:52)
81 at org.apache.spark.deploy.SparkSubmit.org$apache$spark$deploy$SparkSubmit$$runMain(SparkSubmit.scala:955)
82 at org.apache.spark.deploy.SparkSubmit.doRunMain$1(SparkSubmit.scala:180)
83 at org.apache.spark.deploy.SparkSubmit.submit(SparkSubmit.scala:203)
84 at org.apache.spark.deploy.SparkSubmit.doSubmit(SparkSubmit.scala:90)
85 at org.apache.spark.deploy.SparkSubmit$$anon$2.doSubmit(SparkSubmit.scala:1043)
86 at org.apache.spark.deploy.SparkSubmit$.main(SparkSubmit.scala:1052)
87 at org.apache.spark.deploy.SparkSubmit.main(SparkSubmit.scala)
88Caused by: java.net.URISyntaxException: Illegal character in path at index 42: spark://DESKTOP-JO73CF4.mshome.net:2103/C:\classes
89 at java.base/java.net.URI$Parser.fail(URI.java:2913)
90 at java.base/java.net.URI$Parser.checkChars(URI.java:3084)
91 at java.base/java.net.URI$Parser.parseHierarchical(URI.java:3166)
92 at java.base/java.net.URI$Parser.parse(URI.java:3114)
93 at java.base/java.net.URI.<init>(URI.java:600)
94 at org.apache.spark.repl.ExecutorClassLoader.<init>(ExecutorClassLoader.scala:57)
95 ... 67 more
9621/12/11 19:28:36 ERROR Utils: Uncaught exception in thread main
98 at org.apache.spark.scheduler.local.LocalSchedulerBackend.org$apache$spark$scheduler$local$LocalSchedulerBackend$$stop(LocalSchedulerBackend.scala:173)
99 at org.apache.spark.scheduler.local.LocalSchedulerBackend.stop(LocalSchedulerBackend.scala:144)
100 at org.apache.spark.scheduler.TaskSchedulerImpl.stop(TaskSchedulerImpl.scala:927)
101 at org.apache.spark.scheduler.DAGScheduler.stop(DAGScheduler.scala:2516)
102 at org.apache.spark.SparkContext.$anonfun$stop$12(SparkContext.scala:2086)
103 at org.apache.spark.util.Utils$.tryLogNonFatalError(Utils.scala:1442)
104 at org.apache.spark.SparkContext.stop(SparkContext.scala:2086)
105 at org.apache.spark.SparkContext.<init>(SparkContext.scala:677)
106 at org.apache.spark.SparkContext$.getOrCreate(SparkContext.scala:2690)
107 at org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession$Builder.$anonfun$getOrCreate$2(SparkSession.scala:949)
108 at scala.Option.getOrElse(Option.scala:201)
109 at org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession$Builder.getOrCreate(SparkSession.scala:943)
110 at org.apache.spark.repl.Main$.createSparkSession(Main.scala:114)
111 at $line3.$read$$iw.<init>(<console>:5)
112 at $line3.$read.<init>(<console>:4)
113 at $line3.$read$.<clinit>(<console>)
114 at $line3.$eval$.$print$lzycompute(<synthetic>:6)
115 at $line3.$eval$.$print(<synthetic>:5)
116 at $line3.$eval.$print(<synthetic>)
117 at java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
118 at java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:62)
119 at java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:43)
120 at java.base/java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:566)
121 at scala.tools.nsc.interpreter.IMain$ReadEvalPrint.call(IMain.scala:670)
122 at scala.tools.nsc.interpreter.IMain$Request.loadAndRun(IMain.scala:1006)
123 at scala.tools.nsc.interpreter.IMain.$anonfun$doInterpret$1(IMain.scala:506)
124 at scala.reflect.internal.util.ScalaClassLoader.asContext(ScalaClassLoader.scala:36)
125 at scala.reflect.internal.util.ScalaClassLoader.asContext$(ScalaClassLoader.scala:116)
126 at scala.reflect.internal.util.AbstractFileClassLoader.asContext(AbstractFileClassLoader.scala:43)
127 at scala.tools.nsc.interpreter.IMain.loadAndRunReq$1(IMain.scala:505)
128 at scala.tools.nsc.interpreter.IMain.$anonfun$doInterpret$3(IMain.scala:519)
129 at scala.tools.nsc.interpreter.IMain.doInterpret(IMain.scala:519)
130 at scala.tools.nsc.interpreter.IMain.interpret(IMain.scala:503)
131 at scala.tools.nsc.interpreter.IMain.interpret(IMain.scala:501)
132 at scala.tools.nsc.interpreter.IMain.$anonfun$quietRun$1(IMain.scala:216)
133 at scala.tools.nsc.interpreter.shell.ReplReporterImpl.withoutPrintingResults(Reporter.scala:64)
134 at scala.tools.nsc.interpreter.IMain.quietRun(IMain.scala:216)
135 at scala.tools.nsc.interpreter.shell.ILoop.$anonfun$interpretPreamble$1(ILoop.scala:924)
136 at scala.collection.immutable.List.foreach(List.scala:333)
137 at scala.tools.nsc.interpreter.shell.ILoop.interpretPreamble(ILoop.scala:924)
138 at scala.tools.nsc.interpreter.shell.ILoop.$anonfun$run$3(ILoop.scala:963)
139 at scala.runtime.java8.JFunction0$mcV$sp.apply(JFunction0$mcV$sp.scala:18)
140 at scala.tools.nsc.interpreter.shell.ILoop.echoOff(ILoop.scala:90)
141 at scala.tools.nsc.interpreter.shell.ILoop.$anonfun$run$2(ILoop.scala:963)
142 at scala.runtime.java8.JFunction0$mcV$sp.apply(JFunction0$mcV$sp.scala:18)
143 at scala.tools.nsc.interpreter.IMain.withSuppressedSettings(IMain.scala:1406)
144 at scala.tools.nsc.interpreter.shell.ILoop.$anonfun$run$1(ILoop.scala:954)
145 at scala.runtime.java8.JFunction0$mcV$sp.apply(JFunction0$mcV$sp.scala:18)
146 at scala.tools.nsc.interpreter.shell.ReplReporterImpl.withoutPrintingResults(Reporter.scala:64)
147 at scala.tools.nsc.interpreter.shell.ILoop.run(ILoop.scala:954)
148 at org.apache.spark.repl.Main$.doMain(Main.scala:84)
149 at org.apache.spark.repl.Main$.main(Main.scala:59)
150 at org.apache.spark.repl.Main.main(Main.scala)
151 at java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
152 at java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:62)
153 at java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:43)
154 at java.base/java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:566)
155 at org.apache.spark.deploy.JavaMainApplication.start(SparkApplication.scala:52)
156 at org.apache.spark.deploy.SparkSubmit.org$apache$spark$deploy$SparkSubmit$$runMain(SparkSubmit.scala:955)
157 at org.apache.spark.deploy.SparkSubmit.doRunMain$1(SparkSubmit.scala:180)
158 at org.apache.spark.deploy.SparkSubmit.submit(SparkSubmit.scala:203)
159 at org.apache.spark.deploy.SparkSubmit.doSubmit(SparkSubmit.scala:90)
160 at org.apache.spark.deploy.SparkSubmit$$anon$2.doSubmit(SparkSubmit.scala:1043)
161 at org.apache.spark.deploy.SparkSubmit$.main(SparkSubmit.scala:1052)
162 at org.apache.spark.deploy.SparkSubmit.main(SparkSubmit.scala)
16321/12/11 19:28:36 WARN MetricsSystem: Stopping a MetricsSystem that is not running
16421/12/11 19:28:36 ERROR Main: Failed to initialize Spark session.
