acquisition | Acquisition is an inventory management tool for Path

 by   xyzz C++ Version: 0.8b License: GPL-3.0

kandi X-RAY | acquisition Summary

kandi X-RAY | acquisition Summary

acquisition is a C++ library typically used in User Interface applications. acquisition has no bugs, it has no vulnerabilities, it has a Strong Copyleft License and it has low support. You can download it from GitHub.

Acquisition is an inventory management tool for Path of Exile. It is written in C++, uses Qt widget toolkit and runs on Windows and Linux. Check the website for screenshots and video tutorials. You can download Windows setup packages from the releases page.

            kandi-support Support

              acquisition has a low active ecosystem.
              It has 266 star(s) with 90 fork(s). There are 30 watchers for this library.
              It had no major release in the last 12 months.
              There are 165 open issues and 315 have been closed. On average issues are closed in 97 days. There are 1 open pull requests and 0 closed requests.
              It has a neutral sentiment in the developer community.
              The latest version of acquisition is 0.8b

            kandi-Quality Quality

              acquisition has 0 bugs and 0 code smells.

            kandi-Security Security

              acquisition has no vulnerabilities reported, and its dependent libraries have no vulnerabilities reported.
              acquisition code analysis shows 0 unresolved vulnerabilities.
              There are 0 security hotspots that need review.

            kandi-License License

              acquisition is licensed under the GPL-3.0 License. This license is Strong Copyleft.
              Strong Copyleft licenses enforce sharing, and you can use them when creating open source projects.

            kandi-Reuse Reuse

              acquisition releases are available to install and integrate.

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            Currently covering the most popular Java, JavaScript and Python libraries. See a Sample of acquisition
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            acquisition Key Features

            No Key Features are available at this moment for acquisition.

            acquisition Examples and Code Snippets

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            Community Discussions


            BayesianOptimization fails due to float error
            Asked 2022-Mar-21 at 22:34

            I want to optimize my HPO of my lightgbm model. I used a Bayesian Optimization process to do so. Sadly my algorithm fails to converge.




            Answered 2022-Mar-21 at 22:34

            This is related to a change in scipy 1.8.0, One should use -np.squeeze( instead of[0]


            The comments in the bug report indicate reverting to scipy 1.7.0 fixes this,

            It seems the fix is been proposed in the BayesianOptimization package:

            But this has not been merged and released yet, so you could either:



            Camunda Application not starting up on docker container
            Asked 2022-Feb-27 at 06:01

            I have a simple cammunda spring boot application. which I want to run in a docker container

            I am able to run it locally from IntelliJ but when I try to run it inside a docker it fails with below error message:

            08043 Exception while performing 'Deployment of Process Application camundaApplication' => 'Deployment of process archive 'ct-camunda': The deployment contains definitions with the same key 'ct-camunda' (id attribute), this is not allowed




            Answered 2022-Feb-25 at 11:07

            I don't think this is Docker related. Maybe your build process copies files?

            "The deployment contains definitions with the same key 'ct-camunda' (id attribute), this is not allowed" Check if you have packaged multiple .bpmn files into your deployment. Maybe you accidentally copied the model file in an additional classpath location. You seem to have two deployments with the same id. (This is not about the filename, but the technical id used inside the XML)

            If you are using auto deployment in Spring Boot, you do not have to declare anything in the processes.xml. Use this only in combination with @EnableProcessApplication (or do not use both)



            Random errors acquiring Microsoft oauth2 token via
            Asked 2022-Feb-26 at 16:19

            I use the standard go library to acquire an OAuth2 token from Microsoft users.

            This is the oauth2 config I use:



            Answered 2022-Feb-25 at 13:39

            I think second error refers to the grant_type missing in the config



            Can't stop thread at all (unless I cause an exception)
            Asked 2022-Feb-17 at 10:42

            So I am working on a GUI (PyQt5) and I am multi-threading to be able to do data acquisition and real-time plotting concurrently.

            Long story short, all works fine apart from stopping the thread that handles the data acquisition, which loops continuously and calls PySerial to read the com port. When a button on the GUI is pressed, I want to break the while loop within the thread so as to stop reading the com port and allow the com port to be closed safely.

