kd-tree | An implementation of k-d tree | Dataset library

 by   gishi523 C++ Version: Current License: MIT

kandi X-RAY | kd-tree Summary

kandi X-RAY | kd-tree Summary

kd-tree is a C++ library typically used in Artificial Intelligence, Dataset applications. kd-tree has no bugs, it has no vulnerabilities, it has a Permissive License and it has low support. You can download it from GitHub.

An implementation of k-d tree

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              There are 0 open issues and 1 have been closed. On average issues are closed in 139 days. There are 1 open pull requests and 0 closed requests.
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              The latest version of kd-tree is current.

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              kd-tree is licensed under the MIT License. This license is Permissive.
              Permissive licenses have the least restrictions, and you can use them in most projects.

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            Community Discussions


            divide rectangle in random sized smaller rectangles
            Asked 2022-Apr-07 at 14:02

            Im doing an art project where i really need to be able to divide a rectangle in a random way. Ive have been searching alot for this but have not found anything i really can implement in proccesing. The idea is after, reading this thread Break up a square or rectangle into a large number of randomly sized squares or rectangles to use a KD-tree or an divide conquer algorithm. I only just learned how a basic Binary Tree works so im a bit lost how to implement this in proccesing code.



            Answered 2022-Apr-07 at 14:02

            This (p5js) sketch divides a rectangular plane in random sized smaller rectangles and seems suitable for your need.

            The sketch slices (either horizontally or vertically) the plane recursively until a "slice limit" is reached for each recursive call, upon which a rectangle is returned.

            I ported the sketch from js to Java Processing here. In fact, it can be easily called from the parent project (PGS) with:

            PShape division = PGS_Tiling.rectSubdivsion(double width, double height, int maxDepth);

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/71777511


            Adding rows to data frame in loop
            Asked 2021-Nov-03 at 04:14

            I know this is a super basic question, but I'm stuck.

            I am attempting to create a data frame. I want to create a data frame that contains the results of the for loop.



            Answered 2021-Nov-03 at 03:00

            In the inner for loop, you are appending the same num_list for the entire for loop length. I think changing that part should do it. And for the pd.DataFrame, the data should not be a list, it should be in dictionary format.

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/69819151


            How to use lambda intead of std::bind in create_subscription method in ROS2
            Asked 2021-Oct-14 at 19:10

            I am creating a small euclidean clustering node for the point cloud, utilizing PCL's implementation of the KD tree.

            Currently, my subscriber definition looks like this,



            Answered 2021-Oct-14 at 19:10


            OpenCV, Python: Perspective warping problem in aerial image stitching
            Asked 2021-Mar-09 at 09:54

            Currently, I'm working on image stitching of aerial footage. I'm using the dataset, get from OrchardDataset. First of all, thanks to some great answers on stackoverflow, especially the answer from @alkasm (Here and Here). But I having an issue, as you can see below at Gap within the stitched image section.

            I used the H21, H31, H41, etc to wrap the images. The stitched image using H21 is excellent, but when wrap the img3 to current stitched image using H31, result shown terrible alignment between img3 and current stitched image. As the more images I wrap, the gap gets bigger and the images totally not well aligned.

            Does the brillant stackoverflow community have an ideas on how can I solve this problem?

            These are the steps I use to stitch the images:

            1. Extract the frame every second from the footage and undistort the image to get rid of fish-eye effect using the provided camera calibration matrix.
            2. Compute the SIFT feature descriptors. Set up macther using FLANN kd-tree and find matches between the images. Find the Homography (H21, H32, H43 and etc, where H21 refer to the homography which warps imag2 into coordinates of img1)
            3. Compose the homography with the previous homographies to get net homography using the method suggested in Here. (Compute H31, H41, H51, etc)
            4. Wrap the images using the answer provided in Here.

            Gap within the stitched image:

            I'm using the first 10 images get from OrchardDataSet.

            Stitched Image with Gaps

            Here's portion of my script:


            ref_img is the first frame (img1). AdjHomoSet contain the images to be wraped (img2, img3, img4, etc). AccHomoSet contain the net homography (H31, H41, H51, etc)



            Answered 2021-Mar-09 at 09:54

            Eventually I changed the way of warping the image using the approach provided by Jahaniam Real Time Video Mosaic. He locates the reference image at the middle of preset size of blank image and compute the subsequent homography and warp the adjacent images to the reference image.

            Example of stitched image

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/66420366


            Checking if an arbitrary circle contains more than k points of a given pointset
            Asked 2021-Feb-18 at 08:40

            I have a Set of n points and a more or less arbitrary circle. Now I want to check if the circle contains at most k of the points.

            Right now I'm just brute force testing all of the points. Since I need to answer this question for a lot of circles, a preprocessing time of up to n²log(n) would be fine.

            The optimal data structure would most likely be the order k-Voronoi Diagram (not the one for dimension k), but I would need to implement it myself and therefore I would like to know if I have other (simpler) options.

            Another Idea for some speed up would be using a KD-Tree.

            I would like to know, if I'm missing another way to do it.



            Answered 2021-Feb-18 at 08:40

            It seems that you are after a fixed-radius near-neighbor count query.

            Using a KD-tree (K=2), you can list the points in a given circle, in time roughly O(k + Log n). This is achieved by overlapping the circle with the rectangles of the KD-tree subdivision. When a rectangle is wholly contained in the circle, there is no need to subdivide further, all points inside the rectangle are inside the circle.

            So you can enhance the tree with the number of points contained in every node of the tree. This will lower the running time to O(m + Log n) where m is the number of rectangles contained in or split by the circle. It is also possible to stop subdividing when a rectangle contains less than a predefined number of points, and test them by brute force.

