lifeline | Persistent shells through hidden background processes | Hacking library

 by   RickdeJager C Version: Current License: No License

kandi X-RAY | lifeline Summary

kandi X-RAY | lifeline Summary

lifeline is a C library typically used in Security, Hacking applications. lifeline has no bugs, it has no vulnerabilities and it has low support. You can download it from GitHub.

Lifeline is a reverse shell that’s designed to be hard to detect and hard to kill. It does this by spawning many dormant processes with randomized names that can take over when a shell is killed.

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              It has 8 star(s) with 2 fork(s). There are 3 watchers for this library.
              It had no major release in the last 6 months.
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              It has a neutral sentiment in the developer community.
              The latest version of lifeline is current.

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            lifeline Examples and Code Snippets

            Step 12: The
            Javadot img1Lines of Code : 29dot img1no licencesLicense : No License
            copy iconCopy
            	jshell> List.of(23, 12, 34, 53).stream().max((n1, n2) ->, n2));
            jshell> List.of(23, 12, 34, 53).stream().max((n1, n2) ->, n2)).get();
            	jshell> List  

            Community Discussions


            Python CoxPHFitter to extract hazard ratio and confidence intervals
            Asked 2022-Mar-15 at 12:28

            I am new to survival analysis and I have been reading many research paper where the authors report adjusted (age and gender) and unadjusted hazard ratios along with confidence intervals. I am currently using CoxPHFitter from lifelines python package but I am unable to extract hazard ratios. I have followed many links e.g. and but none of them give any details on how to extract hazard ratio along with confidence intervals for adjusted or unadjusted cox regression. Using the "baseline_hazard" does give hazard ratio for the intervals but no confidence interval (I am not sure whether this is the right variable to look at) The "confidence_intervals" provides the confidence intervals of the covariates but I am looking for hazard ratio of the fitted model. Can anyone please help me with this? I am new to this analysis



            Answered 2022-Mar-15 at 12:28

            The hazard ratios (labelled exp(coef)) and confidence intervals are available in the cph.summary, and in a prettier format with cph.print_summary().



            Relations between objects involved in an UML communication diagram
            Asked 2021-Nov-09 at 22:48
            In short

            In an UML communication diagram, the objects that interact with each other are visually connected with lines along which sequenced messages can circulate in both directions. Lines between objects usually represent links, i.e. instances of an association. But objects can exchange message even if they are not associated (e.g. if one object is passed as parameter or return to the other).

            I wish to represent such a message exchange between objects that are not associated. But I would like to disambiguate and clarify that there is no direct association between the involved objects. Do the UML specs allow to express this without creating user-defined stereotypes?

            Moreover do the current UML specifications define somewhere a term for the relation between objects in a communication diagram that interact ? And is it possible to further specify in the diagram how the communicating objects know about each other?

            More research done before asking the question

            I am currently re-reading "The UML User Guide, 2nd edition" by Grady Booch, James Rumbaugh and Ivar Jacobson, a great book that explains the UML specifications in reader-friendly plaintext. It's the updated UML 2 edition of the book and I could map back to the UML 2.5.1 specifications most of their claims.

            In chapter 16 on interactions however, they explain that objects communicate along links:

            A link specifies a path along which one object can dispatch a message to another (or the same) object. (...) If you need to be more precise about how that path exists, you can adorn the appropriate end of the link with one of the following constraints:

            • association: (...) object is visible by association
            • self: (...) object is visible because it is the dispatcher of the operation
            • global: (...) object is visible because it is in an enclosing scope
            • local: (...) object is visible because it is in a local scope
            • parameter: (...) object is visible because it is a parameter

            In chapter 19, they explain for communication diagrams that objects involved in the interaction are shown interlinked:

            you render the links that connect these objects as the arcs of this graph. The links may have rolenames to identify them. Finally, you adorn these links with the messages that objects send and receive.

            This seemed straightforward. So I looked for the corresponding UML 2.5.1 specifications:

            • Links are solely defined as instances of associations.
            • For communication diagrams, there is no mention at all in section 17.9 of links nor communication channels. Figure 17.26 shows interlinked objects (i.e. lifelines), but the lines linking the objects AND the arrows representing the messages along this line seem both to be graphically defined as "messages". This seems very ambiguous to me.
            • Moreover I have not found any reference to constraints, keywords or pre-defined stereotypes that could describe how the objects know about each other in a particular diagram and that could justify a communication channel between them.
            • I could find «association»,«local»,«global»,«parameter» (with the same meaning as above) defined as stereotypes in the obsolete UML 1.4 specification, but no longer in the current specs.

            Hence my question.



            Answered 2021-Nov-09 at 22:48

            The specification doesn't say this explicitely, but I think this is the definition of link used:

            Two objects are said to be linked, when they can interact with each other.