166 at java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Native Method)
167 at java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.java:62)
168 at java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.java:45)
169 at java.base/java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(Constructor.java:490)
170 at org.apache.spark.executor.Executor.addReplClassLoaderIfNeeded(Executor.scala:909)
171 at org.apache.spark.executor.Executor.<init>(Executor.scala:160)
172 at org.apache.spark.scheduler.local.LocalEndpoint.<init>(LocalSchedulerBackend.scala:64)
173 at org.apache.spark.scheduler.local.LocalSchedulerBackend.start(LocalSchedulerBackend.scala:132)
174 at org.apache.spark.scheduler.TaskSchedulerImpl.start(TaskSchedulerImpl.scala:220)
175 at org.apache.spark.SparkContext.<init>(SparkContext.scala:581)
176 at org.apache.spark.SparkContext$.getOrCreate(SparkContext.scala:2690)
177 at org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession$Builder.$anonfun$getOrCreate$2(SparkSession.scala:949)
178 at scala.Option.getOrElse(Option.scala:201)
179 at org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession$Builder.getOrCreate(SparkSession.scala:943)
180 at org.apache.spark.repl.Main$.createSparkSession(Main.scala:114)
181 at $line3.$read$$iw.<init>(<console>:5)
182 at $line3.$read.<init>(<console>:4)
183 at $line3.$read$.<clinit>(<console>)
184 at $line3.$eval$.$print$lzycompute(<synthetic>:6)
185 at $line3.$eval$.$print(<synthetic>:5)
186 at $line3.$eval.$print(<synthetic>)
187 at java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
188 at java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:62)
189 at java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:43)
190 at java.base/java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:566)
191 at scala.tools.nsc.interpreter.IMain$ReadEvalPrint.call(IMain.scala:670)
192 at scala.tools.nsc.interpreter.IMain$Request.loadAndRun(IMain.scala:1006)
193 at scala.tools.nsc.interpreter.IMain.$anonfun$doInterpret$1(IMain.scala:506)
194 at scala.reflect.internal.util.ScalaClassLoader.asContext(ScalaClassLoader.scala:36)
195 at scala.reflect.internal.util.ScalaClassLoader.asContext$(ScalaClassLoader.scala:116)
196 at scala.reflect.internal.util.AbstractFileClassLoader.asContext(AbstractFileClassLoader.scala:43)
197 at scala.tools.nsc.interpreter.IMain.loadAndRunReq$1(IMain.scala:505)
198 at scala.tools.nsc.interpreter.IMain.$anonfun$doInterpret$3(IMain.scala:519)
199 at scala.tools.nsc.interpreter.IMain.doInterpret(IMain.scala:519)
200 at scala.tools.nsc.interpreter.IMain.interpret(IMain.scala:503)
201 at scala.tools.nsc.interpreter.IMain.interpret(IMain.scala:501)
202 at scala.tools.nsc.interpreter.IMain.$anonfun$quietRun$1(IMain.scala:216)
203 at scala.tools.nsc.interpreter.shell.ReplReporterImpl.withoutPrintingResults(Reporter.scala:64)
204 at scala.tools.nsc.interpreter.IMain.quietRun(IMain.scala:216)
205 at scala.tools.nsc.interpreter.shell.ILoop.$anonfun$interpretPreamble$1(ILoop.scala:924)
206 at scala.collection.immutable.List.foreach(List.scala:333)
207 at scala.tools.nsc.interpreter.shell.ILoop.interpretPreamble(ILoop.scala:924)
208 at scala.tools.nsc.interpreter.shell.ILoop.$anonfun$run$3(ILoop.scala:963)
209 at scala.runtime.java8.JFunction0$mcV$sp.apply(JFunction0$mcV$sp.scala:18)
210 at scala.tools.nsc.interpreter.shell.ILoop.echoOff(ILoop.scala:90)
211 at scala.tools.nsc.interpreter.shell.ILoop.$anonfun$run$2(ILoop.scala:963)
212 at scala.runtime.java8.JFunction0$mcV$sp.apply(JFunction0$mcV$sp.scala:18)
213 at scala.tools.nsc.interpreter.IMain.withSuppressedSettings(IMain.scala:1406)
214 at scala.tools.nsc.interpreter.shell.ILoop.$anonfun$run$1(ILoop.scala:954)
215 at scala.runtime.java8.JFunction0$mcV$sp.apply(JFunction0$mcV$sp.scala:18)
216 at scala.tools.nsc.interpreter.shell.ReplReporterImpl.withoutPrintingResults(Reporter.scala:64)
217 at scala.tools.nsc.interpreter.shell.ILoop.run(ILoop.scala:954)
218 at org.apache.spark.repl.Main$.doMain(Main.scala:84)
219 at org.apache.spark.repl.Main$.main(Main.scala:59)
220 at org.apache.spark.repl.Main.main(Main.scala)
221 at java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
222 at java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:62)
223 at java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:43)
224 at java.base/java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:566)
225 at org.apache.spark.deploy.JavaMainApplication.start(SparkApplication.scala:52)
226 at org.apache.spark.deploy.SparkSubmit.org$apache$spark$deploy$SparkSubmit$$runMain(SparkSubmit.scala:955)
227 at org.apache.spark.deploy.SparkSubmit.doRunMain$1(SparkSubmit.scala:180)
228 at org.apache.spark.deploy.SparkSubmit.submit(SparkSubmit.scala:203)
229 at org.apache.spark.deploy.SparkSubmit.doSubmit(SparkSubmit.scala:90)
230 at org.apache.spark.deploy.SparkSubmit$$anon$2.doSubmit(SparkSubmit.scala:1043)
231 at org.apache.spark.deploy.SparkSubmit$.main(SparkSubmit.scala:1052)
232 at org.apache.spark.deploy.SparkSubmit.main(SparkSubmit.scala)
233Caused by: java.net.URISyntaxException: Illegal character in path at index 42: spark://DESKTOP-JO73CF4.mshome.net:2103/C:\classes
234 at java.base/java.net.URI$Parser.fail(URI.java:2913)
235 at java.base/java.net.URI$Parser.checkChars(URI.java:3084)
236 at java.base/java.net.URI$Parser.parseHierarchical(URI.java:3166)
237 at java.base/java.net.URI$Parser.parse(URI.java:3114)
238 at java.base/java.net.URI.<init>(URI.java:600)
239 at org.apache.spark.repl.ExecutorClassLoader.<init>(ExecutorClassLoader.scala:57)
240 ... 67 more
24121/12/11 19:28:36 ERROR Utils: Uncaught exception in thread shutdown-hook-0
243 at org.apache.spark.executor.Executor.stop(Executor.scala:333)
244 at org.apache.spark.executor.Executor.$anonfun$stopHookReference$1(Executor.scala:76)
245 at org.apache.spark.util.SparkShutdownHook.run(ShutdownHookManager.scala:214)
246 at org.apache.spark.util.SparkShutdownHookManager.$anonfun$runAll$2(ShutdownHookManager.scala:188)
247 at scala.runtime.java8.JFunction0$mcV$sp.apply(JFunction0$mcV$sp.scala:18)
248 at org.apache.spark.util.Utils$.logUncaughtExceptions(Utils.scala:2019)
