Popular New Releases in YAML Processing
Release 11.1.1
Popular Libraries in YAML Processing
by mikefarah go
5417 MIT
yq is a portable command-line YAML, JSON and XML processor
by go-yaml go
YAML support for the Go language.
by nodeca javascript
5070 MIT
JavaScript YAML parser and dumper. Very fast.
by symfony php
3403 MIT
The Yaml component loads and dumps YAML files.
by jbeder c++
2800 MIT
A YAML parser and emitter in C++
by jonschlinkert javascript
1681 MIT
Smarter YAML front matter parser, used by metalsmith, Gatsby, Netlify, Assemble, mapbox-gl, phenomic, and many others. Simple to use, and battle tested. Parses YAML by default but can also parse JSON Front Matter, Coffee Front Matter, TOML Front Matter, and has support for custom parsers.
by aaubry csharp
1453 MIT
YamlDotNet is a .NET library for YAML
by vmware-tanzu go
1049 Apache-2.0
YAML templating tool that works on YAML structure instead of text
by weaveworks python
1042 Apache-2.0
Kubediff: a tool for Kubernetes to show differences between running state and version controlled configuration.
Trending New libraries in YAML Processing
by ContainerSolutions shell
959 MIT
Minimal self-contained examples of standard Kubernetes features and patterns in YAML
by lucasepe go
489 MIT
Generate High Level Cloud Architecture diagrams using YAML syntax.
by andreazorzetto go
234 Apache-2.0
YAML syntax highlighter to bring colours to kubectl output
by patrickdappollonio go
144 MIT
Split multiple Kubernetes files into smaller files with ease. Split multi-YAML files into individual files.
by segmentio go
97 MIT
A lightweight tool for git-based management of Kubernetes configs
by sharadbhat go
68 MIT
YAML and Golang implementations of common Kubernetes patterns.
by Holzhaus python
63 BSD-2-Clause
Sphinx extension for building self-hosted versioned docs.
by lbovet python
54 MIT
Yglu ᕄ !? - YAML glue for structural templating and processing
by pycontribs python
50 MIT
ruyaml is a openly maintained fork of elusive ruamel-yaml package that can be used as as a drop-in replacement.
Top Authors in YAML Processing
10 Libraries
8 Libraries
5 Libraries
4 Libraries
4 Libraries
3 Libraries
3 Libraries
3 Libraries
3 Libraries
3 Libraries
10 Libraries
8 Libraries
5 Libraries
4 Libraries
4 Libraries
3 Libraries
3 Libraries
3 Libraries
3 Libraries
3 Libraries
Trending Kits in YAML Processing
YAML parser libraries are important tools for handling YAML data within applications. A human-readable data serialization format is used for configuration files and data exchange. Developers use these libraries to parse YAML data and convert it into objects. It helps with easy manipulation and consumption within Node.js applications.
Node.js applications are allowed by the YAML parser libraries. It helps communicate with services that use YAML as their data exchange format. These libraries handle the parsing of YAML data complexities, including error handling and reporting. These libraries support schema validation, custom type handling, and serialization/deserialization. Node.js YAML parser libraries simplify working with YAML data in applications. It offers convenient methods for parsing, manipulating, and generating YAML. They enable seamless integration with YAML-based systems and promote code readability. It helps enhance productivity for developers working with YAML.
Here are the best libraries organized by use cases. The best libraries are Yjs, Yaml, js-yaml, yaml-front-matter, yaml-loader, yamlinc, and yaml-boost. A detailed review of each library follows.
Let's look at each library in detail. The links allow you to access package commands, installation notes, and code snippets.
- It can refer to these libraries' underlying YAML parsing and serialization capabilities.
- It is a lightweight YAML parser with a focus on simplicity and speed.
- YAML JavaScript is not a specific library or component in Node.js for parsing YAML.
- It is used for data serialization format supported by many programming languages.
- It is a human-readable data serialization format.
- It uses a simple and intuitive syntax that is easy for humans to read and write.
- It is used in continuous integration/deployment pipelines and infrastructure-as-code (IaC) tools.
- It has support for a wide range of programming languages, including Node.js.
- It allows you to parse YAML data into JavaScript objects. It can be manipulated and processed within your Node.js application.
- It enables you to convert JavaScript objects into YAML representation.
- It provides robust support for these YAML features to work with complex YAML data in Node.js.
- It has a vibrant community of developers and maintainers. It ensures the library receives regular updates, bug fixes, and security patches.
- It is a block of YAML-formatted metadata placed at the beginning of a file.
- It can also manage configuration settings for a specific file or document.
- It enables the extraction, manipulation, and use of metadata associated with a document.
- Using this, developers can define custom properties and values. It provides extra flexibility and customization options for their content.
- This module is used with YAML parser libraries and is a loader for YAML files in the Node.js application.
- It helps load YAML configuration files to manage application settings and options.
- It allows you to apply these features while loading YAML files. It gives you more control over the parsing and transformation process.
- Using this, you can instruct these build tools to handle YAML files during the build process.
- It enables you to modularize YAML configurations by splitting them into separate files.
- It helps address this issue by breaking the configuration into smaller, manageable files.
- When using yamlinc, if a shared setting or component needs to be updated, you only need to modify it in one place.
- It can be used with other YAML parsing libraries in Node.js, such as js-yaml.
- It is a YAML parser for Node.js that focuses on performance and flexibility.
- It supports YAML 1.2 specification. It provides options for controlling the parsing, like custom schema and tag resolvers.
- It provides a convenient and reliable way to work with YAML data in JavaScript.
- It helps read, write, and manipulate YAML files and integrate YAML functionality.
1. What is a YAML document, and how does it relate to the Nodejs yaml parser library?
A YAML document is a human-readable data serialization format for representing structured data. It stands for "YAML Ain't Markup Language". It is used for configuration files and data exchange. It is also used as a language-independent alternative to JSON. The YAML parser library refers to a software package. It allows you to parse and manipulate YAML documents. Several YAML parser libraries are available for Node.js, such as js-yaml, yaml, and yamljs.
2. What does this library support some data schemas?
The data schemas that this node.js yaml parser library supports are:
- js-yaml
- yaml
3. How do I understand the internals of the node.js yaml parser library?
Understanding a specific library requires studying the source code and its implementation details. Here is an approach you can follow to understand the internals of the Node.js YAML parser library:
- Start with the library's documentation.
- Locate the source code.
- Explore the codebase.
- Read the code comments.
- Identify the parsing algorithm.
- Follow the code flow.
- Study relevant dependencies.
- Experiment and debug.
- Consult extra resources.
4. How do I use Parse & Stringify operations with this node.js yaml parser library?
To use parse and stringify operations with this library, you can follow these steps:
- Install the YAML parser library.
- Import the YAML parser.
- Parsing YAML.
- Stringifying YAML.
5. Can you explain the syntax used in the node.js yaml parser library?
The js-yaml library provides two methods for parsing YAML: yaml.safeload() and yaml.load(). Here's an explanation of their syntax:
yaml.safeLoad(yamlString, options):
This method loads and parses a YAML string into a JavaScript object.
yaml.load(yamlString, options):
This method is like yaml.safeLoad(). But it supports more advanced YAML features, such as custom tags and constructors.
Trending Discussions on YAML Processing
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Tutorials and Learning Resources in YAML Processing
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