usbids | USB list from the website | Change Data Capture library

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kandi X-RAY | usbids Summary

usbids is a C library typically used in Utilities, Change Data Capture applications. usbids has no bugs, it has no vulnerabilities and it has low support. You can download it from GitHub.

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              usbids has a low active ecosystem.
              It has 3 star(s) with 0 fork(s). There are 1 watchers for this library.
              It had no major release in the last 6 months.
              There are 0 open issues and 1 have been closed. There are no pull requests.
              It has a neutral sentiment in the developer community.
              The latest version of usbids is current.

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              usbids has no bugs reported.

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              usbids does not have a standard license declared.
              Check the repository for any license declaration and review the terms closely.
              Without a license, all rights are reserved, and you cannot use the library in your applications.

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            Community Discussions


            org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: syntax error
            Asked 2022-Feb-16 at 02:51

            I am trying to add debezium-connector-postgres to my Kafka Connect.

            First I validated my config by

            PUT http://localhost:8083/connector-plugins/io.debezium.connector.postgresql.PostgresConnector/config/validate



            Answered 2022-Feb-16 at 02:51

            Before we are using Postgres 9.6.12, after switching to Postgres 13.6.

            With same setup step, it works well this time.

            My best guess is maybe because the debezium-connector-postgres version 1.8.1.Final I am using does not work well with old Postgres 9.6.12.



            sys.sp_cdc_stop_job not on server
            Asked 2021-Oct-22 at 11:05

            How to restart capture job (for Change Data Capture), if I don't have this procedure - sys.sp_cdc_stop_job on the server? (using Microsoft SQL Azure (RTM) - 12.0.2000.8 Sep 18 2021 19:01:34 Copyright (C) 2019 Microsoft Corporation ) Need to restart it to reflect my changes in configuration by sp_cdc_change_job.



            Answered 2021-Oct-22 at 11:05

            In Azure SQL Database the capture and cleanup SQL Server Agent jobs are replaced by a change data capture scheduler that periodically invokes stored procedures to capture and cleanup of the change tables. This scheduler runs stored procedures automatically.

            You can check this document to understand how the Capture job initiates the running of stored procedures.



            How to clean up all entries in a cdc table in MS SQL?
            Asked 2021-Aug-31 at 17:56

            Reading Microsoft Docs this is the relevant system procedure: sys.sp_cdc_cleanup_change_table

            I tried using it like this:



            Answered 2021-Aug-31 at 17:56

            I built a little test for this, and yes, I saw the same thing. It took me a couple of minutes to figure out what was going on.

            The "gotcha" is this little entry in the docs:

            If other entries in cdc.lsn_time_mapping share the same commit time as the entry identified by the new low watermark, the smallest LSN associated with that group of entries is chosen as the low watermark.

            In other words, if the result of sys.fn_cdc_get_max_lsn() maps to a cdc.lsn_time_mapping.tran_begin_time that also has other start_lsn values associated with it, then the cleanup proc won't actually use the value of sys.fn_cdc_get_max_lsn() as the new low water mark.

            In other other words, if the max lsn currently in the change table you want to clean up has the same tran_begin_time as other LSN's, and it is not the lowest of those LSNs, you cannot get a "complete" cleanup of the change table.

            The easiest way to get a complete cleanup in those cases is probably to make a minor change to the target table to advance the max lsn and force a new entry, and "hope" that the new entry isn't also associated with any other LSNs with the same tran begin time.

            To make that more explicit, here's my little test. Running it over and over has a result that in some cases cleanup is predicted to fail (and fails) and in other cases it is predicted to succeed (and succeeds).



            How can I animate the changed element with vuejs?
            Asked 2021-Aug-16 at 22:57

            Using Vuejs the data of some elements on the page is changing.

            However, this change is not understood by the user.

            For example, I am making a counter by clicking a button. I am printing data as {{counter}} to span element.

            But this change is not noticed by the user. How can I give it various animations?

            I tried to combine a css that I found have an animation I wanted, but was unsuccessful.

            The Vuejs documentation says you can do it with toggleCss, but that's not what I want.