249 at org.apache.spark.util.SparkShutdownHookManager.$anonfun$runAll$1(ShutdownHookManager.scala:188)
250 at scala.runtime.java8.JFunction0$mcV$sp.apply(JFunction0$mcV$sp.scala:18)
251 at scala.util.Try$.apply(Try.scala:210)
252 at org.apache.spark.util.SparkShutdownHookManager.runAll(ShutdownHookManager.scala:188)
253 at org.apache.spark.util.SparkShutdownHookManager$$anon$2.run(ShutdownHookManager.scala:178)
254 at java.base/java.util.concurrent.Executors$RunnableAdapter.call(Executors.java:515)
255 at java.base/java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:264)
256 at java.base/java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1128)
257 at java.base/java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:628)
258 at java.base/java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:829)
259Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
260 at org.apache.spark.shuffle.ShuffleBlockPusher$.<clinit>(ShuffleBlockPusher.scala:465)
261 ... 16 more
26221/12/11 19:28:36 WARN ShutdownHookManager: ShutdownHook '' failed, java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError
263java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError
264 at java.base/java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.report(FutureTask.java:122)
265 at java.base/java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.get(FutureTask.java:205)
266 at org.apache.hadoop.util.ShutdownHookManager.executeShutdown(ShutdownHookManager.java:124)
267 at org.apache.hadoop.util.ShutdownHookManager$1.run(ShutdownHookManager.java:95)
268Caused by: java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError
269 at org.apache.spark.executor.Executor.stop(Executor.scala:333)
270 at org.apache.spark.executor.Executor.$anonfun$stopHookReference$1(Executor.scala:76)
271 at org.apache.spark.util.SparkShutdownHook.run(ShutdownHookManager.scala:214)
272 at org.apache.spark.util.SparkShutdownHookManager.$anonfun$runAll$2(ShutdownHookManager.scala:188)
273 at scala.runtime.java8.JFunction0$mcV$sp.apply(JFunction0$mcV$sp.scala:18)
274 at org.apache.spark.util.Utils$.logUncaughtExceptions(Utils.scala:2019)
275 at org.apache.spark.util.SparkShutdownHookManager.$anonfun$runAll$1(ShutdownHookManager.scala:188)
276 at scala.runtime.java8.JFunction0$mcV$sp.apply(JFunction0$mcV$sp.scala:18)
277 at scala.util.Try$.apply(Try.scala:210)
278 at org.apache.spark.util.SparkShutdownHookManager.runAll(ShutdownHookManager.scala:188)
279 at org.apache.spark.util.SparkShutdownHookManager$$anon$2.run(ShutdownHookManager.scala:178)
280 at java.base/java.util.concurrent.Executors$RunnableAdapter.call(Executors.java:515)
281 at java.base/java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:264)
282 at java.base/java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1128)
283 at java.base/java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:628)
284 at java.base/java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:829)
285Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
286 at org.apache.spark.shuffle.ShuffleBlockPusher$.<clinit>(ShuffleBlockPusher.scala:465)
287 ... 16 more
As I can see it caused by Illegal character in path at index 42: spark://DESKTOP-JO73CF4.mshome.net:2103/C:\classes
, but I don't understand what does it mean exactly and how to deal with that
How can I solve this problem?
I use Spark 3.2.0 Pre-built for Apache Hadoop 3.3 and later (Scala 2.13)
JAVA_HOME, HADOOP_HOME, SPARK_HOME path variables are set.
Answered 2022-Jan-07 at 15:11i face the same problem, i think Spark 3.2 is the problem itself
switched to Spark 3.1.2, it works fine
Exception in thread "main" joptsimple.UnrecognizedOptionException: zookeeper is not a recognized option
Asked 2022-Mar-24 at 12:28I am new to kafka and zookepper, and I am trying to create a topic, but I am getting this error -
1Exception in thread "main" joptsimple.UnrecognizedOptionException: zookeeper is not a recognized option
2 at joptsimple.OptionException.unrecognizedOption(OptionException.java:108)
3 at joptsimple.OptionParser.handleLongOptionToken(OptionParser.java:510)
4 at joptsimple.OptionParserState$2.handleArgument(OptionParserState.java:56)
5 at joptsimple.OptionParser.parse(OptionParser.java:396)
6 at kafka.admin.TopicCommand$TopicCommandOptions.<init>(TopicCommand.scala:517)
7 at kafka.admin.TopicCommand$.main(TopicCommand.scala:47)
8 at kafka.admin.TopicCommand.main(TopicCommand.scala)
I am using this command to create the topic -
1Exception in thread "main" joptsimple.UnrecognizedOptionException: zookeeper is not a recognized option
2 at joptsimple.OptionException.unrecognizedOption(OptionException.java:108)
3 at joptsimple.OptionParser.handleLongOptionToken(OptionParser.java:510)
4 at joptsimple.OptionParserState$2.handleArgument(OptionParserState.java:56)
5 at joptsimple.OptionParser.parse(OptionParser.java:396)
6 at kafka.admin.TopicCommand$TopicCommandOptions.<init>(TopicCommand.scala:517)
7 at kafka.admin.TopicCommand$.main(TopicCommand.scala:47)
8 at kafka.admin.TopicCommand.main(TopicCommand.scala)
9.\bin\windows\kafka-topics.bat --create --zookeeper localhost:2181 --replication-factor 1 --partions 1 --topic TestTopic
Answered 2021-Sep-30 at 14:52Read the official Kafka documentation for the version you downloaded, and not some other blog/article that you might have copied the command from
is almost never used for CLI commands in current versions
If you run bin\kafka-topics
on its own with --help
or no options, then it'll print the help messaging that shows all available arguments.
How can I use :~: to determine type equality in Haskell?
Asked 2022-Mar-16 at 09:24I'm trying to use :~:
from Data.Type.Equality to determine type equality at compile time. My expectation is that it behaves along the line of Scala's standard way of determining type equality:
1case class Equals[A >: B <:B , B]()
3Equals[Int, Int] // compiles fine
4Equals[String, Int] // doesn't compile
So I tried
1case class Equals[A >: B <:B , B]()
3Equals[Int, Int] // compiles fine
4Equals[String, Int] // doesn't compile
5foo :: Int :~: Bool
6foo = undefined
which I would expect to fail since Int :~: Bool
is inhabitable. But it compiles just fine.