            There are several places in the specification that talk about links. The most general one I found in

            Each link may be realized by something as simple as a pointer or by something as complex as a network connection, and may represent the possibility of instances being able to communicate because their identities are known by virtue of being passed in as parameters, held in variables or slots, or even because the communicating instances are the same instance.

            From this I derived my simple definition.

            So, I disagree, links are not "solely defined as instances of associations". This misunderstanding probably stems from the fact, that specifying links with InstanceSpecifications is only possible for Associations: Each InstanceSpecification that wants to have slots for the linked InstanceSpecifications must have an Association as Classifier. But - links can be there even if they are not specified. And they can be specified by other model elements.

            These other link specifying model elements include connectors in composite structure diagrams or messages in interaction diagrams or attributes and parameters in class diagrams.

            Communication diagrams are just a way to show an interaction. They have the same underlying metamodel instances as a sequence diagram. Therefore, even though there are lines in between the lifelines, there is no corresponding model element. They are just there to have a place for attaching the message symbols (see Table 17.4 Graphic Paths Included in Communications Diagrams).

            It is possible for a message to reference a connector. So, you can view the line in the communication diagram as a visual representation of this connector. However, it is not necessary to model the connector explicitely. There are tools that will require a connector, but in the specification the connector is optional.

            As you say, there are no stereotypes to describe how objects know each other. You would need to define your own. However, there are other possibilities: A Lifeline represents a connectable element, which can either be a parameter or an attribute (or a variable, but nobody uses them). By looking at the represented attribute, you can find out, whether it is a global or local attribute and whether it is an association end.

            Having said that, there is a catch. Officially all represented elements must belong directly or indirectly to the context class of the interaction (same_classifier constraint in In most cases I encounter, this context is just the system. This means, all attributes must be global. I had a long conversation with the author of this section, and found out, that the idea was, that an interaction should belong to a collaboration and the connection to the system is via CollaborationUses and roleBindings. This is the reason, why MagicDraw automatically creates a Collaboration for each Interaction.

            This adds another level of indirection, which solves, as we know ;-) all problems in computer science. Fortunately, most tools don't enforce this rule, so we are free to let our lifelines represent attributes and parameters of real components of our systems.



            how do you represent this.println in a sequence diagram?
            Asked 2021-Oct-11 at 11:40
            public class ReportPrinter {
                public static void printStudentReport(Student s) {
                CorsoDiLaurea cdl = s.getCorsoDiLaurea();
                Carriera c = s.getCarriera();
                String a = s.getInfoAnagrafiche();
                this.println (a + "\n" + cdl.detailString() + "\nCarriera:");
                for(EsameSostenuto e: c.getEsamiSostenuti() ) {
                    this.println(e.nome + "-" + e.cfu + "-" + e.getVoto() );
                this.println ("Media: " + c.get.Media() );
              /*any code omitted */


            Answered 2021-Oct-11 at 11:39

            Well, yes. And no. It always depends on your audience. SDs are not meant for graphical programming but to show (more or less) collaboration between objects. Preferably only complicated ones. So you are asking for a triviality. And probably nobody is interested how the println will be worked at in the system stomach. Except you want to implement the println itself. So there are three ways. Either you create a lifeline for the according system object and pass that as a message. Or you simply (!) add a note that the result will be printed. Finally you can just skip it. The println itsef would be (I guess) of lessest interest and you are more about where the data for it will be derived from.

            In short: don't overdo SDs. KISS

            N.B. The create messages in your diagram go slightly upward. That's not so good (I haven't checked whether that's actually wrong). But time goes down in a SD. So that would be a time travel back. Either the messages are straight or they are down (if you want to show some timeing constraint).



            Private string becomes null when called from another method
            Asked 2021-Aug-23 at 03:45

            I am making a 'Who Wants To Be A Millionaire' game. I am at the later stages, and I am trying to store the user names and scores, but when I call getUser() from another method it comes up as null, I printed the value of getUser() out to make sure it actually storing the values. Here is my code



            Answered 2021-Aug-22 at 15:36

            Where do you call storeUserHighscore method ?

            Also, I believe the first if statement is un-necessary.

            refactor to be like this.



            Reindexing error when appending dataframes
            Asked 2021-Jul-29 at 15:21

            I am trying to append two data frames.

            The dataframes have duplicate columns which should be merged into one with new values added as extra rows.



            Answered 2021-Jul-29 at 10:18

            There is problem with duplicated columns names like here a, a columns, solution for deduplicated is use GroupBy.cumcount with DataFrame.stack for all DataFrames with duplicates:



            How to solve "TypeError: __array__() takes 1 positional argument but 2 were given" for Tensorflow CNN model?
            Asked 2021-Jul-01 at 03:19

            I am building a multi-input, single-output CNN using Keras's functional API. There are SMILE data inputs which are 1D sequences and Proteins, which are also 1D sequences. I have the following data types and structures:



            Answered 2021-Jul-01 at 03:19

            problem is with the input dimensions, Conv1D expects input of shape 3D but in this case it 2D.