            These are heuristics. You have to test them on your cases to see if they are worth.


            Just an idea, not really investigated: Vantage-point trees are appropriate for k-nearest-neighbors searches and they partition the plane using circles. That might better blend with circle queries.


            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/66247451


            Inserting objects in scipy kdtree?
            Asked 2021-Feb-09 at 12:53

            I am trying to create a kd-tree through scipy's KD_tree class built by objects rather than pure coordinates. The objects has a (x,y) tuple, and the tree is based upon this, but i would like to include the object itself as the node/in the node.

            Is there some "easy" approach to this? Had a look on scipy kdtree with meta data, which says to use a third dimension as a object pointer(?). Wouldn't the tree then apply this value to the comparison of neighbors? I am also in the same boat as this gentleman, where creating my own kd-tree would be nice to skip for now.

            PS. This is my first post, so be gentle with me ;)



            Answered 2021-Feb-09 at 12:53

            The API of scipy's KdTree wants a 2D array of coordinates as input and not any sort of object array. In this array the rows are the points and the cols the coordinates of those points.

            In the question you link to, he doesn't mean that there is a third dimension but a third index. Suppose you are looking for a single nearest neighbor and you query using some point, the function will return a distance and an index. The index is a reference into the array with which you built the tree. The distance is the difference in distance between your query point and the tree point.

            So to use this tree you could keep two arrays. One with the object coordinates and a second one with the objects. They should be in the same order, so that when a query returns an index, they mean the same thing in both arrays.

            PS. This is my first answer, so also be gentle :D

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/66097608


            k-nearest neaighbors search from delaunay triangulation in MATLAB (or general algorithm)
            Asked 2020-Dec-02 at 16:46

            I know I can use a data structure such as the kd-tree to look for the k nearest points to each point in the plane (using the Euclidean distance). But I've already constructed a Delaunay triagulation in my program, so I'd like to find the k nearest neighbors more efficiently by taking adavntage of the Delaunay triangulation. I'm using Matlab, and the delaunayTriangulation class allows to query only the first nearest neighbor to a given point. How can I find the k nearest neighbors in MATLAB using the Delaunay triangulation? Or otherwise, if I have to implement myself the k nearest neighbors search algorithm from the Delaunay triangulation, can you point me out to such an algorithm?



            Answered 2020-Dec-02 at 16:46

            If you are only interested in finding k points nearest to a centroid, then forget you have triangles. You have a cloud of points (that cloud be related to triangles, but its irrelevant) that you need to find kn nearest neighbors to it.

            knnsearch() is sufficient.

            Original answer:

            When I had this problem, I found 2 efficient solutions.

            1. if you want K nearest neighbours to an arbitrary point, you need to build a tree. I used R*-trees because they allow volumetric objects, but if you only consider the centroid of the elements then you can survive with an easier to code tree.

            2. If you want K nearest neighbors to an element itself, the best way I found is by building a network graph. A Delaunay triangulation is not structure and finding in this list gets intractable soon as you increase it, so you need to enforce some order. You need to build a graph that will order these elements and store their neighbours, so you can simply query neigbours in distance from the element if your interest.

            I found no MATLAB function to solve this for me and I ended up writing my own stuff. This was in a larger framework of using tetrahedra as image basis for computed tomography, so there is a lot of extra stuff in that repo and things may need touching here and there. Use at your own risk.

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/65110519


            Find set of points on the grid which are at the maximal Manhattan distance from the given set
            Asked 2020-Oct-01 at 12:06

            Given a square grid with side N. Also given a set of input points on the grid. Need to find another set of points on the grid (can be multiple) that have the maximal Manhattan distance from the given input points.

            For example with N = 4 and input [p1:{0, 0}, p2:{3, 3}] the output should be [{0, 3}, {1, 2}, {2, 1}, {3, 0}] with the distance equal to 3.



            Answered 2020-Oct-01 at 12:06

            You should use a breadth-first search, starting with all the given points, to simultaneously find the distance of every cell from its nearest point. This takes linear time and is pretty easy to code.

            Then find the highest distance (or just remember it, since it will be the last one you wrote), and return all the cells with that distance.

            That will work pretty well if your points aren't too sparse. If they're separated by vast distances, then you'll need an algorithm the grows with the number of points instead of the size of the grid. That would be based on calculating the Manhattan-distance Voronoi diagram, since all the points you want to return are on it.

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/64153773


            kd-tree: duplicate key and deletion
            Asked 2020-Aug-23 at 23:28

            In these slides (13) the deletion of a point in a kd-tree is described: It states that the left subtree can be swapped to be the right subtree, if the deleted node has only a left subtree. Then the minimum can be found and recursively be deleted (just as with a right subtree).

            This is because kd-trees with equal keys for the current dimensions should be on the right.

            My question: Why does the equal key point have to be the right children of the parent point? Also, what happens if my kd-tree algorithm returns a tree with an equal key point on the left?

            For example: Assume the dataset (7,2), (7,4), (9,6) The resulting kd-tree would be (sorted with respect to one axis):



            Answered 2020-Aug-23 at 23:28

            There is no hard and fast rule to have equal keys on right only. You can update that to left as well.

            But doing this, you would also need update your algorithms of search and delete operations.

            Have a look at these links:



            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/63551460


            How to delete elements from a numpy array using indecies returned by scipy.spatial.KDTree.query_ball_point method
            Asked 2020-Jun-02 at 02:45

            I am trying to use Kdtree data structure to remove closest points from an array preferablly without for loops.



            Answered 2020-Jun-02 at 02:45

            Your points array is a Nx2 matrix. Your ind indices are a list of row indices. What you need is to specify the axis along which you need deletion, ultimately this:

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/62143634

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