How is
supposed to work? The documentation ofData.Type.Equality
is pretty impenetrable to me and I was not able to find a succinct example anywhere.Maybe I'm completely off the track. In that case, how could I achieve the semantics of the
example in Haskell?
Answered 2022-Mar-16 at 09:24Much as we Haskellers often pretend otherwise, every normal1 type in Haskell is inhabited. That includes data Void
, and it includes a :~: b
for all a
and b
. Besides the polite values we usually acknowledge, there is also the bottom value.
undefined :: a
is one way of producing the bottom value in any type a
. So in particular undefined :: Int :~: Bool
, and thus your code is perfectly type correct.
If you want a type equality that simply fails to compile if the equality can't be proved at compile time, then you want a type equality constraint (which is the ~
operator), not the :~:
type. You use that like this:
1case class Equals[A >: B <:B , B]()
3Equals[Int, Int] // compiles fine
4Equals[String, Int] // doesn't compile
5foo :: Int :~: Bool
6foo = undefined
7foo :: Int ~ Int => () -- compiles fine
8foo = ()
10bar :: Int ~ Bool => () -- does technically compile
11bar = ()
compiles only because constraints are assumed in the body of a function that has the constraints. But any attempt to call bar
requires the compiler is able to prove the constraints in order to compile the call. So this fails:
1case class Equals[A >: B <:B , B]()
3Equals[Int, Int] // compiles fine
4Equals[String, Int] // doesn't compile
5foo :: Int :~: Bool
6foo = undefined
7foo :: Int ~ Int => () -- compiles fine
8foo = ()
10bar :: Int ~ Bool => () -- does technically compile
11bar = ()
12baz :: ()
13baz = bar
, however, is not a constraint (it doesn't go left of the =>
arrow in types), but an ordinary type. a :~: b
is the type of values that serve as a runtime proof that the type a
is equal to the type b
. If in fact they are not equal, your program won't fail to compile just before you expressed the type a :~: b
; rather you just won't be able to actually come up with a value of that type (other than bottom).
In particular, a :~: b
is a type that has a data constructor: Refl
. To usefully use it, you usually require a a :~: b
as an argument. and then pattern match on it. Within the scope of the pattern match (i.e. the body of a case
statement), the compiler will use the assumption that the two types are equal. Since pattern matching on the bottom value will never succeed (it might throw an exception, or it might compute forever), the fact that you can always provide bottom as a "proof" that a :~: b
doesn't actually cause huge problems; you can lie to the compiler, but it will never execute code that depended on your lie.
Examples corresponding to those in the OP would be:
1case class Equals[A >: B <:B , B]()
3Equals[Int, Int] // compiles fine
4Equals[String, Int] // doesn't compile
5foo :: Int :~: Bool
6foo = undefined
7foo :: Int ~ Int => () -- compiles fine
8foo = ()
10bar :: Int ~ Bool => () -- does technically compile
11bar = ()
12baz :: ()
13baz = bar
14foo :: Int :~: Int -> ()
15foo proof
16 = case proof of
17 Refl -> ()
19bar :: Int :~: Bool -> ()
20bar proof
21 = case proof of
22 Refl -> ()
can exist even though it needs an impossible proof. We can even call bar
with something like bar undefined
, making use of the bottom value in the type Int :~: Bool
. This won't be detected as an error at compile time, but it will throw a runtime exception (if it's actually evaluated; lazy evaluation might avoid the error). Whereas foo
can simply be called with foo Refl
(and ~
) is of course much more usefully used when the two types are (or contain) variables, rather than simple concrete types like Int
and Bool
. It's also frequently combined with something like Maybe
so you have a way of expressing when the types are not proven to be equal. A slightly less trivial example would be:
1case class Equals[A >: B <:B , B]()
3Equals[Int, Int] // compiles fine
4Equals[String, Int] // doesn't compile
5foo :: Int :~: Bool
6foo = undefined
7foo :: Int ~ Int => () -- compiles fine
8foo = ()
10bar :: Int ~ Bool => () -- does technically compile
11bar = ()
12baz :: ()
13baz = bar
14foo :: Int :~: Int -> ()
15foo proof
16 = case proof of
17 Refl -> ()
19bar :: Int :~: Bool -> ()
20bar proof
21 = case proof of
22 Refl -> ()
23strange :: Maybe (a :~: b) -> a -> b -> [a]
24strange Nothing x _ = [x]
25strange (Just Refl) x y
26 = [x, y]
takes a maybe-proof that the types a
and b
are equal, and a value of each. If the maybe is Nothing
, then the types might not be equal, so we can only put x
in the list of a
. If we get Just Refl
, however, then a
and b
are actually the same type (inside the pattern match only!), so it's valid to put x
and y
in the same list.
But this does show a feature of :~:
that cannot be achieved with ~
. We can still call strange
even when we want to pass it two values of different types; we just in that case are forced to pass Nothing
as the first value (or Just undefined
, but that won't get us anything useful). It allows us to write code that contemplates that a
and b
could be equal, without forcing a compilation failure if they actually aren't. Whereas a ~ b
(in the constraints) would only allow us to require that they definitely are equal, and provably so at compile time.
1 Where "normal type" means a member of the kind Type
NoSuchMethodError on com.fasterxml.jackson.dataformat.xml.XmlMapper.coercionConfigDefaults()
Asked 2022-Feb-09 at 12:31I'm parsing a XML string to convert it to a JsonNode
in Scala using a XmlMapper
from the Jackson library. I code on a Databricks notebook, so compilation is done on a cloud cluster. When compiling my code I got this error java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: com.fasterxml.jackson.dataformat.xml.XmlMapper.coercionConfigDefaults()Lcom/fasterxml/jackson/databind/cfg/MutableCoercionConfig;
with a hundred lines of "at com.databricks. ..."
I maybe forget to import something but for me this is ok (tell me if I'm wrong) :
1import ch.qos.logback.classic._
2import com.typesafe.scalalogging._
3import com.fasterxml.jackson._
4import com.fasterxml.jackson.core._
5import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.{ObjectMapper, JsonNode}
6import com.fasterxml.jackson.dataformat.xml._
7import com.fasterxml.jackson.module.scala._
8import com.fasterxml.jackson.module.scala.experimental.ScalaObjectMapper
9import java.io._
10import java.time.Instant
11import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit
12import javax.xml.parsers._
13import okhttp3.{Headers, OkHttpClient, Request, Response, RequestBody, FormBody}
14import okhttp3.OkHttpClient.Builder._
15import org.apache.spark._
16import org.xml.sax._
As I'm using Databricks, there's no SBT file for dependencies. Instead I installed the libs I need directly on the cluster. Here are the ones I'm using :
1import ch.qos.logback.classic._
2import com.typesafe.scalalogging._
3import com.fasterxml.jackson._
4import com.fasterxml.jackson.core._
5import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.{ObjectMapper, JsonNode}
6import com.fasterxml.jackson.dataformat.xml._
7import com.fasterxml.jackson.module.scala._
8import com.fasterxml.jackson.module.scala.experimental.ScalaObjectMapper
9import java.io._
10import java.time.Instant
11import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit
12import javax.xml.parsers._
13import okhttp3.{Headers, OkHttpClient, Request, Response, RequestBody, FormBody}
14import okhttp3.OkHttpClient.Builder._
15import org.apache.spark._
16import org.xml.sax._
The code causing the error is simply (coming from here : https://www.baeldung.com/jackson-convert-xml-json Chapter 5):
1import ch.qos.logback.classic._
2import com.typesafe.scalalogging._
3import com.fasterxml.jackson._
4import com.fasterxml.jackson.core._
5import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.{ObjectMapper, JsonNode}
6import com.fasterxml.jackson.dataformat.xml._
7import com.fasterxml.jackson.module.scala._
8import com.fasterxml.jackson.module.scala.experimental.ScalaObjectMapper
9import java.io._
10import java.time.Instant
11import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit
12import javax.xml.parsers._
13import okhttp3.{Headers, OkHttpClient, Request, Response, RequestBody, FormBody}
14import okhttp3.OkHttpClient.Builder._
15import org.apache.spark._
16import org.xml.sax._
27val xmlMapper: XmlMapper = new XmlMapper()
28val jsonNode: JsonNode = xmlMapper.readTree(responseBody.getBytes())
with responseBody
being a String containing a XML document (I previously checked the integrity of the XML). When removing those two lines the code is working fine.
