linux | Kernel tree containing patches for TCP Prague

 by   L4STeam C Version: testing-build License: Non-SPDX

kandi X-RAY | linux Summary

kandi X-RAY | linux Summary

linux is a C library. linux has no bugs, it has no vulnerabilities and it has low support. However linux has a Non-SPDX License. You can download it from GitHub.

This linux kernel repository contains the various patches developed in the context of the L4S experiment.

            kandi-support Support

              linux has a low active ecosystem.
              It has 7 star(s) with 4 fork(s). There are 7 watchers for this library.
              It had no major release in the last 12 months.
              There are 2 open issues and 5 have been closed. On average issues are closed in 18 days. There are no pull requests.
              It has a neutral sentiment in the developer community.
              The latest version of linux is testing-build

            kandi-Quality Quality

              linux has no bugs reported.

            kandi-Security Security

              linux has no vulnerabilities reported, and its dependent libraries have no vulnerabilities reported.

            kandi-License License

              linux has a Non-SPDX License.
              Non-SPDX licenses can be open source with a non SPDX compliant license, or non open source licenses, and you need to review them closely before use.

            kandi-Reuse Reuse

              linux releases are available to install and integrate.
              Installation instructions are not available. Examples and code snippets are available.

            Top functions reviewed by kandi - BETA

            kandi's functional review helps you automatically verify the functionalities of the libraries and avoid rework.
            Currently covering the most popular Java, JavaScript and Python libraries. See a Sample of linux
            Get all kandi verified functions for this library.

            linux Key Features

            No Key Features are available at this moment for linux.

            linux Examples and Code Snippets

            Installation (debian derivatives),Compilation
            Cdot img1Lines of Code : 39dot img1License : Non-SPDX (NOASSERTION)
            copy iconCopy
            # Try to use existing kernel config
            if [ -f /proc/config.gz ]; then
                zcat proc/config.gz > .config
                make olddefconfig
            else if [ -f "/boot/config-$(uname -r)" ]; then
                cp "/boot/config-$(uname -r)" .config
                make olddefconfig
            Installation (debian derivatives)
            Cdot img2Lines of Code : 8dot img2License : Non-SPDX (NOASSERTION)
            copy iconCopy
            sudo dpkg --install debian_build/*
            sudo update-grub  # This should auto-detect the new kernel
            # You can now reboot (and may have to manually s  
            Installation (debian derivatives),Performing experiments
            Cdot img3Lines of Code : 3dot img3License : Non-SPDX (NOASSERTION)
            copy iconCopy
            sysctl -w net.ipv4.tcp_congestion_control=prague
            # Enable Accurate ECN
            sysctl -w net.ipv4.tcp_ecn=3
            Returns True if the system is running on Linux .
            pythondot img4Lines of Code : 2dot img4License : Non-SPDX (Apache License 2.0)
            copy iconCopy
            def _is_linux():
              return platform.system() == "Linux"  
            Check if the current system is running on Linux .
            pythondot img5Lines of Code : 2dot img5License : Non-SPDX (Apache License 2.0)
            copy iconCopy
            def is_linux():
              return platform.system() == 'Linux'  

            Community Discussions


            Error: require() of ES modules is not supported when importing node-fetch
            Asked 2022-Mar-28 at 07:04

            I'm creating a program to analyze security camera streams and got stuck on the very first line. At the moment my .js file has nothing but the import of node-fetch and it gives me an error message. What am I doing wrong?

            Running Ubuntu 20.04.2 LTS in Windows Subsystem for Linux.

            Node version:



            Answered 2022-Feb-25 at 00:00

            Use ESM syntax, also use one of these methods before running the file.

            1. specify "type":"module" in package.json
            2. Or use this flag --input-type=module when running the file
            3. Or use .mjs file extension



            CentOS through a VM - no URLs in mirrorlist
            Asked 2022-Mar-26 at 21:04

            I am trying to run a CentOS 8 server through VirtualBox (6.1.30) (Vagrant), which worked just fine yesterday for me, but today I tried running a sudo yum update. I keep getting this error for some reason:



            Answered 2022-Mar-26 at 20:59

            Check out this article: CentOS Linux EOL

            The below commands helped me:



            Java, Intellij IDEA problem Unrecognized option: --add-opens=jdk.compiler/
            Asked 2022-Mar-26 at 15:23

            I have newly installed



            Answered 2021-Jul-28 at 07:22

            You are running the project via Java 1.8 and add the --add-opens option to the runner. However Java 1.8 does not support it.

            So, the first option is to use Java 11 to run the project, as Java 11 can recognize this VM option.

            Another solution is to find a place where --add-opens is added and remove it. Check Run configuration in IntelliJ IDEA (VM options field) and Maven/Gradle configuration files for argLine (Maven) and jvmArgs (Gradle)



            cannot import name '_registerMatType' from 'cv2.cv2'
            Asked 2022-Mar-17 at 14:47

            I got below error message when I run on Object Detection API:



            Answered 2021-Dec-31 at 03:38

            The same thing occurred to me yesterday when I used Colab. A possible reason may be that the version of opencv-python( does not match opencv-python-headless( Or the latest version 4.5.5 may have something wrong...

            I uninstalled opencv-python-headless== and installed and it fixed.



