c-program | Some Basic C Programs

 by   arman-bd C Version: Current License: No License

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            Community Discussions


            How to improve divide-and-conquer runtimes?
            Asked 2021-Jun-15 at 17:36

            When a divide-and-conquer recursive function doesn't yield runtimes low enough, which other improvements could be done?

            Let's say, for example, this power function taken from here:



            Answered 2021-Jun-15 at 17:36

            The primary optimization you should use here is common subexpression elimination. Consider your first piece of code:

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/67987701


            Using 'new' to declare variables without using delete afterward in Qt
            Asked 2021-Jun-01 at 18:25

            From this post, I can conclude that there're 2 main ways (there may be other ways, of course) of declaring a new widget in Qt:

            1. Not using new keyword:


            Answered 2021-Jun-01 at 18:25

            All QObjects will delete their own child objects automatically. (See docs here.) QWidgets are QObjects. So as long as you establish a parent/child relationship, you do not need to manually delete your objects. To do that, simply pass a pointer to the parent object to the constructor:

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/67793467


            Improve HttpResponseMessage performance with async task
            Asked 2021-May-28 at 17:56

            I am implementing in the controller of C# Framework 4.7.2 API a method that must be asynchronous to unblock the thread (as mentioned in this article) of a heavy process so that the service can continue to serve requests from other clients, and when that process finishes return a response.



            Answered 2021-May-28 at 10:10

            You are misinterpreting that guidance.

            Your method is synchronous, and Task.Run is effectively mocking asynchronous behaviour by offloading the work to a Thread Pool thread.

            In an ASP.Net context, that thread is coming from the pool that is used to serve other requests, so whilst you are unblocking the current thread and releasing it back to the pool, you are instead borrowing another thread to do the work.

            This thread switching does not make any more threads available, but does introduce unnecessary overhead.

            What is the solution?

            Well, removing the call to Task.Run will introduce a slight performance improvement, but if your service does experience throughput issues you could persist the request to a queue to be picked up by another process, allowing your Method to return early and keep your API reponsive.

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/67736000


            CUDA grid dimension maxima - where are they defined?
            Asked 2021-May-27 at 16:19

            The CUDA programming guide gives non-device-specific maxima for grid dimensions in blocks: 2^31 - 1 for the x dimension, 2^16 - 1 for the y and z dimensions (table 15, as of CUDA 11.3).

            My question: Where are these values defined, in code? I also looked at the driver API entry on cudaLaunchKernel, and it doesn't mention such constants either. I searched for 65535, for "<< 16" and for "<<16" in the CUDA header files, and no luck there either.



            Answered 2021-May-27 at 16:19

            They are not defined in code. They are a property of the device, the checking is at runtime (this is easily demonstrable), and the checking is done against properties retrieved from the device in question.

            You can study the deviceQuery sample code to see how it might work.

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/67726060


            behavior when for-loop variable overflow and compiler optimization
            Asked 2021-May-22 at 11:30

            While reading http://blog.llvm.org/2011/05/what-every-c-programmer-should-know.html about undefined behavior in c, I get a question on this example.



            Answered 2021-May-22 at 10:12

            … then i will be assigned INT_MAX+1, which would overflow to an undefined value such as between 0 and INT_MAX.

            No, that is not correct. That is written as if the rule were:

            • If ++i overflows, then i will be given some int value, although it is not specified which one.

            However, the rule is:

            • If ++i overflows, the entire behavior of the program is undefined by the C standard.

            That is, if ++i overflows, the C standard allows any of these things to happen:

            • i stays at INT_MAX.
            • i changes to INT_MIN.
            • i changes to zero.
            • i changes to 37.
            • The processor generates a trap, and the operating system terminates your process.
            • Some other variable changes value.
            • Program control jumps out of the loop, as if it had ended normally.
            • Anything.

            Now consider this assumption used in optimization by the compiler:

            … the compiler can assume that the loop will iterate exactly N+1 times…

            If ++i can only set i to some int value, then the loop will not terminate, as you conclude. On the other hand, if the compiler generates code that assumes the loop will iterate exactly N+1 times, then something else will happen in the case when ++i overflows. Exactly what happens depends on the contents of the loop and what the compiler does with them. But it does not matter what: Generating this code is allowed by the C standard because whatever happens when ++i overflows is allowed by the C standard.

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/67647858


            Py_Finalize() resulting in Segmentation Fault for Python 3.9 but not for Python 2.7
            Asked 2021-May-18 at 17:53

            I'm working on a project which uses this C++ matplotlib wrapper matplotlibcpp.h.

            A minimal example using this original header file is



            Answered 2021-May-18 at 17:53

            I don't have an easy access to a Linux where I can test it, but I think I now understand what's happening.

            1. matplotlibcpp uses a static variable to hold the Python interpreter (see line 129 inside interkeeper(bool should_kill)). Like C++ static function variables, it's initialized on the first time the function is called and destructed on program's exit (reference).

            2. When main finishes, libc runs cleanup routines for all the shared libraries and for your program (that's __run_exit_handlers in the stacktrace). Since your program is a C++ program, part of its exit handler is destructing all the static variables that were used. One of them is the Python interpreter. Its destructor calls Py_Finalize() which is Python's cleanup routine. Until now, everything's fine.

            3. Python has a similar atexit mechanism that allows Python code from everywhere to register functions that should be called during the interpreter shutdown. Apparently, the backend matplotlib chose to use here is PyQt5. It seems to register such atexit callbacks.