I've read tons of articles or forums but I can't figure out what's causing my issue. Can someone please help me ? Thanks a lot ! :)
Answered 2021-Oct-07 at 12:08Welcome to dependency hell and breaking changes in libraries.
This usually happens, when various lib bring in different version of same lib. In this case it is Jackson.
java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: com.fasterxml.jackson.dataformat.xml.XmlMapper.coercionConfigDefaults()Lcom/fasterxml/jackson/databind/cfg/MutableCoercionConfig;
means: One lib probably require Jackson version, which has this method, but on class path is version, which does not yet have this funcion or got removed bcs was deprecated or renamed.
In case like this is good to print dependency tree and check version of Jackson required in libs. And if possible use newer versions of requid libs.
Solution: use libs, which use compatible versions of Jackson lib. No other shortcut possible.
Exhaustive pattern matching when deprecated sealed trait instance present
Asked 2022-Jan-04 at 12:06Suppose the following scenario
1sealed trait Status
3case object Active extends Status
4case object Inactive extends Status
5@scala.deprecated("deprecated because reasons")
6case object Disabled extends Status /
Considering Disabled
object cannot be removed and given val status: Status = getStatus
there is either one of this problems:
- Fails with match not exhaustive:
1sealed trait Status
3case object Active extends Status
4case object Inactive extends Status
5@scala.deprecated("deprecated because reasons")
6case object Disabled extends Status /
7status match {
8 case Active => ???
9 case Inactive => ???
- Fails with deprecated value being used
1sealed trait Status
3case object Active extends Status
4case object Inactive extends Status
5@scala.deprecated("deprecated because reasons")
6case object Disabled extends Status /
7status match {
8 case Active => ???
9 case Inactive => ???
11status match {
12 case Active => ???
13 case Inactive => ???
14 case Disabled => ???
- Losing compile time safety
1sealed trait Status
3case object Active extends Status
4case object Inactive extends Status
5@scala.deprecated("deprecated because reasons")
6case object Disabled extends Status /
7status match {
8 case Active => ???
9 case Inactive => ???
11status match {
12 case Active => ???
13 case Inactive => ???
14 case Disabled => ???
16status match {
17 case Active => ???
18 case Inactive => ???
19 case _ => ???
Can type-safety exhaustive match be achieved in this scenario?
Answered 2022-Jan-03 at 14:16I think option 2 is the way to go. But to make it work you have to disable the warning selectively. This is supported starting with Scala 2.13.2 and 2.12.13
1sealed trait Status
3case object Active extends Status
4case object Inactive extends Status
5@scala.deprecated("deprecated because reasons")
6case object Disabled extends Status /
7status match {
8 case Active => ???
9 case Inactive => ???
11status match {
12 case Active => ???
13 case Inactive => ???
14 case Disabled => ???
16status match {
17 case Active => ???
18 case Inactive => ???
19 case _ => ???
22def someMethod(s: Status) = s match {
23 case Active => "Active"
24 case Inactive => "Inactive"
25 case Disabled => "Disabled"
How to check Databricks cluster for Log4J vulnerability?
Asked 2021-Dec-14 at 20:03I'm using a Databricks cluster version 7.3 LTS with Scala 2.12. This version does use Log4J.
The official docs say that it uses Log4J version 1.2.17
. Does this mean I do not have this vulnerability? And if I do, can I manually patch it on the cluster or do I need to upgrade the cluster to the next LTS version?
Answered 2021-Dec-13 at 17:00As you wrote most Databricks clusters use 1.2.17 so it is different version and version affected by vulnerability is not used by Databricks.
Only one problem is when you install different version by yourself on the cluster. Even when you installed affected version you can mitigate the problem by setting Spark config in cluster advanced config as below:
1spark.driver.extraJavaOptions "-Dlog4j2.formatMsgNoLookups=true"
2spark.executor.extraJavaOptions "-Dlog4j2.formatMsgNoLookups=true"
How to create a general method for Scala 3 enums
Asked 2021-Nov-28 at 15:43I want to have a simple enumDescr
function for any Scala 3 enum.
1 @description(enumDescr(InvoiceCategory))
2 enum InvoiceCategory:
3 case `Travel Expenses`
4 case Misc
5 case `Software License Costs`
In Scala 2 this is simple (Enumeration
1 @description(enumDescr(InvoiceCategory))
2 enum InvoiceCategory:
3 case `Travel Expenses`
4 case Misc
5 case `Software License Costs`
6def enumDescr(enum: Enumeration): String =
7 s"$enum: ${enum.values.mkString(", ")}"
But how is it done in Scala 3:
1 @description(enumDescr(InvoiceCategory))
2 enum InvoiceCategory:
3 case `Travel Expenses`
4 case Misc
5 case `Software License Costs`
6def enumDescr(enum: Enumeration): String =
7 s"$enum: ${enum.values.mkString(", ")}"
8def enumDescr(enumeration: ??) = ...
Answered 2021-Oct-27 at 23:45I don't see any common trait shared by all enum
companion objects.
You still can invoke the values
reflectively, though:
1 @description(enumDescr(InvoiceCategory))
2 enum InvoiceCategory:
3 case `Travel Expenses`
4 case Misc
5 case `Software License Costs`
6def enumDescr(enum: Enumeration): String =
7 s"$enum: ${enum.values.mkString(", ")}"
8def enumDescr(enumeration: ??) = ...
9import reflect.Selectable.reflectiveSelectable
11def descrEnum(e: { def values: Array[?] }) = e.values.mkString(",")
13enum Foo:
14 case Bar
15 case Baz
17descrEnum(Foo) // "Bar,Baz"
Sbt-native-packager cannot connect to Docker daemon
Asked 2021-Nov-01 at 22:24Here is my configuration which worked for more than one year but suddenly stopped working.