            Answered 2021-Aug-16 at 22:57

            You can use Vue transitions (see

            Using a tag with name, and the element with key (each change to that key will trigger a transition update)



            Escaping Java variables to serialise SQL statement to string
            Asked 2021-Jun-19 at 15:43

            We have an event system producing database events for change data capture.

            The system sends an event which contains the INSERT or UPDATE statement with ? placeholders and an array of the ordered values matching each question mark.

            I want to use this for per hour backup files so if I get a statement like:

            insert into T0(a,b,c) VALUES(?,?,?)

            with an array of values 1, 2 and it's his then I write the a line to the backup file for that hour as

            insert into T0(a,b,c) VALUES(1,2,'it\'s his');

            A few things:

            1. Is it only strings that need escaping? We don't have or allow binary columns
            2. Is there a Java library that can do this already (from the Spring eco-system, Apache or otherwise)?
            3. I've seen the Postgres JDBC code for escaping - is that sufficient?

            I was also thinking of creating a SQLite database for each hour, writing to SQLite and then dumping it to the hr.sql text file. This has the advantage of capitalising on all the hardwork and thought already put into SQLite handling escaping but feels like overkill if there's a way to do the toString in Java then append a line to the file.

            There's a performance consideration in using SQLite as well furthering my hesitation to that that route.



            Answered 2021-Jun-19 at 15:43


            How to Convert Bson Timestamp from Mongo changestream to UTC date format in Java?
            Asked 2021-Apr-15 at 17:45

            eg: clusterTime = TimeStamp{value= 6948482818288648193, seconds = 16754329210, inc= 1}

            When I read the value from document.getClusterTime().toString() the value returned is bson timestamp. And I want to convert this into UTC time format.



            Answered 2021-Apr-15 at 17:45

            The BSON timestamp value is a 64 bits number where the first 32 bits denote a count of seconds since the Unix epoch of 1970-01-01 at 00:00 UTC.

            Given below is an excerpt from the mongoDB documentation:


            BSON has a special timestamp type for internal MongoDB use and is not associated with the regular Date type. This internal timestamp type is a 64 bit value where:

            • the most significant 32 bits are a time_t value (seconds since the Unix epoch)
            • the least significant 32 bits are an incrementing ordinal for operations within a given second.

            So for your example:



            R2DBC can be used for change data capture in Spring boot?
            Asked 2021-Mar-23 at 11:15

            I have a classic Spring Boot Application connected to a MySQL database.

            Can I use r2dbc driver and spring data r2dbc to develop another application that listens to the database changes like a change data capture?

            I've studied the r2dbc driver documentation, but I don't understand if they produces reactive hot streams or only cold streams. If it is not possible I believe that I should use Debezium, like I found in this article.

            Thanks a lot



            Answered 2021-Mar-23 at 11:15

            R2DBC is primarily a specification to enable reactive/non-blocking communication with your database. What an R2DBC driver is capable of pretty much depends on your database.

            The Longer Version

            R2DBC specifies a set of interfaces including methods where every database conversation is activated through a Publisher. R2DBC has no opinion on the underlying wire protocol. Instead, a database driver implementing R2DBC has to stick to its database communication protocol. What you get through JDBC or ODBC is pretty much the same as what you can expect from an R2DBC driver.

            There are smaller differences: some JDBC drivers require polling for data (such as Postgres Pub/Sub notification) whereas, in R2DBC, a notification stream can be consumed without a polling thread as all I/O is based on listening on the receive buffers and emitting data once the driver receives data. In contrast, JDBC (and pretty much all imperative API) require someone to call a method to consume/obtain data.

            I'm not sure how CDC works with MySQL; I think you need to scan (poll) the BINLOG using MySQL commands or the MySQL protocol. Right now, the R2DBC MySQL driver doesn't support BINLOG polling.

            Postgres has similar functionality (Logical Decode). It is supported by R2DBC Postgres (see the documentation of Logical Decode using R2DBC Postgres). In Postgres, the server pushes the replication log to the client, which gives you a hot stream as logical decode subscribes to the replication log.

            The gist is pretty much that it depends on the actual database technology.



