My Space

Reuse and Authoring Solutions Made Easier

Save your Favorites

  • Look up libraries and code snippets for your solution needs,
  • Hit the save button (Search, kits, library and code snippets pages) to add them to your space
  • All your favourites are added to “My Items”
  • You can add notes, designs, links, and other assets to help your solution design and reuse

Organize into Lists

As you work on solutions, you can group your code snippets, libraries, notes, and other assets into individual lists for better organization and easier reuse. With kandi, you can create any number of Lists, rename them, and move items across Lists too.

Publish your Solutions - Become an Author!

The open source ecosystem thrives on knowledge sharing. We encourage you to share the solutions that you have designed from code snippets, libraries, and your design recommendations.

You can publish your List to the world with a single click as a kandi kit and become an open source author! Make it detailed and useful to other users, and your kit can be featured prominently on the kandi home or kits pages.

A clear title, tags to solution topics, detailed descriptions, instructions, descriptive images, icons, dependency information, deployment information, and solution installers help the users, making your solution discoverable and for your kit to be featured. You can edit your published kits to modify or delete them.

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