2 DOCKER_DRIVER: overlay2
6 stage: deploy
7 image: "hseeberger/scala-sbt:"
8 before_script:
9 - apt-get update
10 - apt-get install sudo
11 - apt-get install apt-transport-https ca-certificates curl software-properties-common -y
12 - curl -fsSL https://download.docker.com/linux/debian/gpg | sudo apt-key add -
13 - sudo add-apt-repository "deb [arch=amd64] https://download.docker.com/linux/debian $(lsb_release -cs) stable"
14 - apt-get update
15 - apt-get install docker-ce -y
16 - sudo service docker start
19 script:
20 - sbt docker:publishLocal
The error in GitlabCI is the following:
2 DOCKER_DRIVER: overlay2
6 stage: deploy
7 image: "hseeberger/scala-sbt:"
8 before_script:
9 - apt-get update
10 - apt-get install sudo
11 - apt-get install apt-transport-https ca-certificates curl software-properties-common -y
12 - curl -fsSL https://download.docker.com/linux/debian/gpg | sudo apt-key add -
13 - sudo add-apt-repository "deb [arch=amd64] https://download.docker.com/linux/debian $(lsb_release -cs) stable"
14 - apt-get update
15 - apt-get install docker-ce -y
16 - sudo service docker start
19 script:
20 - sbt docker:publishLocal
21[warn] [1] sbt-native-packager wasn't able to identify the docker version. Some features may not be enabled
22[warn] sbt-native packager tries to parse the `docker version` output. This can fail if
24[warn] - the output has changed:
25[warn] $ docker version --format '{{.Server.APIVersion}}'
27[warn] - no `docker` executable is available
28[warn] $ which docker
30[warn] - you have not the required privileges to run `docker`
32[warn] You can display the parsed docker version in the sbt console with:
34[warn] sbt:your-project> show dockerApiVersion
36[warn] As a last resort you could hard code the docker version, but it's not recommended!!
38[warn] import com.typesafe.sbt.packager.docker.DockerApiVersion
39[warn] dockerApiVersion := Some(DockerApiVersion(1, 40))
41[success] All package validations passed
42[error] Cannot connect to the Docker daemon at unix:///var/run/docker.sock. Is the docker daemon running?
43[info] Removing intermediate image(s) (labeled "snp-multi-stage-id=9da90b0c-75e0-4f46-98eb-a17a1998a3b8")
44[error] Cannot connect to the Docker daemon at unix:///var/run/docker.sock. Is the docker daemon running?
45[error] Something went wrong while removing multi-stage intermediate image(s)
46[error] java.lang.RuntimeException: Nonzero exit value: 1
47[error] at com.typesafe.sbt.packager.docker.DockerPlugin$.publishLocalDocker(DockerPlugin.scala:687)
48[error] at com.typesafe.sbt.packager.docker.DockerPlugin$.$anonfun$projectSettings$41(DockerPlugin.scala:266)
49[error] at com.typesafe.sbt.packager.docker.DockerPlugin$.$anonfun$projectSettings$41$adapted(DockerPlugin.scala:258)
50[error] at scala.Function1.$anonfun$compose$1(Function1.scala:49)
51[error] at sbt.internal.util.$tilde$greater.$anonfun$$u2219$1(TypeFunctions.scala:62)
52[error] at sbt.std.Transform$$anon$4.work(Transform.scala:68)
53[error] at sbt.Execute.$anonfun$submit$2(Execute.scala:282)
54[error] at sbt.internal.util.ErrorHandling$.wideConvert(ErrorHandling.scala:23)
55[error] at sbt.Execute.work(Execute.scala:291)
56[error] at sbt.Execute.$anonfun$submit$1(Execute.scala:282)
57[error] at sbt.ConcurrentRestrictions$$anon$4.$anonfun$submitValid$1(ConcurrentRestrictions.scala:265)
58[error] at sbt.CompletionService$$anon$2.call(CompletionService.scala:64)
59[error] at java.base/java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:264)
60[error] at java.base/java.util.concurrent.Executors$RunnableAdapter.call(Executors.java:515)
61[error] at java.base/java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:264)
62[error] at java.base/java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1128)
63[error] at java.base/java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:628)
64[error] at java.base/java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:834)
65[error] (Docker / publishLocal) Nonzero exit value: 1
Answered 2021-Aug-16 at 16:16It looks like you trying to run the docker daemon inside your build image docker run.
For Linux, you need to make sure that the current user (the one running sbt
), has the proper permissions to run docker commands with some post-install steps.
Maybe you could fix your script by running sudo sbt docker:publishLocal
It is more common now to use a service to have a docker daemon already set up for your builds:
2 DOCKER_DRIVER: overlay2
6 stage: deploy
7 image: "hseeberger/scala-sbt:"
8 before_script:
9 - apt-get update
10 - apt-get install sudo
11 - apt-get install apt-transport-https ca-certificates curl software-properties-common -y
12 - curl -fsSL https://download.docker.com/linux/debian/gpg | sudo apt-key add -
13 - sudo add-apt-repository "deb [arch=amd64] https://download.docker.com/linux/debian $(lsb_release -cs) stable"
14 - apt-get update
15 - apt-get install docker-ce -y
16 - sudo service docker start
19 script:
20 - sbt docker:publishLocal
21[warn] [1] sbt-native-packager wasn't able to identify the docker version. Some features may not be enabled
22[warn] sbt-native packager tries to parse the `docker version` output. This can fail if
24[warn] - the output has changed:
25[warn] $ docker version --format '{{.Server.APIVersion}}'
27[warn] - no `docker` executable is available
28[warn] $ which docker
30[warn] - you have not the required privileges to run `docker`
32[warn] You can display the parsed docker version in the sbt console with:
34[warn] sbt:your-project> show dockerApiVersion
36[warn] As a last resort you could hard code the docker version, but it's not recommended!!
38[warn] import com.typesafe.sbt.packager.docker.DockerApiVersion
39[warn] dockerApiVersion := Some(DockerApiVersion(1, 40))
41[success] All package validations passed
42[error] Cannot connect to the Docker daemon at unix:///var/run/docker.sock. Is the docker daemon running?
43[info] Removing intermediate image(s) (labeled "snp-multi-stage-id=9da90b0c-75e0-4f46-98eb-a17a1998a3b8")
44[error] Cannot connect to the Docker daemon at unix:///var/run/docker.sock. Is the docker daemon running?
