
 by   jjzhang166 C++ Version: Current License: No License

kandi X-RAY | ParkCode Summary

kandi X-RAY | ParkCode Summary

ParkCode is a C++ library. ParkCode has no bugs, it has no vulnerabilities and it has low support. You can download it from GitHub.


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            Community Discussions


            Retrofit Returns Required Value parks missing at $ When I do not have main element on JSON
            Asked 2020-Apr-22 at 17:25

            Summary: I am trying to pull data from National Parks (API) and it has JSON that does not have main element name. And it seems retrofit looks at variable name for finding element automatically. It fails returning an error 'Required Value parks missing at $'. I do not have parks but I am not looking for parks element at all. I searched through stackoverflow to see if anyone has similar issue and did not find so I am posting this question here.

            Detail: Here is the json from API...



            Answered 2020-Apr-22 at 17:25

            Your data class is doing wrong mapping. You need to make sure that your keys from the API are the same name that the data class has as GSON uses these values, not retrofit. Retrofit simply fetches the data and then passes it to GSON for deserialization. If API returns weird names and you do not want that in your data classes then use @SerializedName("newName: String") annotation on the parameter in the data class.




            How do I only render one result in a separate component using axios in React?
            Asked 2019-Jun-07 at 09:56


            I suppose my question isn’t so clear. I’m trying to get one park returned when my url points to http://localhost:1233/details/‘${parkcode}’. I’ve defined the param for the url in my results.js file. But I’m having trouble in defining the this.setState in my details.js to render just one result of the park based on the id which also happens to be the park code.

            I'm new to React (and possibly to JavaScript, I don't know anymore). I am following a tutorial - instead of using an npm package for an API I decided to branch out and use axios.get() to fetch data from an API. I am able to render the results from a component into the browser, however after adding on reach-router (I assume it's similar to React Router), I am having troubles rendering just one result of my API call as the page I am attempting to build is supposed to only show ONE result based on the ID I have defined.

            In my main file, which is Results.js here, I am able to get the data with no problem and include them in my file using JSX and render them. I'm attempting to use the same logic as I did in that page in my Details.js page (which is the page that is supposed to show only one result to the ID in the route).

            How I'm using axios in Results.js



            Answered 2019-Jun-07 at 09:56

            I believe this is the part you are getting wrong



            Variable URLs and passing non-input value from html to Python (Flask)
            Asked 2019-Jun-03 at 05:19

            According to this question you can only send data from input forms from html to Python with POST. I'm trying to figure out how to pass a value (that's actually originally contained in a dictionary that I passed in from Python) from html to Python.

            My two approaches I considered (and have not figured out how to do successfully) are:

            1. Taking a look at the Flask quickstart, this should be quite simple. I'm just not sure what the syntax should look like on the html side to pass in this parkCode.


            Answered 2019-Jun-03 at 05:03
            1. .route decorator always handles only URL paths. Since form action is a static value in HTML, the only way to change it is to use JavaScript (for example, by changing the action attribute at submit time). If you're going to use JavaScript, you might as well then just use JavaScript to submit the request itself, which leads us to

            2. Yes, you can use AJAX to send a request. Since ES6, the easiest way to do this is fetch. The choice of whether to use a form or whether to use AJAX depends on what you want to happen after the request: a submitted form results in a new page being rendered, while an AJAX request cannot change the current page, only trigger JavaScript code (although obviously you can change the page in JavaScript should you so wish).

            Basically, you can't do what you want without JavaScript. The third option that does work without JavaScript is using the form as it was meant to be used. On flask side, it involves not naming the parameter inside the route, but using request.args (for GET forms) or request.form (for POST forms):



            pass parameter to embedded href='javascript:function(" + param + ");
            Asked 2019-Mar-31 at 16:08

            I'm trying to embed a call to a javascript function in a leaflet popup.

            I'm binding the showPopup() function to each feature added to a map. The idea is when the user clicks on the feature, there is an href labeled "More info..." which should open a sidebar.