            Conv1D needs to have a 3D shape data [batch_size, time_steps, feature_size]

            Example,If we provide for each of the 50 batch samples, for each of the 2 time steps, a 100 dimensional vector: Input data shape should be something like,



            Do UIViewControllers get destroyed and recreated in iOS during lifecycle events? Or do they simply get "re-attached"?
            Asked 2021-Jun-25 at 17:03

            Let us consider the following example subclass of a UIViewController



            Answered 2021-Jun-25 at 16:51

            The entire premise of your question is incorrect.

            The question and answer you cite are way outdated and wrong. Views are not magically unloaded and reloaded. viewDidLoad can never be called more than once by the runtime on a given VC instance, and using it for onetime early lifetime tasks is correct.

            As for your question itself: No VC will ever be forcibly destroyed by the runtime due to low memory. If your memory usage is excessive and you fail to reduce it, the runtime does not dismantle piecemeal the object structure of your app; it kills your entire app.



            Installed a package on command line and can import it via command line. Receive ModuleNotFoundError when importing in jupyter notebook
            Asked 2021-May-21 at 12:36

            I installed the python package lifelines on my terminal. The windows terminal is my terminal of choice, with a powershell and anaconda terminal that I often used.

            I tried installing the package using the provided commands in the documentation:

            pip install lifelines and conda install -c conda-forge lifelines

            Both times the installation is marked as successfull. When I run Python within the terminal I can import the lifelines package without problem. However whem I import it on a jupyter notebook it yields a ModuleNotFoundError.

            The base environment I use does not contain the lifelines package when I verify its contents using the Anaconda Navigator.



            Answered 2021-May-21 at 12:33

            The jupyter notebooks are run on Anaconda Powershell, and so are the environments and packages.

            Installing on the Windows Powershell will never work. Running the conda install -c conda-forge lifelines in the Anaconda shell solved the issue.

            So silly, yet so time consuming it is worth sharing.



            How do I find the best categorization for survival analysis?
            Asked 2021-May-19 at 12:44

            I have a question concerning survival analysis. However, I have the following data (just an excerpt):

            Now I am trying to do Survival Analysis with Python lifelines package. For example I want to find out if T-cells influence the Overall Survival (OS). But as far as I know, I need to categorizie the numer of T cells in different categories, like e.g. High T-Cell and Low T-Cell... Is that right? But how do I find out the best fitting Cut-Out? My plan is to show, that Tumor with High T-Cells have a better survival than low T-Cells. But how could I find the best cut-off-value to discriminate between High and Low T-Cell out of the data I have here.

            Does anyone has an idea? A friend of mine said something about "ROC"-Analysis but I am really confused now... I would be glad about any help!



            Answered 2021-May-19 at 12:44

            The transformation of continuous variables into categorical variables is far from obvious. A first approach can be based on the existing literature, especially in medicine/biology. A review of the existing literature may be sufficient to create these classes. Another method can be based on the empirical distribution of the T-Cells variable, sometimes highlighting an "obvious" categorization. The use of an ROC curve can be a good idea but somehow I don't think it is necessary. Categorizing your variable in Kaplan-Meier type survival analyses is necessary, but if you use Cox models there is no need to categorize this variable. So I would advise you to turn to Cox regressions to conduct your survival analysis. A Cox regression would allow you to add several predictors in your modeling as well as interaction terms, which is more convenient.



            How can estimate cox model with lifelines package?
            Asked 2021-Feb-24 at 16:46

            I want to estimate cox models but when I try to run the code ,I have an error. it seems this problem about the coxphfitter().does any one here that solve this problem. I think the lifelines library can not compute coefficients with ML method .So here I copy errors and sample code .I should to say I write the code just for example and inputs not reall.




            Answered 2021-Feb-12 at 12:18

            The given clearly states the problem:

            ConvergenceError: Convergence halted due to matrix inversion problems. Suspicion is high collinearity. Please see the following tips in the lifelines documentation: is singular.

            Without the real data I can't give any further advice. But the lifelines documentation gives a lot of advice on this issue:

            Convergence halted due to matrix inversion problems: This means that there is high collinearity in your dataset. That is, a column is equal to the linear combination of 1 or more other columns. A common cause of this error is dummying categorical variables but not dropping a column, or some hierarchical structure in your dataset. Try to find the relationship by: adding a penalizer to the model, ex: CoxPHFitter(penalizer=0.1).fit(…) until the model converges. In the print_summary(), the coefficients that have high collinearity will have large (absolute) magnitude in the coefs column. using the variance inflation factor (VIF) to find redundant variables. looking at the correlation matrix of your dataset, or

            This is very likely not an error caused by lifelines instead it is your data or how you apply the model on your data.


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