45[error] Something went wrong while removing multi-stage intermediate image(s)
46[error] java.lang.RuntimeException: Nonzero exit value: 1
47[error] at com.typesafe.sbt.packager.docker.DockerPlugin$.publishLocalDocker(DockerPlugin.scala:687)
48[error] at com.typesafe.sbt.packager.docker.DockerPlugin$.$anonfun$projectSettings$41(DockerPlugin.scala:266)
49[error] at com.typesafe.sbt.packager.docker.DockerPlugin$.$anonfun$projectSettings$41$adapted(DockerPlugin.scala:258)
50[error] at scala.Function1.$anonfun$compose$1(Function1.scala:49)
51[error] at sbt.internal.util.$tilde$greater.$anonfun$$u2219$1(TypeFunctions.scala:62)
52[error] at sbt.std.Transform$$anon$4.work(Transform.scala:68)
53[error] at sbt.Execute.$anonfun$submit$2(Execute.scala:282)
54[error] at sbt.internal.util.ErrorHandling$.wideConvert(ErrorHandling.scala:23)
55[error] at sbt.Execute.work(Execute.scala:291)
56[error] at sbt.Execute.$anonfun$submit$1(Execute.scala:282)
57[error] at sbt.ConcurrentRestrictions$$anon$4.$anonfun$submitValid$1(ConcurrentRestrictions.scala:265)
58[error] at sbt.CompletionService$$anon$2.call(CompletionService.scala:64)
59[error] at java.base/java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:264)
60[error] at java.base/java.util.concurrent.Executors$RunnableAdapter.call(Executors.java:515)
61[error] at java.base/java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:264)
62[error] at java.base/java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1128)
63[error] at java.base/java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:628)
64[error] at java.base/java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:834)
65[error] (Docker / publishLocal) Nonzero exit value: 1
67 - docker:dind
See this example on gitlab. There is also a section in the (EE) docs.
Spark: unable to load native-hadoop library for platform
Asked 2021-Oct-25 at 15:57I am trying to start with Spark. I have Hadoop (3.3.1) and Spark (3.2.2) in my library. I have set the SPARK_HOME, PATH, HADOOP_HOME and LD_LIBRARY_PATH to their respective paths. I am also running JDK 17 (echo and -version work fine in the terminal).
Yet, I still get the following error:
1Using Spark's default log4j profile: org/apache/spark/log4j-defaults.properties
2Setting default log level to "WARN".
3To adjust logging level use sc.setLogLevel(newLevel). For SparkR, use setLogLevel(newLevel).
421/10/25 17:17:07 WARN NativeCodeLoader: Unable to load native-hadoop library for your platform... using builtin-java classes where applicable
5java.lang.IllegalAccessError: class org.apache.spark.storage.StorageUtils$ (in unnamed module @0x1f508f09) cannot access class sun.nio.ch.DirectBuffer (in module java.base) because module java.base does not export sun.nio.ch to unnamed module @0x1f508f09
6 at org.apache.spark.storage.StorageUtils$.<init>(StorageUtils.scala:213)
7 at org.apache.spark.storage.StorageUtils$.<clinit>(StorageUtils.scala)
8 at org.apache.spark.storage.BlockManagerMasterEndpoint.<init>(BlockManagerMasterEndpoint.scala:110)
9 at org.apache.spark.SparkEnv$.$anonfun$create$9(SparkEnv.scala:348)
10 at org.apache.spark.SparkEnv$.registerOrLookupEndpoint$1(SparkEnv.scala:287)
11 at org.apache.spark.SparkEnv$.create(SparkEnv.scala:336)
12 at org.apache.spark.SparkEnv$.createDriverEnv(SparkEnv.scala:191)
13 at org.apache.spark.SparkContext.createSparkEnv(SparkContext.scala:277)
14 at org.apache.spark.SparkContext.<init>(SparkContext.scala:460)
15 at org.apache.spark.SparkContext$.getOrCreate(SparkContext.scala:2690)
16 at org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession$Builder.$anonfun$getOrCreate$2(SparkSession.scala:949)
17 at scala.Option.getOrElse(Option.scala:189)
18 at org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession$Builder.getOrCreate(SparkSession.scala:943)
19 at org.apache.spark.repl.Main$.createSparkSession(Main.scala:106)
20 ... 55 elided
21<console>:14: error: not found: value spark
22 import spark.implicits._
23 ^
24<console>:14: error: not found: value spark
25 import spark.sql
26 ^
27Welcome to
28 ____ __
29 / __/__ ___ _____/ /__
30 _\ \/ _ \/ _ `/ __/ '_/
31 /___/ .__/\_,_/_/ /_/\_\ version 3.2.0
32 /_/
34Using Scala version 2.12.15 (OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM, Java 17.0.1)
35Type in expressions to have them evaluated.
36Type :help for more information.
Any ideas how to fix this?
Answered 2021-Oct-25 at 15:41Open your terminal and type this command --> gedit .bashrc
Ensure that you are added the native after lib as shown below
1Using Spark's default log4j profile: org/apache/spark/log4j-defaults.properties
2Setting default log level to "WARN".
3To adjust logging level use sc.setLogLevel(newLevel). For SparkR, use setLogLevel(newLevel).
421/10/25 17:17:07 WARN NativeCodeLoader: Unable to load native-hadoop library for your platform... using builtin-java classes where applicable
5java.lang.IllegalAccessError: class org.apache.spark.storage.StorageUtils$ (in unnamed module @0x1f508f09) cannot access class sun.nio.ch.DirectBuffer (in module java.base) because module java.base does not export sun.nio.ch to unnamed module @0x1f508f09
6 at org.apache.spark.storage.StorageUtils$.<init>(StorageUtils.scala:213)
7 at org.apache.spark.storage.StorageUtils$.<clinit>(StorageUtils.scala)
8 at org.apache.spark.storage.BlockManagerMasterEndpoint.<init>(BlockManagerMasterEndpoint.scala:110)
9 at org.apache.spark.SparkEnv$.$anonfun$create$9(SparkEnv.scala:348)
10 at org.apache.spark.SparkEnv$.registerOrLookupEndpoint$1(SparkEnv.scala:287)
11 at org.apache.spark.SparkEnv$.create(SparkEnv.scala:336)
12 at org.apache.spark.SparkEnv$.createDriverEnv(SparkEnv.scala:191)
13 at org.apache.spark.SparkContext.createSparkEnv(SparkContext.scala:277)
14 at org.apache.spark.SparkContext.<init>(SparkContext.scala:460)
15 at org.apache.spark.SparkContext$.getOrCreate(SparkContext.scala:2690)
16 at org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession$Builder.$anonfun$getOrCreate$2(SparkSession.scala:949)
17 at scala.Option.getOrElse(Option.scala:189)
18 at org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession$Builder.getOrCreate(SparkSession.scala:943)
19 at org.apache.spark.repl.Main$.createSparkSession(Main.scala:106)
20 ... 55 elided
21<console>:14: error: not found: value spark
22 import spark.implicits._
23 ^
24<console>:14: error: not found: value spark
25 import spark.sql
26 ^
27Welcome to
28 ____ __
29 / __/__ ___ _____/ /__
30 _\ \/ _ \/ _ `/ __/ '_/
31 /___/ .__/\_,_/_/ /_/\_\ version 3.2.0
32 /_/
34Using Scala version 2.12.15 (OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM, Java 17.0.1)
35Type in expressions to have them evaluated.
36Type :help for more information.
38export HADOOP_OPTS = "-Djava.library.path=$HADOOP_HOME/lib/native"
and Save the file and type this command in terminal source ~/.bashrc
Try this it may help you.
Use Scala with Azure Functions
Asked 2021-Sep-06 at 18:09Azure Functions currently supports the following languages: C#, JavaScript, F#, Java, Powershell, Python, Typescript. Scala is not on the list.
How can one use scala to write azure functions?