            Currently, none of the methods I have tried manage to gracefully exit the while loop inside the thread, which causes all kinds of errors with the PySerial library and the closed com port/ attempted reading in the thread. Here is what I have tried:

            • Using a class variable (self.serial_flag) and changing its state when the button is pressed. The thread loop then looks like this: while self.serial_flag:
            • Using a global variable (serial_flag = False at top of the script). Defining global serial_flag at the top of the threaded function and same condition: while serial_flag:
            • Using a shared memory variable: from multiprocessing import Value, then defining serial_flag = Value('i', 0) then in the loop checking while serial_flag.value == 0:
            • Using threading.Event to set an event and use that as a break condition. Defining: serial_flag = threading.Event() and inside the thread while loop: if serial_flag.is_set(): break

            None of these seem to work in breaking the while loop and I promise I have done my homework in researching solutions for this type of thing - I feel like there is something basic that I am doing wrong with my multithreading application. Here are the parts of the GUI that call/ deal with the thread (with my latest attempt using threading.Event):



            Answered 2022-Feb-17 at 10:42

            The problem occurs because you are closing the serial port without waiting for the thread to terminate. Although you set the event, that part of the code might not be reached, since reading from the serial port is still happening. When you close the serial port, an error in the serial library occurs.

            You should wait for the thread to terminate, then close the port, which you can do by adding



            Using Spark 3.2 to ingest IoT data into delta lake continuously
            Asked 2022-Jan-15 at 19:05

            It is possible to use directly to ingest data continuously in append mode ?

            Is there another more suitable approach? My concern is about latency and scalability since the data acquisition frequency can reach 30 KHz in each vibration sensor and there are several of them and I need to record the raw data in Delta Lake for FFT and Wavelet analysis, among others.

            In my architecture the data ingestion is done continuously in a Spark application while the analyzes are performed in another independent Spark application with on-demand queries.

            If there is no solution for Delta Lake, a solution for Apache Parquet would work because it will be possible to create Datasets in Delta Lake from data stored in Parquet Datasets.



            Answered 2022-Jan-15 at 19:05

            Yes, it's possible and it works well. There are several advantages of Delta for streaming architecture:

            • you don't have a "small files problem" that often arises with streaming workloads - you don't need to list all data files to find new files (as in case of Parquet or other data source) - all data is recorded in the transaction log
            • your consumers don't see partial writes because Delta provides transactional capabilities
            • streaming workloads are natively supported by Delta
            • you can perform DELETE/UPDATE/MERGE even for streaming workloads - it's impossible with Parquet

            P.S. you can just use .format("delta") instead of full class name



            How to post-process multiple datasets while reading new data and updating a graph
            Asked 2021-Dec-30 at 23:57

            I have the following situation:

            1. Datasets are generated by an external device, at varying intervals (between 0.1s and 90s). The code sleeps between acquisitions.

            2. Each dataset needs to be post-processed (which is CPU-bound, single-threaded and requires 10s to 20s). Post-processing should not block (1).

            3. Acquisition and post-processing should work asynchronously and whenever one dataset is done, I want to update a pyplot graph in a Jupyter notebook (currently using ipython widgets), with the data from the post-processing. The plotting should also not block (1).

            Doing (1) and (2) serially is easy to do: I acquire all datasets, storing it in a list, then process each item, then display.

            I don't know how to set this up in a parallel way and how to start. Do I use callback functions? Do callbacks work across processes? How do I set up the correct amount of processes (acquisition in one, processing and plotting the rest for each core). Can all processes modify the same list of all datasets? Is there a better data structure to use? Can it be done in Python?



            Answered 2021-Dec-30 at 23:57

            This is a general outline of the classes you need and how you put them together along the idea of (more or less) what I described in my comment. There are other approaches, but I think this is the easiest to understand. There are also more "industrial strength" products that implement message queueing but with even steeper learning curves.