            4. PyQt5's callback gets called, and crashes. Notice that this is internal PyQt5 code now. Why does this crash? My "educated" guess is that Qt's library exit handler was already called in step 2, before your program's exit handler was called. This apparently causes some weird state in the library (maybe some objects were freed?) and crashes.

            This leaves two interesting questions:

            1. How to fix this? The solution should be to destruct ctx before your program exits, so the Python interpreter is destructed before any shared libraries terminate themselves. Static lifetimes are known for causing similar problems. If changing matplotlibcpp's interface to not use global static states is not a possible solution, I think you really have to manually call plt::detail::_interpreter::kill() at the end of your main function. You should be able to use atexit() and register a callback that kills the interpreter before the library teardown - I haven't tested it though.

            2. Why did this ever work? My guess is that maybe something in PyQt5's callbacks has changed that now causes this crash, or that you use a different backend in Python 2. If no other library is destructively terminating before the program exits, this is fine.

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/67533541


            Modulo strength , want explanation in the algorithm used to compute the answer
            Asked 2021-May-18 at 06:23

            I was trying to solve the problem Modulo strength at hackerearth ,
            https://www.hackerearth.com/practice/basic-programming/implementation/basics-of-implementation/practice-problems/golf/modulo-strength-4/ ,
            so basically we have to find all such pairs of no. (say i,j) such that A[i]%k=A[j]%k where k is a no. given in the question ,
            i tried brute force approach and got time limit exceeded at some of the last test cases and
            in the discussion tab i found a code which is working but i couldn't understand what exactly it does, and the underlying thinking behind the algorithm used.



            Answered 2021-May-18 at 06:18

            Let's first go through with the purpose of every variable in the code.

            The purpose of n,k,s is explicitly given. a[n] is for reading the numbers in array. std::vectorv(k,0) stores k sized vector of 0's, and v[i] indicates the number of variables in a[n] for which a[j]%k==i.

            In the last loop, the following has done. The number of pairs that can be constructed with n elements is n*(n-1) (basic combinatorics), and if we have v[i] numbers for which the condition is satisfied and a[j]%k==i the number of pairs that can be constructed is v[i]*(v[i]-1). The loop sums up the number of pairs for every remnant i.

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/67580619


            Qml ListView from C++ QAbstractListModel with QThread processing
            Asked 2021-May-12 at 18:08

            I found a QML ListView sample using a C++ QAbstractListModel. However, it took a while to fetch the list model's data and waiting popup was freezing. So, I tried to use QThread samples (a, b, c) in the cpu intensive task sample.

            Then, I got the below errors, when a different thread (ThreadHandler::process()) tried to fetch the model data in the main thread (PersonModel::requestPersonData()).

            QObject::connect: Cannot queue arguments of type 'QQmlChangeSet' (Make sure 'QQmlChangeSet' is registered using qRegisterMetaType().)

            My question is how to add data into the QAbstractListModel from the different QThread's function. Or is there any way to handle the time consuming list model due to the large data?

            Here is the reproducible code. (Qt 5.12.10 MSVC2015 64bit, Qt Creator 4.14.2. windows 10)

            Thanks in advance.




            Answered 2021-May-12 at 18:08

            Since the model is related to the view then you cannot modify it directly from another thread. In this case it is better to create a signal that sends the information to the model:


            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/67508666


            Int array accept 1 more element in c than declared size
            Asked 2021-May-11 at 22:03

            I have an integer array with size 5. The problem is that the array accept 6 elements as opposed to 5. But when i print the array out i get the desired output. ie; with 5 elements. Why does this happen?

            These were some of the questions which showed some similariy to my question... but the fact is that these are somewhat advanced for me with classes, structures ect... And also most of these questions talked about character array but my question is of integer array (PS: I don't know if that really matters)

            Array with only 1 element storing more than it should

            Why allocate an array of size 1 more than the requested size?

            Array contains more elements than declared size. Why does it do that?

            C program displaying more characters than array size

            I tried furthur searching and the closest answer i got was : "Array may not be properly null terminated." but i don't know anything about integer delimiter except for string delimiter which is "\0" i believe;



            Answered 2021-May-11 at 07:19

            In C, array bounds are not checked in any way. Therefore, you can freely try to access an element outside the size of the array. However, doing so is undefined behavior and may cause your computer to shoot demons out of your nose.

            So, while working on arrays, you must yourself ensure that you only access elements in the array. You will get no error from the compiler if you do this wrong.

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/67481998


            Can "printf" be used as a variable name?
            Asked 2021-May-11 at 05:40

            Rules for variable names in C are as follows:

            1. A variable name can only have letters (both uppercase and lowercase letters), digits and underscore.
            2. The first letter of a variable should be either a letter or an underscore.
            3. There is no rule on how long a variable name (identifier) can be. However, you may run into problems in some compilers if the variable name is longer than 31 characters. (source: [https://www.programiz.com/c-programming/c-variables-constants])

            I'm wondering about whether, theoretically, if a single underbar(_) or double underbar(__) be used as a variable? and can printf or scanf be used as a variable?

            While playing with the c compiler(Dev C++) and linux Ubuntu Vi, even if I used the above as a variable name, there weren't any errors or warnings.

            The code I used is as follows:



            Answered 2021-Mar-24 at 05:58

            yes, they can be used. see:

            The code:

            Source https://stackoverflow.com/questions/66775397

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