            How to open emulators in different windows at Android Studio (Bumblebee | 2021.1.1)?
            Asked 2022-Feb-22 at 19:06

            I have two running emulators but they open together in different tabs and in one single window.

            How to open them in two different window?



            Answered 2022-Feb-17 at 10:47

            File->Settings->Tools->Emulator, and uncheck Launch in a tool window Then they will open in their own stand alone windows again.



            Flutter Web: Cannot scroll with mouse down (drag) (Flutter 2.5+)
            Asked 2022-Jan-19 at 09:57

            I can confirm this issue happened in flutter above 2.5. Using 2.2.3 is fine. The question becomes why this feature been removed in 2.5 ? And how to enable it in flutter 2.5?

            [Origin Question]

            I'm using SingleChildScrollView on flutter web with desktop browser. Scrolling only works on mouse wheel but not on mouse click (drag). How can I map mouse click to touch and scroll like mobile?



            Answered 2021-Sep-18 at 12:19

            Flutter change mouse scroll behavior after 2.5. See this for detail.



            Python 3.9.8 fails using Black and importing `typed_ast.ast3`
            Asked 2021-Nov-17 at 08:17

            Since updating to python@3.9.8 we get an error while using Black in our CI pipeline.



            Answered 2021-Nov-17 at 08:17

            The initial error was a failing python Black pipeline. Black failed because it was pinned to an older version which now fails with python3.9.8.

            Updating black to the latest version 21.10b0 fixed the error for me.

            See also typed_ast issue #169:

            For others who may find this in a search, I ran into this problem via black because I had black pinned to an older version. The current version of black appears to no longer use typed-ast and thus won't encounter this issue.


            using the latest typed-ast version >=1.5.0 seem to work as well

            e.g. pip install typed-ast --upgrade



            Cannot update spyder=5.1.5 on new anaconda install
            Asked 2021-Nov-15 at 08:33

            I installed anaconda and spyder came with the installation. Spyder 4.2.5 came with the installation and I got a pop up notification that spyder=5.1.5 is available. I tried

            conda update anaconda

            conda install spyder=5.1.5

            and gets an error:

            Solving environment: failed with initial frozen solve. Retrying with flexible solve.

            I tried letting it run for more than 8 hours, but I had to cancel it because I got tired.


            conda install anaconda spyder=5.1.5

            and gets another error:

            `Solving environment: failed with initial frozen solve. Retrying with flexible solve. Collecting package metadata (repodata.json): done Solving environment: failed with initial frozen solve. Retrying with flexible solve.

            PackagesNotFoundError: The following packages are not available from current channels:

            • ananconda

            Current channels:

            To search for alternate channels that may provide the conda package you're looking for, navigate to



            Answered 2021-Oct-26 at 06:01

            (Spyder maintainer here) Our regular instructions to update Spyder don't work in this case because there are some incompatible dependencies between Spyder 5.0.5 and 5.1.5.

            To workaround this problem, you need to close Spyder and run the following commands in the Anaconda Prompt (or your system terminal on Linux or macOS):



            After conda update, python kernel crashes when matplotlib is used
            Asked 2021-Nov-06 at 19:03

            I have create this simple env with conda:



            Answered 2021-Nov-06 at 19:03
            Update 2021-11-06
            • The default pkgs/main channel for conda has reverted to using freetype 2.10.4 for Windows, per main / packages / freetype.
            • If you are still experiencing the issue, use conda list freetype to check the version: freetype != 2.11.0
              • If it is 2.11.0, then change the version per the solution, or conda update --all (providing your default channel isn't changed in the .condarc config file).
            • If this is occurring after installing Anaconda, updating conda or freetype since Oct 27, 2021.
            • Go to the Anaconda prompt and downgrade freetype 2.11.0 in any affected environment.
              • conda install freetype=2.10.4
            • Relevant to any package using matplotlib and any IDE
              • For example, pandas.DataFrame.plot and seaborn
              • Jupyter, Spyder, VSCode, PyCharm, command line.
            • An issue occurs after updating with the most current updates from conda, released Friday, Oct 29.
            • After updating with conda update --all, there's an issue with anything related to matplotlib in any IDE (not just Jupyter).
              • I tested this in JupyterLab, PyCharm, and python from the command prompt.
              • PyCharm: Process finished with exit code -1073741819
              • JupyterLab: kernel just restarts and there are no associated errors or Traceback
              • command prompt: a blank interactive matplotlib window will appear briefly, and then a new command line appears.
            • The issue seems to be with conda update --all in (base), then any plot API that uses matplotlib (e.g. seaborn and pandas.DataFrame.plot) kills the kernel in any environment.
            • I had to reinstall Anaconda, but do not do an update of (base), then my other environments worked.
            • I have not figured out what specifically is causing the issue.
            • I tested the issue with python 3.8.12 and python 3.9.7
            • Current Testing:
              • Following is the conda revision log.
              • Prior to conda update --all this environment was working, but after the updates, plotting with matplotlib crashes the python kernel



            What should happen if one calls `std::exit` in a global object's destructor?
            Asked 2021-Oct-28 at 07:46

            Consider the following code:



            Answered 2021-Oct-27 at 12:26


            If std​::​exit is called to end a program during the destruction of an object with static or thread storage duration, the program has undefined behavior.


            Community Discussions, Code Snippets contain sources that include Stack Exchange Network


            No vulnerabilities reported

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            You can download it from GitHub.


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