            Spark on K8s: Job proceeds although some executors are still pending
            Asked 2021-Dec-30 at 15:15

            I am using Spark 3.1.2 and have created a cluster with 4 executors each with 15 cores.

            My total number of partitions therefore should be 60, yet only 30 are assigned.

            The job starts as follows, requesting 4 executors



            Answered 2021-Dec-30 at 15:11

            Per Spark docs, scheduling is controlled by these settings

            Maximum amount of time to wait for resources to register before scheduling begins.

            default=0.8 for KUBERNETES mode; 0.8 for YARN mode; 0.0 for standalone mode and Mesos coarse-grained mode
            The minimum ratio of registered resources (registered resources / total expected resources) (resources are executors in yarn mode and Kubernetes mode, CPU cores in standalone mode and Mesos coarse-grained mode ['spark.cores.max' value is total expected resources for Mesos coarse-grained mode] ) to wait for before scheduling begins. Specified as a double between 0.0 and 1.0. Regardless of whether the minimum ratio of resources has been reached, the maximum amount of time it will wait before scheduling begins is controlled by config spark.scheduler.maxRegisteredResourcesWaitingTime.

            In your case, looks like the WaitingTime has been reached.



            Sending large amount of data from ISR using queues in RTOS
            Asked 2021-Dec-18 at 21:02

            I am working on an STM32F401 MC for audio acquisition and I am trying to send the audio data(384 bytes exactly) from ISR to a task using queues. The frequency of the ISR is too high and hence I believe some data is dropped due to the queue being full. The audio recorded from running the code is noisy. Is there any easier way to send large amounts of data from an ISR to a task?

            The RTOS used is FreeRTOS and the ISR is the DMA callback from the I2S mic peripheral.



            Answered 2021-Dec-14 at 12:44

            The general approach in these cases is:

            1. Down-sample the raw data received in the ISR (e.g., save only 1 out of 4 samples)
            2. Accumulate a certain number of samples before sending them in a message to the task



            Implementing a printAnimals method
            Asked 2021-Dec-12 at 21:49

            I am trying to implement a printAnimals() method that prints the ArrayList for dogs or prints the ArrayList for monkeys, or prints all animals whose training status is "in service" and whose is Not reserved, depending on the input you enter in the menu. I am trying to correctly write a for loop for both ArrayList that contains if statements, so it will print whatever item in the ArrayList meets the conditions, which are that their trainingStatus equals "in service" and that reserved = false.

            I currently have an error under printAnimals() method that says "The method dogList(int) is undefined for type Driver" and another error message that says "The method monkeyList(int) is undefined for type Driver". Do you know how to correctly type a for loop that iterates through an ArrayList and has if statements? Here is the code I have so far:



            Answered 2021-Dec-12 at 21:49

            Looks for me an error here:



            image as circle background (d3.js svg)
            Asked 2021-Dec-08 at 15:40

            UPDATED I have made a force directed graph using D3.js. Each node corresponds to a company, and each link corresponds how they are related to each other according to the link color. What I would like to achieve is to use the image URLs within "nodes" data and show a different image for each bubble. Currently I was able to set a fixed static/identical image for all of my bubbles. I tried to connect the pattern to my "nodes" data, but unsuccessfully which ended up in an infinite loop.

            Simple HTML canvas for my svg and two buttons for the zoom in and zoom out by click.



            Answered 2021-Dec-08 at 12:15

            I've used your code to assemble a small example, which you can see below.

            1. Inside svg > defs, create one pattern per node and use that pattern (with the ID of the company) to fetch the logo of that company;
            2. Reference the pattern for the node using the information you already have.

            Some pointers on your code:

            1. You already use ES6 logic, so you can also use and other functions. They're generally much more readable (and natively implemented!) than;
            2. There is no need to keep so many arrays of values, generally having fewer sources of truth for your data will make the code simpler to maintain and update in the future;
            3. Use clear variable names! LS and LT are logical when you know the context, but when you revisit this code in 6 months you might not instantly know what you were talking about when you wrote it.


            Community Discussions, Code Snippets contain sources that include Stack Exchange Network


            No vulnerabilities reported

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            You can download it from GitHub.


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