            Transactional outbox pattern vs ChainedKafkaTransactionManager in Microservices
            Asked 2021-Jan-05 at 14:27

            Using Spring-Kafkas ChainedKafkaTransactionManager I cannot see any point in implementing the transactional outbox pattern in a Spring Boot microservices context.

            Putting message producer (i.e. KafkaTemplate's send method) and DB operation in the same transactional block solves exactly the problem that should be solved by the outbox pattern: If any exception is raised in the transactional code neither the db op is commited nor the message is read on the consumer side (configured with read_committed)

            This way I dont need an additional table nor any type of CDC code. In summary the Spring Kafka way of transaction synchronization seems much easier to use and implement to me than any implementation of transactional outbox pattern.

            Am I missing anything?



            Answered 2021-Jan-05 at 14:27

            I think it doesn't give you the same level of safety. What if something fails between Kafka commit and DB commit.




            Does PostgreSQL provide Change Tracking feature similar to SQL Server change tracking?
            Asked 2020-Dec-19 at 11:36

            Does PostgreSQL provide change tracking feature like that on SQL Server. this is what I basically want. I want to move my data after few minutes intervals to other database. for this I just want to fetch changed data only in PGSQL through change tracking like that of SQL Server change tracking. What is the best way to achieve this?



            Answered 2020-Nov-19 at 18:48

            It's not so easy with PostgreSQL. You can use WAL’s aka Write Ahead Logs or triggers. May be the best approach will be using a external library like



            Mulesoft with Salesforce Streaming API using CDC
            Asked 2020-Sep-10 at 19:51

            I am working on a Mule API flow testing out the Salesforce event streams. I have my connector set up and subscribed to a streaming channel.

            This is working just fine when I create / update / delete contact records, the events come through and I process them by adding them to another database.

            I am slightly confused with the replayId functionality. With the current setup, I can shut down the Mule app, create contacts in the org, and then when I bring the app back online, it resumes by adding data from where it left off. Perfect.

            However, I am trying to simulate what would happen if the mule app crashed while processing the events.

            I ran some APEX to create 100 random contact records. As soon as I see it log the first flow in my app, I kill the mule app. My assumption here was that it would know where it left off when I resume the app, as if it was offline prior to the contact creation like in the previous test.

            What I have noticed is that it only processes the few contacts that made it through before I shut the app down.

            It appears that the events may be coming in so quickly in the flow input, that it has already reached the last replayId in the stream. However, since these records still haven't been added to my external database, I am losing those records. The stream did what it was supposed to do, but due to the batch of work the app is still processing, my 100 records are not being committed like the replayId reflects.

            How can I approach this so that I don't end up losing data in the event there is a large stream of data prior to an app crash? I remember with Kafka, you had to were able to commit the id once it was inserted into the database so that it knew that the last one you officially processed. Is there such a concept in Mule where I can tell it where I have officially left off and committed to the DB?



            Answered 2020-Sep-10 at 19:51

            Reliability at the protocol (CometD) level implies a number of properties. Chief among them is a transactional ACK(nowledgement) of the message having been received by the subscriber. CometD supports ACKs as an extension. Salesforce's implementation of CometD doesn't support ACKs. Even if it did, you'd still have issues...but the frequency/loss of risk might be lower.

            In your case you have to engineer a solution that amounts to finding and replaying events that were not committed to your target database. You do this using custom code or wiring adapters in Mule. Replay ID values are not guaranteed to be contiguous for consecutive events but they will be ordered. Event A with replay ID of 100 will be followed by event B with replay ID of 200.

            You will need to store a replay ID value in your DB. You can then use it on resubscription (after subscriber failure) to retrieve events from SF that are missing from your DB. This will only work if the failure window is small enough. Salesforce event retention window is currently at 24 hours for standard platform event license. Higher-level licenses allow for longer retention.

            Depending on the volume of data, frequency of events and other process parameters, you could get all of this out of the box with Heroku Connect. It does imply a Postgres DB on Heroku + licensing cost of HC and operational costs but most of our customers in similar circumstances find it worthwhile.


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