            I'm attempting to pass in the features Code to the embedded 'javascript:getInfoPanelData(feature code here, say PIPE as example) to know which feature I'm working with. However, running this code in Chrome debugger yields

            Uncaught ReferenceError: PIPE is not defined at :1:18.

            I've also tried to add single quotes around the parameter, but this yields a SyntaxError:

            Unexpected end of input (getInfoPanelData("red x" in debugger.

            I'm not sure I can actually do what I need to do and am hoping someone can either point out my mistake or possible alternatives.



            Answered 2019-Mar-31 at 16:08


            Access Room database to update widget in onHandleIntent method of IntentService
            Asked 2019-Jan-26 at 03:47

            I have a widget which I want to update every time I update my database and want to show the content from the database on the widget even when the app is not running. My db is implemented using Room, and the widget is updated using an IntentService. Everytime an update is made, onHandleIntent will try to get the new entry from the db and update the widget.

            But for the code below, it always returns a null List from the db

            Is there an alternate way to implement this? AsyncTask wont work here as it requires execution on main thread.

            I am new to Room and RxJava, so not sure if I missed anything obvious.



            Answered 2019-Jan-26 at 03:47

            There are many things wrong with the implementation.

            First of all, result.favDoa().getFavPark().getValue() will always return null because LiveData is asynchronous. LiveData is meant to be observed.

            Also the way you use RxJava seems incorrect. You are not doing any real job asynchronously. That implementation can be written without using RxJava at all.

            Also note that there isn't an easy way to use LiveData AND RxJava together because they are not directly interchangeable. People likes to go either "full LiveData", "full RxJava", or "RxJava until UI components then switch to LiveData.

            There are many different ways to solve this. One option is to change your implementation to RxJava completely. (Room has RxJava support:




            Save value of label (JSON) in JS
            Asked 2018-Aug-27 at 07:13

            I know that the question has been asked before but none of the answers have answered it. I'm very confused so would really appreciate some help.

            I have a JSON file:



            Answered 2018-Aug-27 at 07:13

            In the end I found the solution:

            const ast = XmlReader.parseSync(xml);

            const x =xmlQuery(ast).find('alphanumId').text();



            Why is NPS Api returning 503 when I try to get data
            Asked 2018-Jul-15 at 00:24

            I'm attempting to get park information from the National Park Service's API but res.on('data') is never getting called and I'm getting an error code of 503. This API doesn't have very much documentation and I don't have very much experience working with APIs so I could be missing something small and obvious.



            Answered 2018-Jul-15 at 00:18

            Any 5xx error means the server application is failing for some reason. Check out the status codes definition at

            In your case, I think you should look at your url variable. The way you're using template literals is causing extra white space and a new line to be stored in the variable. This might be causing the api server to fail.

            Try this instead:



            Setting authorization header in axios
            Asked 2017-Mar-28 at 09:40

            I have been trying to make a GET request to the National Park Service API with axios and have tried several ways to set my API key in the request header to no avail. Any assistance will be greatly appreciated.

            I have tried:



            Answered 2017-Mar-28 at 09:40

            This issue is caused by CORS OPTIONS request in browser, which has nothing to do with axios. requires Authorization header in all HTTP request, including OPTIONS. However, all custom HTTP headers will be excluded from OPTIONS, refer to

            The National Park Service API should not require Authorization header for OPTIONS request, but it does. Anyway, there is a workaround: make a forward-route in your own backend, accept the HTTP request from browser, retrieve data from in backend, and finally return it to browser.

            Actually, send HTTP request with third party authorization key from browser is definitely not a good idea -- This design will expose your National Park Service API key to everyone who visit the page, which is certainly a dangerous thing.

            Your first solution (config API key to axios default headers) is OK. I tried with my own API key and your URL, the response code is 200 OK.

            For the second solution, the config object should be used as headers field in axios statement. The code would be:


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