Answered 2021-Sep-06 at 13:21Azure Functions
supports Java. And it is pretty straight forward to make it working for scala:
2import com.microsoft.azure.functions.ExecutionContext
3import com.microsoft.azure.functions.HttpMethod
4import com.microsoft.azure.functions.HttpRequestMessage
5import com.microsoft.azure.functions.HttpResponseMessage
6import com.microsoft.azure.functions.HttpStatus
7import com.microsoft.azure.functions.annotation.AuthorizationLevel
8import com.microsoft.azure.functions.annotation.FunctionName
9import com.microsoft.azure.functions.annotation.HttpTrigger
11import java.util.Optional
13class ScalaFunction {
14 /**
15 * This function listens at endpoint "/api/ScalaFunction"
16 */
17 @FunctionName("ScalaFunction")
18 def run(
19 @HttpTrigger(
20 name = "req",
21 methods = Array(HttpMethod.GET, HttpMethod.POST),
22 authLevel = AuthorizationLevel.ANONYMOUS) request: HttpRequestMessage[Optional[String]],
23 context: ExecutionContext): HttpResponseMessage = {
24 context.getLogger.info("Scala HTTP trigger processed a request.")
25 request.createResponseBuilder(HttpStatus.OK).body("This is written in Scala. Hello, ").build
26 }
And this is how the pom.xml looks. There is an added dependency for scala and maven-scala-plugin
2import com.microsoft.azure.functions.ExecutionContext
3import com.microsoft.azure.functions.HttpMethod
4import com.microsoft.azure.functions.HttpRequestMessage
5import com.microsoft.azure.functions.HttpResponseMessage
6import com.microsoft.azure.functions.HttpStatus
7import com.microsoft.azure.functions.annotation.AuthorizationLevel
8import com.microsoft.azure.functions.annotation.FunctionName
9import com.microsoft.azure.functions.annotation.HttpTrigger
11import java.util.Optional
13class ScalaFunction {
14 /**
15 * This function listens at endpoint "/api/ScalaFunction"
16 */
17 @FunctionName("ScalaFunction")
18 def run(
19 @HttpTrigger(
20 name = "req",
21 methods = Array(HttpMethod.GET, HttpMethod.POST),
22 authLevel = AuthorizationLevel.ANONYMOUS) request: HttpRequestMessage[Optional[String]],
23 context: ExecutionContext): HttpResponseMessage = {
24 context.getLogger.info("Scala HTTP trigger processed a request.")
25 request.createResponseBuilder(HttpStatus.OK).body("This is written in Scala. Hello, ").build
26 }
29<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
30<project xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0 http://maven.apache.org/xsd/maven-4.0.0.xsd">
31 <modelVersion>4.0.0</modelVersion>
33 <groupId>com.jp</groupId>
34 <artifactId>AzurePrac</artifactId>
35 <version>1.0-SNAPSHOT</version>
36 <packaging>jar</packaging>
38 <name>Azure Java Functions</name>
40 <properties>
41 <project.build.sourceEncoding>UTF-8</project.build.sourceEncoding>
42 <java.version>1.8</java.version>
43 <azure.functions.maven.plugin.version>1.13.0</azure.functions.maven.plugin.version>
44 <azure.functions.java.library.version>1.4.2</azure.functions.java.library.version>
45 <functionAppName>azureprac-20210906165023338</functionAppName>
46 </properties>
48 <dependencies>
49 <dependency>
50 <groupId>com.microsoft.azure.functions</groupId>
51 <artifactId>azure-functions-java-library</artifactId>
52 <version>${azure.functions.java.library.version}</version>
53 </dependency>
55 <!-- Test -->
56 <dependency>
57 <groupId>org.junit.jupiter</groupId>
58 <artifactId>junit-jupiter</artifactId>
59 <version>5.4.2</version>
60 <scope>test</scope>
61 </dependency>
63 <dependency>
64 <groupId>org.mockito</groupId>
65 <artifactId>mockito-core</artifactId>
66 <version>2.23.4</version>
67 <scope>test</scope>
68 </dependency>
70 <dependency>
71 <groupId>org.scala-lang</groupId>
72 <artifactId>scala-library</artifactId>
73 <version>2.12.12</version>
74 </dependency>
75 </dependencies>
77 <build>
78 <plugins>
79 <plugin>
80 <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId>
81 <artifactId>maven-compiler-plugin</artifactId>
82 <version>3.8.1</version>
83 <configuration>
84 <source>${java.version}</source>
85 <target>${java.version}</target>
86 <encoding>${project.build.sourceEncoding}</encoding>
87 </configuration>
88 </plugin>
89 <plugin>
90 <groupId>com.microsoft.azure</groupId>
91 <artifactId>azure-functions-maven-plugin</artifactId>
92 <version>${azure.functions.maven.plugin.version}</version>
93 <configuration>
94 <!-- function app name -->
95 <appName>${functionAppName}</appName>
96 <!-- function app resource group -->
97 <resourceGroup>java-functions-group</resourceGroup>
98 <!-- function app service plan name -->
99 <appServicePlanName>java-functions-app-service-plan</appServicePlanName>
100 <!-- function app region-->
101 <!-- refers https://github.com/microsoft/azure-maven-plugins/wiki/Azure-Functions:-Configuration-Details#supported-regions for all valid values -->
102 <region>westus</region>
103 <!-- function pricingTier, default to be consumption if not specified -->
104 <!-- refers https://github.com/microsoft/azure-maven-plugins/wiki/Azure-Functions:-Configuration-Details#supported-pricing-tiers for all valid values -->
105 <!-- <pricingTier></pricingTier> -->
106 <!-- Whether to disable application insights, default is false -->
107 <!-- refers https://github.com/microsoft/azure-maven-plugins/wiki/Azure-Functions:-Configuration-Details for all valid configurations for application insights-->
108 <!-- <disableAppInsights></disableAppInsights> -->
109 <runtime>
110 <!-- runtime os, could be windows, linux or docker-->
111 <os>windows</os>
112 <javaVersion>8</javaVersion>
113 </runtime>
114 <appSettings>
115 <property>
117 <value>~3</value>
118 </property>
119 </appSettings>
120 </configuration>
121 <executions>
122 <execution>
123 <id>package-functions</id>
124 <goals>
125 <goal>package</goal>
126 </goals>
127 </execution>
128 </executions>
129 </plugin>
130 <!--Remove obj folder generated by .NET SDK in maven clean-->
131 <plugin>
132 <artifactId>maven-clean-plugin</artifactId>
133 <version>3.1.0</version>
134 <configuration>
135 <filesets>
136 <fileset>
137 <directory>obj</directory>
138 </fileset>
139 </filesets>
140 </configuration>
141 </plugin>
143 <plugin>
144 <groupId>org.scala-tools</groupId>
145 <artifactId>maven-scala-plugin</artifactId>
146 <version>2.15.2</version>
147 <executions>
148 <execution>
149 <goals>
150 <goal>compile</goal>
151 <goal>testCompile</goal>
152 </goals>
153 </execution>
154 </executions>
155 </plugin>
156 </plugins>
157 </build>
And finally to publish: mvn clean package; mvn azure-functions:deploy
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